Issues With Effects of Information Technology

Categories: Cyber Security

Information technology continues to evolve while changing the way we live and work. Over the past decade this technology has surpassed all expectations and is still in a constant state of change. Technology has revolutionized the way we communicate and conduct business. These revolutions provide significant benefits to society; however, these constant advancements can create significant problems for IT managers. Rapid changes require constant continuing education. Complacency creates significant complications and potential security concerns. IT managers are expected to navigate the constantly changing world of technology.

IT Managers have access to a vast amount of information providing them with a significant source of power, with this power comes a tremendous amount of responsibility.

In this field it is critical that one takes ownership of their job. Technology never stops changing and it is the responsibility of the IT manager to ensure they stay up to date with all of these changes. Falling behind the technology curve can create catastrophic disruptions for the IT manager and any company directly involved.

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Cloud computing is a significant concern when one is not up to date with current technology. A majority of the risks involve security, data leakage, and legal issues. There are a multitude of cloud servers and each has its own risks. Mitigation of these risks involves understanding the technology and creating security programs. Setting up a security program with multiple layers helps to provide security; this ensures there is not a single point of failure which can significantly reduce these risks. (Gupta, Laxmi, & Sharma, 2014).

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Lack of continuing education and complacency can destroy credibility and cost a company millions of dollars. Technology will continue to grow along with the associated security risks.

The complexity and continuous advancements in technology create multiple cybersecurity risks. Hacking has become more prevalent over the past decade and it continues to evolve with technology. IT professionals are expected to provide strategies and protocols to combat cybersecurity risks. Massive amounts of classified data are stored on computers and if compromised could create significant problem for the business and the IT manager. One major issue is that hackers have time on their side. IT and security professionals produce safeguards and firewalls to protect private information. These safeguards need to be constantly updated and improved as technology expands. Hackers work to find a loophole in the security and once a weakness is found the information is compromised. Security professionals need to create safeguards that protect the system against thousands of different hacking techniques.

Over the years the number of cybercrimes committed continue to increase. Cybercrime is estimated to cost American companies upwards of 250 billion dollars per year while creating an overall distrust within the system (Maass & Rajagopalan, 2012). Cybercriminals can attack specific computer systems along with employees. Another common trend for cybercriminals is phishing which focuses on exploitation of a human rather than a weakness within the system (Robb, 2014). IT managers need to prevent attacks on the system itself and the employees within the company. When it comes to information technology there are many different groups working together to protect this data. Involving multiple departments helps to provide the best security but can also generate issues for the IT manager.

Information technology requires multiple groups working together towards a common goal. IT managers are responsible for the data stored on specific systems. Depending on the company this data can be classified or private. Protecting this data while working with other departments and individuals creates privacy concerns and control issues. Controls are put in place to control data access and individuals within the company. This concept is an attempt to influence individual behaviors by monitoring, implementing policy, security validation, and many others (Cram, Brohman, & Gallupe, 2016). Controls can be as simple as monitoring the individuals who log into the system; the process seems simple but provides issues when dealing with multiple departments and changing technology. When working within a new department one might experience a gap between known processes. Technology advancement results in the need for new controls. Constant updates are necessary to ensure security and privacy are protected. The policies created need to be current and accurate with the technology being used; if the technology changes these processes need to be updated to match. Information technology requires constant education to ensure accuracy, security, and functionality.

Technology continues to evolve and change society. The constant growth provides a wealth of knowledge and many advantages to society. While this evolution is beneficial it provides significant obstacles for IT managers. Information technology involves data storage and sharing. Cybercrime rates continue to grow and this data is a prime target. IT managers are responsible for protecting this data and maintaining privacy. While security is everyone’s responsibility the IT manager is responsible for setting up safeguards and controls. Hacking is another concept that continues to change; cybercriminals continue to adapt with the changing technology and produce new techniques to steal information. Defending against cybercriminals involves extensive knowledge and predicting any possible weakness within a system. Controls need to be updated constantly to reduce these weaknesses and to provide accurate information. Complacency is not an option, lack of training and continuing education can potential cost millions of dollars. Falling behind the technology curve reduces the overall change of success for a company.


1. Cram, A. W., Brohman, K., & Gallupe, B. R. (2016). Information Systems Control: A Review and Framework for Emerging Information Systems Processes. Journal of the Association for Information Systems,17(4), 216-266. doi:10.17705/1jais.00427

2. Maass, P., & Rajagopalan, M. (2012, August 1). Does Cybercrime Really Cost $1 Trillion? Retrieved July 21, 2018, from

3. Robb, D. (2014, June 24). Preventing Hacker Attacks. Retrieved July 21, 2018, from

4. Sharma, S., Gupta, G., Laxmi, P. R., & R., P. (2014, March 22). A Survey on Cloud Security Issues and Techniques. Retrieved July 22, 2018, from

Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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Issues With Effects of Information Technology. (2024, Feb 12). Retrieved from

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