Learning from a New Experience

Categories: Life experience

As human beings, we learn most of the things that we know from experience. New experiences give us new knowledge, enabling us to correct our mistaken beliefs in the past and to increase our awareness. It is only proper to open ourselves to new experiences so that we can be able to acquire better knowledge and to align our actions and thoughts with the right things in life, making us better individuals in the process. I recall a previous incident in my life where I learned a couple of new things.

At first, I was hesitant to give myself the chance to encounter a new experience because I was afraid of the possible consequences that can be harmful on my part.

However, I was assured by my friends that there was nothing to worry about because, in the first place, what we were about to do was not a bad thing.

We decided to proceed with cleaning our backyards as a group, transferring from one backyard to another.

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We lived in a small neighborhood so the task was not entirely difficult although I would have to say it felt physically exhausting.

The reason for that is because I rarely help in doing the chores in our house.

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Prof. Emily
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Since I was busy most of the time attending to my academic requirements and to my friends, I had very little experience in cleaning the house, let alone sweeping the leaves in the backyard. With the help of my friends, we were able to clean our respective backyards.

As an individual, I was able to learn a few things about keeping the house clean and maintaining the neatness of my surroundings.

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Moreover, I was able to fulfill the task and to have fun at the same time.

I enjoyed cleaning my own backyard and the backyard of my friends since the fun moments seemed to lighten our load. I was wrong in thinking that I will only tire and dirty myself without getting anything important in return. In fact, I learned the simple things that can be done in order to keep our backyard clean. While they may be simple, I am fairly certain that such little knowledge is precious enough to help me as I grow older. I might get dirty and tire myself from time to time, but I think what is more important is the thought of having clean and healthy surroundings for a clean and healthy life.

From that incident, I can confidently say that it is important to open ourselves to new things so that we can acquire new experiences. It is never enough for us to settle with what we already know and hold on to that knowledge until we grow old. If there are much better things to learn, I cannot see any reason why we should resist change. However, we should make sure that the new experiences that we are about to try are experiences that are not only beneficial but are also good. Trying new experiences that are inherently harmful and bad should not be taken just for the sake of trying.

In my case, cleaning the backyard was a new experience for me and I tried it with the full confidence from my friends that it was not a bad thing to do. On the contrary, it was both beneficial and good. It is only natural for human beings to try and be open to new experiences since it is part of our natural instinct, I think, to understand and learn what is yet unknown. If we hold ourselves back from experiencing new things that could help us along the way, we deprive ourselves of the chance to become better individuals.


Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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Learning from a New Experience. (2016, Dec 04). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/learning-from-a-new-experience-essay

Learning from a New Experience essay
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