Essays on Hills Like White Elephants

Hills Like White Elephants
Original title Hills Like White Elephants
Author Ernest Hemingway
Genre Short Story
Language English
Characters The American and the girl
Published Aug-27
ISBN 0-7432-6483-7
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

About Hills Like White Elephants Book

The story “Hills Like White Elephants,” which Ernest Hemingway wrote in 1927 and originally published in the journal transitions, was later included in the author’s collection of short stories titled “Men Without Women.”

It is one of the most well-known short stories that Hemingway ever wrote, and it features many of the writing methods that are characteristic of Hemingway’s work, such as minimalism, direct dialogue, and indirect character development.

The narrative is almost exclusively made up of conversation, with only a few instances of narrative description here and there. A man and a woman are shown at the story’s beginning, waiting for a train in the Spanish countryside. They are seated at a table outside a train station and anticipate it will carry them to Madrid from Barcelona.

Book Summary

Hills Like White Elephants summary tells the story of a young American man and a young Spanish woman who fell in love in Spain which is told in the bookHills Like White Elephants.” It takes place in Spain and narrates the story of their romance there.

Because of the problems that have developed between them, the man makes an effort to convince the woman to get an abortion so that they can put an end to their relationship. The young girl agrees to have the procedure if doing so will increase man’s devotion to her.

She withdraws from his presence to take in more of the surrounding scenery. She talks to him in a mocking and mournful tone, expressing the need for the entire world to be theirs and her wish for the entire world to be theirs.

Hills Like White Elephants Quotes

Some of the quotes from the story Hills Like White Elephant are as follows:

  •     “You don’t have to be afraid. I’ve known lots of people that have done it.” “So have I,” said the Girl. “And afterward they were all so happy.”
  •     ” There was no shade. … The station was between two long rails in the sun. “
  •     “That’s all we do, isn’t it—look at things and try new drinks? “
  •     “‘They look like white elephants,’ she said. “
  •     “‘It’s really an awfully simple operation, Jig,’ the Man said. ‘It’s not really an operation at all.’ “
  •     “No it isn’t. And once they take it away, you never get it back. “
  •     “‘But I don’t want you to,’ he said, ‘I don’t care anything about it.'”
  •     “Would you please please please please please please please stop talking?”
  •     “That the train is coming in five minutes. “
  •     “He … looked at the people. They were all waiting reasonably for the train. “
  •     “‘I feel fine,’ she said. ‘There’s nothing wrong with me. I feel fine.’ “
  •     “I think it’s the best thing to do. But I don’t want you to do it if you don’t really want to.”
  •     “The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white. “
  •     “We’ll be fine afterward. Just like we were before.”

Essay Structure On Hills Like White Elephants

The structure for an essay on “Hills Like White Elephant” can be seen below.


It’s commonly agreed that the opening paragraph of your essay is the most important. The reader can get a far better sense of whether or not your essay will be engaging to them after reading the beginning.

Briefly discuss why you feel this is an important issue and how it has affected your life as it relates to the essay’s main theme. You can also discuss the essay’s theme’s effect on the essay.


There should be a clear concentration on one idea per paragraph in the essay’s main body. Your argument should include three main points that relate to your thesis. Provide a Hills Like White Elephants analysis, but don’t ramble on and on about the subject.

The same holds while composing a lengthy paper. You might, for instance, have two or three primary divisions, each with a different amount of paragraphs. However, new paragraphs should still be introduced at appropriate places in your argument or when introducing a new topic in these sections.


When writing the conclusion to your essay, you should not include any new information that was not previously included in the main body of the paper. In conclusion, you have the opportunity to summarize the problem and present a condensed version of it in the form of an executive summary.

One of the qualities that this individual possesses is the ability to be brief and to summarize any points in a form that is easy to absorb. A mention of the thesis statement and a restatement of its main points should be included in the conclusion.

Tips To Consider While Writing An Essay About Hills Like White Elephants

Even if you have ample time and resources at your disposal, writing an essay can feel overwhelming. Here are some of the best guidelines to help you choose a topic, start writing, and polish your work before submitting it.

Read The Book Thoroughly

If you need to write an essay about a book, it is always a good idea to read all available summaries, no matter how many times you’ve already read them. To fully grasp the story, one must zero in on its most crucial elements.

Reading and analyzing crucial information is a prerequisite to taking any further steps. References in your bibliography should come from various sources, including online articles, dictionaries, books, and newspapers.

Find A Compelling Topic

There are a few points to remember when deciding on an essay topic. If you can choose any topic for your paper, choose one with many resources available to help you learn more. Do not hand in a half-finished narrative essay; instead, give yourself plenty of time to brainstorm subjects and develop an outline before delving into research.

 Create The Outline

To elaborate on a relevant point is one of the most crucial things to think about since it enables the reader to comprehend the link between the story and the subject matter you have chosen. It includes writing briefly and from a clear point of view.

Also, using clear and crisp language, with frequent descriptive words and phrases. A handy dictionary in which one can look up synonyms and new words is an excellent instrument for ensuring that an essay will turn out well.

Write The Thesis Statement

This statement paints the big picture for the reader and sets the stage for the rest of the work, making it the most crucial part of the introduction paragraph. It is typically written near the end of the introductory paragraph to give the essay greater impact. It’s the central idea that the rest of the paper develops from.

Be sure to pick your topic before attempting to develop a thesis statement. After that, give as much thought as possible to remember the event you’ll be writing about. To write about it, put yourself in your readers’ shoes and ask yourself what you would do. Also, the Hills Like White Elephants theme can help you create your essay’s thesis statement.

Introducing the Main Characters and Setting

Make a concentrated effort to depict the story’s essential plot points and components vividly. Everyone who played a significant role in the case’s conclusion must be made public in as much detail as possible.

Be sure to bring up the location of the scene you’re discussing because it affects the movie’s ambiance. The reader’s perception of your characters and the story’s overall concept may be shaped by the facts you give them in the form of background information.

Conclusion: Proofread Your Work

Knowing that the dialogue punctuation may look strange to you is important. Ensure that quote marks and character names are utilized properly whenever the speaker’s name changes and that you keep track of every word a character says.

Always read the material several times to check for faults and ensure that each paragraph flows naturally into the next. Use the proper methods to fix the text’s spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes

Frequently Asked Questions:

     I.        What is the story all about Hills Like White Elephants?

In the story Hills Like White Elephants, Ernest Hemingway describes a man and a lady waiting at a Spanish train station while drinking beer and anise liquor. The male is pushing the idea of an abortion on the woman, but she is on the fence.

    II.        Does the Girl have the abortion in Hills Like White Elephants?

This essay compares and contrasts several critical readings of the ending of Hemingway’s short tale “Hills Like White Elephants” and argues that the protagonist ultimately decides to go through with the abortion to continue her relationship with the protagonist’s boyfriend.

   III.        What happens at the end of Hills Like White Elephants?

Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants” has been read individually for decades: the protagonist gives in to her partner’s demands that she must have an abortion. New interpretations of the story’s conclusion appeared in the 1980s.

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FAQ about Hills Like White Elephants

The Significance of What is Left Unsaid in Hills Like White Elephants
...In conclusion, Ernest Hemingway's "Hills Like White Elephants" masterfully employs the technique of the unsaid to delve into the complexities of human relationships, communication, and decision-making. Through the minimalist dialogue, symbolism, and ...
What ‘Hills Like White Elephants’ Reveals?
...When the girl says "Would you please, please, please, please, please, please, please stop talking,"' (Hemingway) her victory is indicated. The abortion will not be performed and the realization of her independence form the man has been attained. In t...
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