Information Technology in Government Decision-Making

In contemporary governance, the significance of informed decision-making cannot be overstated. As Milakovich and Gordon underscore, the utilization of information technology plays a pivotal role in aiding bureaucrats in the decision-making process. This essay delves into various examples of how information technology can enhance decision-making, exploring the impact of technology on political forces, campaign strategies, and administrative reforms.

1. Technological Influences on Political Decision-Making

Political decisions are often swayed by immediate concerns rather than long-term administrative values. Milakovich and Gordon highlight this phenomenon, citing competitive political forces that compel elected representatives to prioritize short-term gains (p.431).

A case in point is President Bush's election, where he strategically utilized the failures of the preceding administration to bolster public trust. The foundation of Bush's Presidents Management Agenda (PMA) rested on the use of performance data for budgetary and programmatic decisions, aiming to enhance the efficiency of federal agencies (p.431).

Conversely, the Obama campaign pledged a different approach, leveraging information communication technology, including social media, to diminish the influence of special interest groups and foster citizen engagement in decision-making (p.434).

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The Technology, Innovation, and Government Reform (TIGR) working group, comprised of tech-industry professionals, emerged as a key initiative during this era. Tasked with creating a twenty-first century government, TIGR aimed to harness technology for economic growth, job creation, and national problem-solving (p.436).

2. Productivity and Information Theory in Decision-Making

Productivity, defined as the measurable relationship between results and resources, serves as a critical metric for evaluating organizational efficiency. In the realm of government, it necessitates a focus on the effective use of resources and the tangible impacts of policies.

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Milakovich and Gordon emphasize the challenge of measuring outputs in certain programs and functions, stressing the need to assess needs for improved resource distribution (p.422).

Information theory, a modern organizational perspective, posits that organizations require a continuous influx of information for systematic and productive functioning. A lack of information, as argued by Milakovich and Gordon, can lead to operational chaos (p.165). Decision-making, an integral facet of governance, involves not only choosing a course of action but also expending resources with the expectation of gaining something desirable (p.194).

The decision-making process encompasses the assessment of potential gains, ongoing monitoring, and the reduction of uncertainties and risks. Risks in routine decision-making may arise when decision-makers fail to reconsider existing assumptions, potentially leading to unintended consequences (p.195). Central to effective decision-making is the availability of both quality and quantity of information. Decision-makers must be well-informed to make reasoned choices, and the postponement of decisions for additional information can mitigate the risk of errors (p.205).

Moreover, decision-making involves attempts to bring about change to achieve gains through a specific course of action, requiring the expenditure of resources. Social media, identified as tools fostering various types of interdependency, have become instrumental in connecting individuals based on common interests, friendships, kinships, and financial exchanges (p.421). In this context, productivity and results measurement concerns are becoming increasingly pertinent, especially in the public's awareness of the limited resources available for policy implementation.

Information communication technology (ICT), encompassing various forms of new media technology connecting internet users with service providers and websites, has become a driving force in societal transformation. Its methods include communication protocols, transmission techniques, communication equipment, and systems for computer storage and information retrieval (p.12). As ICT advances, its pervasive influence on societal structures and decision-making processes becomes increasingly evident.

3. The Role of Information Communication Technology (ICT)

Advances in information communication technology (ICT) have revolutionized decision-making processes within government organizations. Social media, categorized as tools fostering various types of interdependency, have become instrumental in connecting individuals based on common interests, friendships, kinships, and financial exchanges (p.421). The impact of ICT extends beyond decision-making, permeating every aspect of human life as it continues to advance.

ICT's influence on organizational structures is notable, as emphasized by Weber's characterization of the ideal bureaucratic organization, which prioritizes precision, speed, knowledge of files, and continuity (p.214). In the organizational context, technology acts as both a driver of change and a reflection of human actions and reactions. The integration of ICT in public organizations aims to cultivate a low entrepreneurial ethos, fostering higher effectiveness through the swift retrieval and processing of vast amounts of information (Dewett & Jones, 2001).

Moreover, ICT's impact on decision-making is significant. The technology facilitates improved communication channels, increasing the number of decision-makers within public organizations. The quality of ICT and bureaucratic characteristics synergistically influence organizational effectiveness. As productivity and results measurement concerns continue to grow, public awareness of limited resources available for policy implementation becomes paramount.

Information communication technology encompasses various forms of new media technology connecting internet users with service providers and websites. Its methods include communication protocols, transmission techniques, and communication equipment, along with systems for computer storage and information retrieval (p.12). As ICT advances, its pervasive influence on societal structures and decision-making processes becomes increasingly evident.


In conclusion, the incorporation of information technology in government decision-making processes is a multifaceted and evolving phenomenon. The examples highlighted in this essay underscore the transformative impact of technology on political decisions, campaign strategies, administrative reforms, and the overall efficiency of government agencies. The intricate interplay between information theory, productivity, and the use of ICT further emphasizes the need for a well-informed decision-making process in governance.

As we navigate the complex landscape of modern governance, the role of information technology continues to expand. Decision-makers must adapt to the changing dynamics, leveraging technology not only to enhance efficiency but also to foster citizen engagement and transparency. The challenge lies in striking a balance between immediate political considerations and long-term administrative values, ensuring that decisions are not only politically sound but also rooted in the effective use of resources for the betterment of society.

The ongoing evolution of information technology demands continuous exploration, as it shapes the future landscape of decision-making in government. The integration of social media, the utilization of big data, and the advancements in communication protocols all contribute to the evolving nature of governance. Embracing these technological advancements is essential for staying abreast of societal changes and ensuring that government decision-making remains adaptive, transparent, and ultimately beneficial for the citizens it serves.

Updated: Jan 02, 2024
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Information Technology in Government Decision-Making. (2016, Mar 24). Retrieved from

Information Technology in Government Decision-Making essay
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