Musical Tapestry of the UF Jazz Band Concert


The UF Jazz Band Concert held at the esteemed University Auditorium was an animated and enchanting musical extravaganza that left a lasting impression on the audience. This comprehensive account aims to delve into the multifaceted dimensions of the concert, from the composition of the musical ensemble to the intricate performances by both the jazz band and the University of Florida Jazz Choir.

Musical Ensemble and Performers

The concert commenced with the vibrant ensemble of the UF Jazz Band, a collective manifestation of musical prowess.

Comprising five saxophone players, four trumpet players, and five trombone players, the band formed a dynamic rhythm section with guitar, piano, drums, and bass players. The stage came alive with the melodies skillfully produced by saxophonists John Milado, Dustin Ferguson, Ben Greer, Monica Bello, and Gregory Snider, along with trumpeters Sean Bokinsky, Mark Kindy, Anthony Bobo, and Bobby Polidan. Playing the trombones were Kevin Hicks, Nick Arnheim, Brandon Allen, Adren Hance, Corbin Robeck, and Mark Doerffel.

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The rhythm section featured noteworthy musicians like Harrison Barron on guitar, Lincoln Antonio, Mitchell Morlock, and Jason Bontrager on piano, and Benny Cannon, Ethan Harman, and Jonathon Foster on drums, with Keegan Musser and Nate Garland on bass.

Jazz Choir Performance

The concert's dynamic was further enriched with the inclusion of the University of Florida Jazz Choir, directed by Jean Hickman and comprising eight singers. This segment offered a delightful interlude, introducing a unique vocal dimension to the overall performance. The Jazz Choir's rendition of two songs during the jazz band break, "The Look of Love" by Zegree and "It Don’t Mean a Thing if It Ain’t Got That Swing" by Edenroth, provided a harmonious contrast to the instrumental pieces, showcasing the choir's versatility and vocal finesse.

Piano Solo and Jazz Band Performances

The transition from the Jazz Choir set the stage for a remarkable solo performance by Lincoln Antonio on the piano, an exquisite introduction that set the mood for the jazz band's subsequent pieces.

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Antonio's adept piano skills were seamlessly interwoven into the fabric of the concert, alternating with the equally proficient pianists Mitchell Morlock and Jason Bontrager. The jazz band's repertoire unfolded with the emotionally charged original composition "Needing You" by the band's director, Scott Wilson. This piece, detailing Wilson's personal journey to his wife, provided not only musical richness but also a narrative depth that resonated with the audience.

Following this, the band delved into "Slow Heat" by Neil Slater, a piece characterized by its somber and deliberate pace. The saxophone solo by Ben Greer in this composition added a layer of brilliance to the performance. The concert continued with the upbeat "Just Friends" by Rob McConnell, where trumpet play took center stage, and the rhythm section, propelled by piano and drums, carried the momentum. The seamless transition to "Softly as in a Morning Sunrise" by Sigmund Romberg showcased the band's ability to traverse diverse musical styles, delivering a smooth and enjoyable jazz piece.

The repertoire further expanded with "Without a Song" by Youmans, infusing an upbeat yet somber atmosphere. The coordination of instruments and the soft humming of the saxophone contributed to the cheerfulness of the piece, propelled by the rhythmic cadence of the piano. Throughout these performances, individual saxophone and trumpet players, such as Kevin Hicks on the trombone and Ben Greer on the saxophone, showcased their virtuosity, adding personal touches to the collective brilliance of the band.

Jazz Choir Performance

Building on the earlier foundation laid by the Jazz Choir, their performance of "The Look of Love" and "It Don’t Mean a Thing if It Ain’t Got That Swing" added a vocal layer to the concert's tapestry. The execution of these songs demonstrated the choir's exceptional cohesion, with the first song performed entirely a cappella, showcasing the singers' vocal precision and harmony. The second song, accompanied by a subtle piano in the background, revealed the choir's adaptability to different musical arrangements.

Final Jazz Band Performances

The climax of the concert unfolded with the jazz band's rendition of "Magic Flea" by Sammy Nestico and the iconic "Sing Sing Sing" by Louis Prima. "Magic Flea" initiated with a rapid tempo, a cacophony of instruments converging to create an enthralling musical experience. The show reached its zenith with "Sing Sing Sing," a timeless jazz classic that captivated the audience, drawing them into the spirited conclusion of the performance. The band's energy and passion were palpable, transcending the expectations typically associated with a college jazz band.


In retrospect, the UF Jazz Band Concert transcended the conventional expectations associated with university-level performances. The musicians, under the direction of Scott Wilson, demonstrated a level of skill and passion that elevated the concert to a remarkable standard. From the soothing piano solos to the dynamic interplay of instruments in the jazz band's repertoire, and the harmonious contributions of the Jazz Choir, each component of the concert added a layer of richness to the overall experience. As a participant in the audience, the concert proved to be an excellent and gratifying journey into the world of jazz, leaving an indelible mark on all those fortunate enough to be a part of it.

Updated: Feb 16, 2024
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Musical Tapestry of the UF Jazz Band Concert. (2016, Oct 26). Retrieved from

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