Internet of Things (IoT) and Vertical Farms - Singapore


In early 2019, the Singapore Food Agency has announced the target of producing 30 percent of Singapore's nutritional needs by 2030. The government will also be investing 144 million dollars to boost the research and develop of the agri-food industry [1]. The main reason for such action is because 90% of Singapore food is imported, which shows that Singapore's food security has a strong reliance on other countries. Therefore by having greater self-sustainability, Singapore is investing heavily on agriculture technology. In addition, agriculture technology helps improve productivity and sustainability, it also uses lesser resources and takes up lesser land compared to traditional farming methods [2].

Therefore, using agriculture technology is very beneficial and also help to achieve the target easier.



In recent years, Singapore agriculture companies like Edible Garden City, Orchidville and Comcrop have started using aquaponics systems to boost their productivity. Furthermore, research on aquaponics has also been done with the aim of improving farm practices [3]. The reason behind the investments and adopting aquaponics in their farm is because aquaponics uses a lesser amount of resources and manpower compared to other farming methods.

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Furthermore, aquaponics is easy to maintain [4], uses lesser space while producing an abundance of food [5]. Therefore aquaponics is beneficial for Singapore as Singapore have little natural resources, agriculture land, and manpower while producing sufficient food.

Data science and Internet of things (IoT)

Data science and high-tech information and communication technologies help to increase farm management, productivity, and quality. The main reason is that farmers will be able to harvest the data gathered by monitors and sensors and react quickly to it.

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This will help farmers to prepare for any emerging issues to prevent any disastrous [6]. Furthermore, the quality of the conditions of the plant's environment can be improved through the data gathered. Farmers can also use minimum resources to produce maximum and quality crops [7]. Hence with data analysis and IoT, farmers can use lesser resources and produce large quality crops

Vertical farms

From 2012-2016, the number of vertical farms in Singapore has increased to from 1 to 7. The reason for such an increase is because vertical farms produce a large number of crops using a little amount of space [8]. Additionally, vertical farms are also sheltered from bad weather. Additionally, vertical farms also use 70 to 95% less water than normal traditional farming [9]. This beneficial for Singapore as Singapore have little natural resources, manpower and also a land-scarce country.


In conclusion, to achieve the target of producing 30% of Singapore nutritious needs by 2030, investments have been made in agriculture technologies such as 'aquaponics, data science, Internet of things (IoT) and vertical farms' is because it produces an abundance of the crop while taking lesser resources and space compared to traditional farming. Therefore, agricultural technology is very suitable for Singapore as Singapore do not have an abundance of natural resources, agricultural land and to achieve the target.


  1. T. S. Tang, Tech for urban farming among R&D focus as Singapore looks to beef up food security, Channel News Asia. Mar 27,2019. Accessed on: Jun. 10, 2019. [Online].
  2. C. Chong, Keep calm and carrot on: how agritech could transform farming in Singapore, The Business Times. Jan 19,2019. Accessed on: Jun. 10, 2019. [Online].
  3. Kenwood, "Aquaponics for beginners, May 2018. Accessed on: Jun. 10, 2019. [Online].
  4. E. Flannagan, Aquaponics and Sustainability, Seventh Generation Solution. Nov. 24,2018. Accessed on: Jun. 11, 2019 [Online].
  5. Loyola University of Chicago, Aquaponics. Accessed on: Jun. 11, 2019 [Online].
  6. Sciforce, Smart Farming, or the Future of Agriculture, Jan 14. Accessed on: Jun. 11, 2019 [Online].
  7. M. Ardhanari, Signal of change / Singaporean start-up aims to democratise smart urban farming, Futures Centre. Jun. 26, 2017. Accessed on: June. 11, 2019 [Online].
  8. B. Singh, Vertical farms on the rise in land scarce Singapore," The Straits Times, Jul. 10, 2016. Accessed on: Jun. 12, 2019. [Online].
  9. EarthBuddies, 5 Reasons Why Vertical Farming is the Future of Humankind, May. 2018 . Accessed on: Jun. 12, 2019.[Online].
Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Internet of Things (IoT) and Vertical Farms - Singapore. (2019, Dec 01). Retrieved from

Internet of Things (IoT) and Vertical Farms - Singapore essay
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