Inventor of the Video Cassette Recorder

Charles Paulson Ginsburg is credited with being the inventor of the Video Cassette Recorder (VCR). He grew up in San Francisco and attended San Jose University where he received a Bachelor’s Degree and went on to work as a radio transmitter. He then got a position at the Ampex Corporation where he worked a lot with tape recorders. Tape recorders were used for recording, but had to run at very high speeds in order to capture the frequency needed for video.

Ginsburg worked on a type of recorder that could capture video images while running at lower speeds, and it was called a Videotape Recorder (VTR).

The brand was the Ampex-VRX-1000, and it was sold for $50,000. The first network to use a VTR was CBS, and the first VCR (which came from the VTR) was sold in 1971 (“Charles”). The VCR has influenced my life in a very positive way. Apart from just renting videos for entertainment or to relieve boredom, I have been able to use it to enter the world of marine biology.

I have always been interested in the ocean and the things it contains.

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I love sea creatures and the way they interact in the water. Without the under-water discovery videos and the video cassette recorder in which to play them, I would never have had the chance to pursue my interest in the sea. The videos have allowed me to become an explorer along with the divers and the photographers who risk their lives to bring back interesting information about the sea.

Because of the knowledge that I got from the videos, I have found an interest that will have an impact on how hard I work in the next few years so that I might become a marine biologist.

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I owe this to the under-water explorers, and to Charles Paulson Ginsberg who allowed them to record what they saw.

Work Cited

“Charles Paulson Ginsburg: Engineer, Inventor of the Video Cassette Recorder (VCR). ” http://www. engology. com/eng5ginsburg. htm

Updated: Feb 23, 2021
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