“Looking For Alaska” is a novel by John Green. The novel is about a teenage boy named Miles Halter who attends a boarding school in Alabama. He is a shy and introverted student who is not very popular with his classmates. Miles is fascinated by the life of a famous poet named Francois Rabelais, who is known for his hedonistic lifestyle. Miles decides to attend the boarding school in order to discover what “The Great Perhaps” is, as Rabelais had said.
At the school, Miles meets a girl named Alaska Young. Alaska is beautiful, popular, and wild. She is everything that Miles is not. The two become friends, and Miles falls in love with her.
One night, Alaska dies in a car accident. Miles is devastated. He blames himself for her death and decides to leave the school.
Miles eventually returns to the school and finishes his education. He learns that life is full of hardships and that we must find our own way to cope with them.
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