Military Bearing Short

Categories: Professional Soldier

Military bearing is the way in which a military officer carries themselves. It's about the way you hold yourself, and the way you walk. It's about looking professional, neat and organized.

Army military bearing shows how a soldier conducts himself on duty. It encompasses his level of professionalism when dealing with others and his approach to military situations. Soldiers who do not exhibit military bearing are subject to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
Maintaining self-control and being accountable for actions is the mark of a soldier with good military bearing.

Arguing with superiors, ignoring Army standards and permitting rule-breaking are not consistent with military bearing.

Discipline of Others

A soldier with military bearing does not yell at subordinates; rather, he calmly instructs them and helps them rectify their mistakes.

Taking Appropriate Action

Military bearing includes taking the appropriate action in the absence of orders. When a soldier encounters a new situation, he takes the action he would have been instructed by a superior to take, without complaint.

Addressing Superiors

When being addressed by a superior, standing at the position of attention or the position of parade rest are good examples of military bearing.


Soldiers' behavior in public directly reflects on the Army.

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Acting professionally at all times and being polite to civilians is an example of good military bearing.

Other Situations

Any action that would be considered disgraceful to the Army or other branches of the military is not an exhibition of good military bearing. For example, a soldier in uniform should never be drunk, lewd or disrespectful to people or property.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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