My Memorable Biology Class Experience

My Memorable Biology Class Experience


            I have had many memorable experiences in my biology class but there is one particular experience that stands out from the rest. This experience will forever be in mind for years to come. This paper will look at my previous experiences in school and the reason why this particular experience in biology class stands out from the rest.

            It was one morning that after out biology classes that out tutor told us that we would proceed to the laboratory to carryout some experiments.

In the previous one moth, we were studying cell and organizational biology. This topic was of much interest to me because it gave me a chance to learn about different biological mechanisms and the interrelationships between different cells in organisms. After the lesson, our teacher divided us into groups of three and every group was supposed to look for an animal to dissect. I and other members of out group decided to dissect a minks and carryout out tests to establish whether there were traces of mercury or other substances in its tissue.

            When the time came to go to the laboratory, we went out in search of a minks.

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Every group member went out in search of a mink within the neighborhood. It did not take long before one member of our group caught one. Afterwards, we went into the laboratory to start carrying out our experiment. On arrival, we found that we were the first group to start working on their experiment.

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Mike, one of our group members assembled all the required tools and equipment. We dissected the creature and started studying its tissue to establish the presence of any harmful substances. After some time, we were joined by theupperclassmen who were doing their capstone research.This was such special time for me because it offered me a chance to get the much needed experience in research.This is such a memorable experience for me because it was the first time that I dissected an organism and carried out tests on its tissues.In addition, this was such a memorable and surreal experience for me because it was the first time that I completed a hands-on undertaking and not merely sitting at a table looking through a microscope. It also gave me a chance to carryout research in a truly productive manner.


            The first major memorable experience in the biology class was studying cell and organizational biology. I found this unit to be very interesting therefore confirming my deep love for biology. More specifically, I was very much fascinated to learn about different biological mechanisms and the interrelationships between different cells in organisms. The other memorable experience in the biology class is getting the chance to carryout research with upperclassmen for their capstone research. This provided me with a chance to earn the much needed experience in research. During our joint research sessions, we would dissect minks and carryout a number of tests on their tissue to establish whether there were hints of mercury and other substances. This is such a memorable experience for me because it was the first time that I dissected an organisms and carryout tests on its tissues.


Alberts, B. Johnson, A. Lewis, J. RaffM. Roberts, K.& Walter, P.Molecular Biology of the Cell (4th ed.). Garland, 2002. Print.

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Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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My Memorable Biology Class Experience essay
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