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Happiness. Happiness is what every being on this planet craves deeply for. Everything that we do at it's purest level is for happiness. Maybe for others, maybe for ourselves, but nevertheless, happiness. Now, the reason this is such an important concept to understand is because it explains why every human has ever done anything. To be happy is the ultimate desire of mankind
Hello, my name is Charlotte Daffey. I am a year 7 student, currently studying at Our Lady of Mercy College.
It's peculiar, isn't it? The more things that we see, the more things that we want. Material things can't make us happy, despite this, we live in a world where materialism runs rampant through the streets, catching the eyes of all those who are searching for happiness and don't know where to find it. Living in a world like this can make you feel empty inside, so to combat that feeling you go and buy more. Materialism is ruining our lives - and we don't even realise it.
Take it from me, a 12-year-old girl.
My generation will be the one of the first in history to live their entire lives under the influence of social media. This platform is among the leading causes of materialistic mindsets among youth. Not only does the advertising that teens see on a daily basis play a role, but we have equated our self-worth and the worth of others to the materialistic quantitative data and product placement viewed online. Often when we purchase something we want, we're not actually buying that thing; we are trying to buy the feeling that we think we're missing out on.
When what many of us are actually looking for is recognition, popularity and self-worth.
Together as a society, we have co-created and been sucked into the world of materialism. Things, objects, items, to nice houses - which are just big fancy boxes in which our bodies reside in. We worship things that look nice, that are shiny, that are advertised as products that will make made us look less like humans and more like barbie dolls. Humans are creatures of the eye so it's natural to a certain extent for us to like things based upon what they look like. However, when we take a moment to reflect upon what these things are doing to our mindset and remember that each and every one of us has the ability to make a massive impact on the planet and change the lives of thousands of people, by not giving in and wasting money of things that we don't need. How has it gotten to the point when it is normal to have the tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than moral values.
When we tell ourselves that when we purchase items, we'll be happy. We're basically just delaying and postponing our happiness based on some material thing. If we don't love what we do every day, it won't matter what we have; you could have all the most amazing things in the world, but if you don't love who you are and you don't love what you do, nothing can replace that feeling. We all know that you can't buy those feelings of self-worth, you have to build them, you have to create them, you have to find them.
A happy life is more important than anything someone can buy in a store. It's not a physical thing, nor is it materialistic. It's life, and you only live once so you need to make the best of it, and enjoy the little things. If you could just make a little less room for the materialistic things that can be replaced and a little more room for memories to be made.
Materialism in Our Society. (2019, Nov 30). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/materialism-in-our-society-example-essay
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