Labeling Theory in the A Class Divided Experiment

Categories: A Class Divided


The "A Class Divided" experiment, conducted by educator Jane Elliott in 1968, stands as a landmark demonstration of the power of labeling theory and its profound impact on social behavior. This experiment, rooted in the broader field of sociology, unraveled the intricate mechanisms of how labels and stereotypes can shape individuals' perceptions and actions. Through this essay, we will explore the underpinnings of labeling theory, delve into the "A Class Divided" experiment, analyze its implications, and reflect on the broader societal context that underscores the theory's significance.

Labeling Theory: A Theoretical Framework

Labeling theory, a prominent sociological perspective, posits that individuals and groups are not intrinsically deviant or criminal but become so through the application of societal labels and stigmatization.

The theory gained prominence during the 1960s and 1970s as scholars sought to challenge traditional notions of crime and deviance. According to Howard Becker, a key proponent of labeling theory, societal reaction plays a pivotal role in defining individuals as "deviant." Labeling theory underscores the importance of the societal response to certain behaviors and how these responses can amplify and perpetuate negative stereotypes.

The "A Class Divided" Experiment

In the wake of Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination in 1968, Jane Elliott, a third-grade teacher in Riceville, Iowa, sought to impart a lasting lesson on her students about the perils of discrimination and prejudice.

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She devised the "A Class Divided" experiment, dividing her class into two groups based on a seemingly arbitrary criterion: eye color. On the first day, Elliott declared that blue-eyed children were superior to brown-eyed children and provided preferential treatment to the blue-eyed group.

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The roles were reversed on the second day. Through this experiment, Elliott aimed to simulate the dynamics of discrimination and expose her students to the power of labeling.

Implications of the Experiment

Elliott's experiment yielded profound insights into the impact of labeling and stereotyping. On the days when the blue-eyed children were designated as superior, they exhibited increased confidence and dominance, while the brown-eyed children internalized feelings of inferiority. Academic performance, behavior, and self-esteem were all influenced by the labels imposed upon them. Furthermore, the children swiftly adopted the prejudiced behaviors and attitudes expected of their designated group, demonstrating how societal labels can lead to self-fulfilling prophecies. The experiment showcased the rapidity with which individuals conform to the roles assigned to them, illustrating labeling theory's tenet that societal reactions can influence self-identity and behavior.

Relevance in Society

The "A Class Divided" experiment reverberates far beyond the confines of a classroom. Its implications echo in contemporary discussions of racial profiling, gender bias, and other forms of discrimination. Labeling theory helps elucidate the mechanisms through which prejudiced attitudes are internalized and perpetuated. In an era where social media and mass media amplify labels and stereotypes, understanding the power of these constructs is imperative.

Critiques and Limitations

While labeling theory provides valuable insights, it also faces criticisms and limitations. Critics argue that the theory may oversimplify the complex nature of deviant behavior and downplay the role of individual agency. Additionally, labeling theory does not fully account for the initial motivations behind certain behaviors and tends to focus predominantly on societal reactions.


The "A Class Divided" experiment remains a poignant exemplar of labeling theory's tenets in action. Jane Elliott's pioneering effort to demonstrate the malleability of human behavior under the influence of labels and stereotypes has indelibly shaped discussions on discrimination, prejudice, and societal reactions. By recognizing the profound effects of labeling and stigmatization, we can foster a more empathetic and inclusive society, where individuals are not judged by preconceived notions, but rather by their intrinsic worth and capabilities. As we reflect on the lessons learned from this experiment, let us remain vigilant in challenging the biases that labels can perpetuate and strive toward a world where every individual is free from the constraints of prejudiced categorizations.

Updated: Aug 16, 2023
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Labeling Theory in the A Class Divided Experiment. (2023, Aug 16). Retrieved from

Labeling Theory in the A Class Divided Experiment essay
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