Music of Psychedelic Rock Band

Throughout the history of time, music has actually altered, grown, and developed into lots of special and different genres and broken off into many interesting instructions. Among one of these rather recent and unique groups comes the category of psychedelic rock portrayed by groups like Dr. Pet dog and Wilco. Psychedelic rock is thought about questionable just due to the fact that of its origin and the routines it produces, motivates, and symbolizes in present day culture. The category of psychedelic rock uses ragas, which literally suggests "color" or "shade", and the drones of Indian music to create its individual and mood boosting sound.

This category is a design of rock that originates from the cultures of the United States in addition to the UK in 1960's in which the use of psychedelic or hallucinogenic drugs were popular.

This music is indicated to show the feeling and impacts of the typical drugs and to replicate the experience of a trip from particular drugs such as marijuana, peyote, mescaline, and LSD.

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This pattern began in America initially in San Francisco, California and gradually spread out through the nation. This category of music still exists today and one type of that music is from the band Dr. Dog which stems from West Grove, Pennsylvania and includes 5 members, Tony Leaman who plays the bass, Scott McMicken who is the lead guitarist, Frank McElroy who also plays the rhythm guitar, Zach Miller on the keyboard, and Eric Slide on the drums. Much of this music is relaxed and tranquil, not as much hype and energy as common rock.

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To develop something as unique as that of Psychedelic rock, or acid rock, there are specific instruments that are utilized to carry out the noise.

Frequently used instruments in these type of bands include the electric guitar, percussion, keyboards, and exotic instruments such as the tabla and the sitar. These unique instruments include a new aspect that was never ever discovered in western culture prior to. These brand-new kinds of foreign instruments produce a new noise and sensation for the listener. Because the entire point of psychedelic rock is to recreate the awareness of a high from specific drugs, it has lots of social problems that occur with it.

Many of the songs of this genre allude to the use or effects of drugs and the music resembles that emotion. The dissonance of the tones within each song creates the feeling of a drug effect and adds to the large subculture of the twentieth century. Although the music did not necessarily encourage the use of drugs to listen to the music, it had a profound effect on people of that generation. The hippie subculture of the sixties and the seventies were some of the people that surrounded this type of music.

That doesn’t mean that they had to do drugs, but it means they most likely did. These were the people who went against the societal norms and expectations of the era and were engaged in music like psychedelic rock. The lyrics to most of Dr. Dog’s songs are quite ambiguous. Each song has a meaning that’s personal to the individual who is hearing it. What the listener takes away is something of their own perception and thought process. Through my own interpretation of the lyrics, this part of a song called “The Breeze” refers directly to why this type of music is controversial.

Updated: Jul 03, 2020
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Music of Psychedelic Rock Band essay
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