JFK: A Man of the People

Categories: A Man of the People

Despite his untimely death in 1963, John F. Kennedy, war hero and 35th president of the United States, left behind a remarkable legacy that is still regarded as one of the most influential men of the twentieth century. Notable for delivering the line “Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country” in his inauguration speech, Kennedy was a revolution in motion. (Dallek, John F. Kennedy: An Unfinished Life, 1917-1963, 2003.) In this analysis I will delve into his experience as a Navy sailor, his contributions to the United States, and the views of modern historians as they reflect on his achievements during his time in the public eye.

Born into a privileged family on May 29, 1917, Kennedy was born into a family with strong ties to politics.

Despite the last name that got him into elite prep schools, Kennedy was not a strong student and was quite an underachiever. He did, however, shine during his time in the Navy.

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During an attack by the Japanese that left his boat destroyed he managed to rescue part of his crew by physically pulling them to the shore - swimming for five hours to save the men he worked with. Sadly, tragedy struck the Kennedy family around this time. His brother Joe, who was also a member of the armed forces, was killed in the line of duty due to an explosion at the same time he was being praised as a hero. (Cotterill, JFK: The Making of a President, 2017.) This would be the driving force behind his decision to begin the journey towards presidency, as he promised his father that he would become the first Catholic president.

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(Dallek, John F. Kennedy: An Unfinished Life, 1917-1963, 2003.) Kennedy climbed the political ladder quickly. After leaving the U.S. Navy in 1944, he was elected to Congress in 1946, two years later becoming a house member, two years after that joining the senate and then in 1960 he was elected as the youngest President to take office to this day. (Cotterill, JFK: The Making of a President, 2017.)

A compassionate man, Kennedy’s short time in office was impactful in ways that are still important to this day. A major goal of his was to take care of his people and ensure they were all being treated justly, no matter their race, gender or financial standing. In March of 1961, just two months into his Presidency, he created the Peace Corps - a foundation that has helped thousands upon thousands of individuals and multiple countries to develop past what they were able to on their own. It is because of this organization that there have been modern developments in underprivileged countries, which has allowed the inhabitants to have better living environments. Despite growing up with wealth, Kennedy was sympathetic of the poor and worked to create laws that would help lower, and eventually eliminate entirely, the poverty line. (Dallek, John F. Kennedy: An Unfinished Life, 1917-1963, 2003.)

He passed the Fair Labor Standards Amendment of 1961 which allowed the minimum wage to increase for the first time since 1938. (CQ Almanac, Kennedy Wins Minimum Wage Victory, 1961.). As mentioned previously, he worked to provide equal opportunities and was a huge supporter of the Civil Rights, even signing multiple executive orders in attempts to outlaw segregation. This would pave the way to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 being put into existence. (Hersh, The Dark Side of Camelot, 1998.) John F. Kennedy did not show away from what is right in favor of what is easy. He did not let failure or humiliations or tragedy get in the way of the bigger picture he had for the American people.

The views of historians on Kennedy were largely positive, although considering he was one of the most scandalous men to inhabit the White House, he has not come out completely unscathed in the eyes of all. Historian Richard Reeves says, “[Kennedy] is a cultural figure, not a political figure. He changed the way Americans thought.” This ignites the idea in one’s brain that Kennedy was the man behind so many important changes that America went through during the last twentieth century. One man had the ability to change the way millions of Americans think. He goes on to say, “The presidents we remember and know, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, and probably Obama too, are men who understood that words are often more important than deeds.” (C-SPAN.org, Historians Perspectives of President Kennedy, 2011.) This is impactful because it is likely that that fateful inauguration speech is what got Americans listening.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy was a force to be reckoned with and overcame a slew of odds to become one of the most famous men and admired presidents to ever grace our country. While he could have lived under the shadow of his last name and its predecessors, he chose to make it a household name. It is doubtful that there are any Americans who know not of his bravery in the Navy nor the remarkable contributions he worked for during his presidency, and it is that legacy that will ensure his name will long be remembered generations to come.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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