Is it Good to Listen to Music While Studying?

Music has become part of our everyday life. Listening to music with your headphone can block out distractions, relieve stress and help you focus better on your exam. Every time you are in a testing environment, there is always something that will divert your attention, like someone coughing, or a pencil falling. Next thing you know, all you can think about is that noise and you zone out for about 1 minute. With music, you won't hear those noises so easily. Some studies have shown that students who listened to music while taking the exam often have their productivity increased and their stress decreased and also they could answer the test very easily.

For those reasons, our school should allow students to listen to music with their headphones during exam time.

Listening to music in headphones can prevent students to be distracted, It can help the student to stay on topic and as well as block outer distraction sources. The main point is that you can listen to your own music without anyone else being able to hear it.

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Therefore not taking any attention away from other students and making the whole class silent. This would increase the performance of the whole class on the exam and individuals ones as well.

Listening to music while taking exams also helps students focus by having a background noise that they are familiar with and will be comfortable opens up one critical part of your brain called the long-term memory, Which can help you concentrate on the problem that you are working on.

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Most of the students say they improve their memorization and they can recall certain things base on the background music they were listening to likely by creating a positive mood, which indirectly boosts memory formation.

Music gives students the opportunity to relieve themselves of the stress they build up preparing for their exams. music is soothing and has a unique link to our emotions. It can be extremely effective in soothing and calming humans when stress gets to them.
With the amount of pressure on students, listening to music is a great way to solve bad moods when focusing on the exam.

As many students are stressed out before or during exam time listening to music is a great way for them to calm down or focus on their exams and relieve that pressure, therefore our school should allow students to listen to music with their headphones during exam time.


Updated: Dec 12, 2023
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Is it Good to Listen to Music While Studying?. (2020, Oct 17). Retrieved from

Is it Good to Listen to Music While Studying? essay
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