My name is Corey Smith from Class 5A The theme that

My name is Corey Smith from Class 5A . The theme that my

group was tasked with was technology, and my topic is "What are the effects of cyberbullying on teenagers?". My first source is a newspaper article "Cyberbullying is a growing threat" by Andrea Martin-Swaby, which was published June 25, 2016. My second source is also a newspaper article "A punch at cyber bullying" by Hodine Williams and Andrae Campbell, which was published October 31, 2016. My third source is a song "web of no return" by Stephanie Healy, which was publicly released March 2, 2013. The genre for my oral presentation will be a speech.

Did you know that bullied victims are 2 to 9 times more likely to

consider committing suicide than non-victims? For some background information cyberbullying is simply bullying that takes place over digital devices that have access to the internet like cellphones, computers, and tablets .

Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, Text, and apps, or online in different forms of social media , forums, gaming or any platform where people can view, participate in, or share content.

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Cyberbullying involves the process of sending, posting or sharing ;negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else. This could be sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation. Although I lacked prior knowledge before choosing this topic it peaked my interest because it is a growing problem in society at this very moment in time. Cyberbullying has many effects on its victims and I will be talking about three of those many effects. One effect cyberbullying has on its victim is they may feel isolated and depressed.

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Another effect is they will lose interest in school and extracurricular activities. Another effect that is a result of all other effects is that victims might feel the need to self harm or even commit suicide.

Cyberbullying can sometimes cause teens to be excluded and ostracized at school. This experience is particularly painful because friends are crucial at this age. Having friends is very crucial to the development of a child's character. Friendships help children develop emotionally and morally. In interacting with friends, children learn many social skills, such as how to communicate, cooperate, and solve problems. They practice controlling their emotions and responding to the emotions of others. The lack of friends in the victim's life will cause them to feel isolated and alone. This feeling will bring even further depression into the victim's life. The lack of friends can even lead to more bullying. What's more, when cyberbullying occurs, most people recommend shutting off the computer or turning off the cell phone. But, for teens, this often means cutting off communication with their world. Their phones and their computers are one of the most important ways they communicate with others. If that option for communication is removed, they can feel secluded and cut off from their world. This depression and feeling of being alone can lead to other effects like not wanting to go to school.

Cyberbullying victims often have much higher rates of absenteeism at school than non-bullied kids. They skip school to avoid facing the kids that bully online them or because they are embarrassed and humiliated by the messages that were shared. Their grades suffer, too, because they find it difficult to concentrate or study because of the anxiety and stress the bullying causes. And in some cases, kids will either drop out of school or lose interest in continuing their education after high school. By going to school one will inevitably learn something throughout their years in kindergarten and elementary, especially high school and college, if attended, compared to someone who does not pursue a higher echelon of learning. For example, someone who attends school 5 days a week, 8 hours out of the day for 9 months will retain a significant amount of information compared to someone who does not have education being imparted on them.

When cyberbullying is ongoing, victims often relate to the world around them differently than others. For many, life can feel hopeless and meaningless. They lose interest in things they once enjoyed and spend less time interacting with family and friends. And, in some cases, depression and thoughts of suicide can set in. Cyberbullying increases the risk of suicide.3? Kids that are constantly tormented by peers through text messages, instant messaging, social media, and other outlets, often begin to feel hopeless. They may even begin to feel like the only way to escape the pain is through suicide. As a result, they may fantasize about ending their life in order to escape their tormentors.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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My name is Corey Smith from Class 5A The theme that essay
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