“The Veldt” is a science fiction short story by Ray Bradbury. The story is about a family who lives in a house with walls that are made of screens. The screens can project any scene that the family wants to see. The family has a nursery where the walls are made of screens. The nursery can project any scene that the family wants to see. The family is having a problem with their children. The children are spending too much time in the nursery. The parents think that the children are spending too much time in the nursery because they are not getting enough exercise. The parents are also worried that the children are becoming too attached to the nursery. The parents decide to turn off the screens in the nursery. The children are upset and they start to cry. The parents think that the children are upset because they are not getting enough exercise. The parents decide to turn on the nursery again. The children are happy and they stop crying.
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