Migration: City and Rural Areas

Migration of individuals from villages and small cities to Huge cities have provided chance to find tasks and earn their living which was not possible to do in the small cities or villages, as the huge companies and factories are mostly located in the capital cities or big cities. But the migration has its own problems, which can impede the advancement of the capital and large cities. In below paragraphs, we will go over a few of the wide variety of problems produced by the migration in the large and capital cities of India.

At first the most typical problem faced by huge cities is extreme real estate deficiency.

Due to a great deal of people flocking into the cities the demand for your houses have gone up beyond the limit (set by its resources and system) of the cities. Mega cities look like "over blown villages without city culture and metropolitan practical qualities." Due to scarcity of homes bad individuals are forced to reside in shanty towns or streets (Gimba and G.Kumshe, 2011), as they can not manage the rising rates in the homes.

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This case is clearly noticeable in the city of Mumbai, where 62% of population lives in run-down neighborhoods due to severe real estate shortage (B. Jain, 2010). To get rid of this issue, administration must make "Garden cities" around the big cities in order to accommodate the migrated people and also to fix the problem of housing deficiency in the big cities (A. Blakeman, 2012). This service does not have any disadvantages due to the fact that the concept of garden cities can get rid of the problem of housing shortage to a huge extent given that accumulating the positives of both big cities and rural locations makes these cities really reliable and established.

The second most common problem of migration is rise in unemployment in the large cities, which further leads to the increase in poor standard of living, and also poor hygienic conditions in the cities.

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Employment, by far, remains the biggest cause of migration for the people in rural areas (P.K. Singh, 2010). They create pressure on the job market, as they are willing to work on the lower wages, they dent the prospects of the locals in the city (P.K. Singh, 2010), leading to rise in unemployment and slums in the city. Governments should shift its factories and also establish vocational training centres to provide training to the youth for self-employment, which will offer job opportunities to the people living in rural areas so that they do not migrate to the metropolitan cities (Gimba and G.Kumshe, 2011). Despite of having so much rewards of this solution there is one limitation of this solution i.e. jobs in the metropolitan cities might start to decline, as jobs provided by government factories will shift to the rural areas.

So, after examining the problems of Migration of people from rural areas to urban areas and also giving some propositions to these problems and assessing these solutions, we can see that despite the some drawback of one of the solutions they might contribute a lot in improving the problems of metropolitan and capital cities and remove the huge socio-economic burden from the large and capital cities caused due to migration.

References: -

- Alexandra Blakeman. (2012). Will Garden Cities solve our housing crisis?. Available: http://blog.housingspecification.com/will-garden-cities-solve-our-housing-crisis/. Last accessed 28th Nov 2012. - Bhavika Jain. (2010). 62% of Mumbai lives in slums: Census. Available: http://www.hindustantimes.com/India-news/Mumbai/62-of-Mumbai-lives-in-slums-Census/Article1-614027.aspx. Last accessed 28th Nov 2012. - Pravin Kumar Singh. (2010). Migration in India - a cause of socio-ethnic friction. Available: http://www.policyproposalsforindia.com/article.php?article_id=201&languageid=1. Last accessed 26th Nov 2012. - Zainab Gimba, Mustapha G. Kumshe. (2011). CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF RURAL-URBAN MIGRATION IN BORNO STATE: A CASE STUDY OF MAIDUGURI METROPOLIS. Available: http://www.ajbms.org/articlepdf/ajbms_2011_1130.pdf. Last accessed 28th Nov 2012.

Updated: Feb 23, 2021
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Migration: City and Rural Areas. (2017, Feb 01). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/migration-city-and-rural-areas-essay

Migration: City and Rural Areas essay
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