Media and Entertainment Increases Violent Behavior

In opening, I do believe, in fact, that media and entertainment such as video games, do have a big part in violent behavior from younger ages. Research on violent television and films, video games and other media shows evidence that media violence increases violent behavior in younger age groups. The evidence is clear within the most researched and pinpointed topic, television and film violence. The video-game research has the same outcome. The media in certain aspects is very essential to younger ages brains and behavior

Firstly, short-term media violence does, in fact, cause physical, emotional, and verbal aggression.

Recently, a large-scale study provided evidence linking violent media in childhood with aggressive behavior in adulthood, including physical assault and marital abuse. Because of the recent studies in these certain fields, the world can now see how much of a factor media indefinitely shows on behavior.

Secondly, theory’s and other research also ask the question, “when does exposure to media violence increase aggression and violence?”.

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Media violence produces lifetime effects in many types of learning processes. For example, aggressive language, aggression-supporting beliefs about social behavior, and by reducing individuals self esteem. Also, many of the characteristics of viewers and certain media content can influence the degree to which media violence affects aggression, but there are some inconsistencies in research results.

Thirdly, Recent theory’s reveal a very unpleasant presence of violence in modern media. Many children and younger ages spend an unhealthy amount of time watching violent media and playing violent video games.

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Although study has shown that reducing media exposure violence will reduce aggression and violence, it is less clear what sorts of other reductions could slow the aggression from media down. The research suggests that parents are likely to yield beneficial effects, but that media literacy interventions by themselves are unsuccessful. Also, though the debate over whether media violence increases aggression and violence is essentially over, some questions and answers are left unsaid. Though, a large-scale study would help specify effects of media-violence on the more severe types of violence. Meeting this challenge would be difficult and undefined in different aspects.

Also, in the views of reality shows and reality television. Several different celebrities and celebrity shows cause a massive effect on all age groups violent tendencies. The shows are very vivid, and brutal to young eyes and contain aggressive behavior, language, and physical abuse as much as verbal. These reality shows such as, “Keeping up with The Kardashians” and “Jersey Shore” are the main stream harmful shows that many children watch. Research shows that children watch these shows due to the fact their parents watch them too. In my opinion, parents show watch what kind of shows their children watch and what kind of media is making it into their radar, at school or at home.

In addition, Aggressive behavior is measured by scientists in a number of different ways and categories. Most of the studies looked at self-reports of hitting or pushing, and some looked at parent or teacher ratings on aggressive behaviors. Also, other studies looked at how likely an individual was to be an unpleasant exposure to other individuals. Aggressive behavior is everywhere, not just the media. Video games also play a massive role in physical and verbal aggression in young adults and children. physical aggressive behavior after playing violent video games is becoming more frequent. Unfortunately, few studies have been completed on violent video game exposure and aggression in children under age 10. There is also little information about the impact of violent video game exposure on 95 percent of young children. There have not been many studies on the effects of different characteristics of video games. However, some studies have found that competition among players in video games is a massive factor in aggressive behavior than is the level of violence inside the video game. The studies do indicate that games that involve other aggressive behaviors in the argument. The advent of video games raised new questions about the potential impact of media violence, since the video game player is an active participant in the media violence act. Ninety-seven percent of children ages 12-17 play video games on a computer, on consoles such as, Playstation and Xbox, or on portable devices such as smartphones and tablets. Many of the most popular video games, such as “Call of Duty” ,“Grand Theft Auto”, and “DOOM” are violent, however, as video game technology is interchanging and new and do have of video game violence than other forms of media violence. Still, several parental reviews have reported negative effects of exposure to violence in video games. In contrast, I do believe that studies show in fact the media and video game violence does affect behavior in all age categories. The research and study show most definitely that this increase in long term behavior for younger ages is bad for both the child and others around. The media and video games needs to watch what is going on there shows, ads, and watch what certain people they have on the show.

Updated: Oct 11, 2024
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Media and Entertainment Increases Violent Behavior essay
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