Essays on Indian Horse

Indian Horse
Original title Indian Horse
Author Richard Wagamese
Genre Drama
Language English
Characters Saul Indian Horse , the protagonist of the story, a young Indigenous boy who is taken from his family and sent to a residential school, Richard Wagamese , the author of the book, Mrs Paul , Saul's teacher at the residential school, Mr Paul , the principal of the residential school, Albert ...
Published 2012
ISBN 978-0-345-80233-1
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

This book is about a young Canadian boy named Saul Indian Horse. Saul is a member of the Ojibway tribe and is sent to a residential school, where he is forced to convert to Christianity and give up his Native ways. At the school, Saul is introduced to the game of hockey and quickly becomes a star player. However, the racism of the time means that Saul is not allowed to play on the same teams as white players.
Saul eventually runs away from the school and returns to his tribe. He eventually becomes a professional hockey player, but the racism he faces means that he is not able to achieve the same level of success as white players. Despite this, Saul is able to use his skills to help his team win the Stanley Cup.

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FAQ about Indian Horse

How The Society Is Depicted in Richard Wagamese’s Novel Indian Horse
...Society can be very complicated and finding it has become something that people grow from or that tears them down. Richard Wagamese chose to talk about certain group of society the way he did because it was what made up the story line and what affect...
How Minor Characters Affect the Character Development of Saul in Indian Horse
...Saul receives a tremendous amount of support from minor characters that shape aspects of his personality. Members of the hockey team encourage and guide Saul throughout his growth and recovery. As a result, they have a great influence on his persona ...
Indian Horse: How Trauma Rooted from Abuse Affects Health
...As told in the novel Indian Horse, it is entrenched repeatedly how trauma grounded from abuse can have adverse effects on someone's health. This can affect someone’s mental, emotional, and physical stability mentally and may never leave them. Richa...
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