The Internet: A marvel or menace?

Categories: Internet

Is there anything we can't do on the Internet? From doing our shopping in Tescos to finding a house on the other side of the world - the possibilities are endless! Throughout the world a generation of P.C widows has emerged. Everyday thousands of pupils log-on to the Internet and enter a world of the wonderful and weird- but is the Internet really so marvellous or is it the number one threat to our kids in the 21st century.

The Internet is unquestionably the biggest invention in the last 20 years.

For a start it makes it easy and convenient to get in touch with people all over the world, from Britain to Brazil, Vietnam to Venice- thousands, millions of possible friends and spouses are waiting at the other end of the mouse for you to log on and get connected.

However, children and adults who use the Internet chat rooms are in constant danger. Over the past few years many incidents have been reported of people of all ages being conned.

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Not all of these stories have happy ending. It is not an exaggeration to talk about the Internet being used as a way for paedophiles to prey on innocent and na�ve children; it is a reality of the 21st century. Let's face it, we have no way to prove that the 15 year old boy you are romancing on-line is not a 45 year old man waiting to take advantage of a trusting, lover-sick teen.

According to recent statistics, 53% of children admitted to discussing sex in chat rooms on the Internet.

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Likewise, 49% have said that they had on-line sexually explicit conversations with complete strangers they had 'met' over the Internet. The shocking statistics don't stop there. With 2 out of 5 children encountering scenes of violence on the net and 1 in 7 parents admitting that they have no idea what their kids are doing when they're glued to the net, surely we must agree that the Internet has the potential to be a dangerous menace.

As well as chatting on-line the other huge pastime must be shopping on the net. Can you think of any shop or business that doesn't have a website or e-mail address these days? The Internet has dramatically changed the way we spend our money. We can sit in the comfort of our own home and buy anything from books, C.Ds and the weekly shopping to clothes, cars, houses and all the furniture to go with it. As well as that we can book and pay for cinema tickets, holidays and flights. more queues, no more sore feet, no more hunting for hours in cramped, smelly stores.

Before we get carried away, let's not forget the risks of shopping on-line. Unless the site is secure conmen and hackers can easily obtain your personal in formation and credit card details. Aside from this potential hazard, think of the hassle of finding your way through a whole website. Surely it would be quicker just to go to the actual shop, not to mention cheaper. By the time you add delivery costs and the enormous phone bill from being on-line in the first place you'll probably end up paying twice as much.

Some people would say that the Internet is a marvel because of the wealth of information you can get on the net and that it is an educational tool for our children. I think this true to ma certain extend but I also think the Internet is encouraging us to become lazy. Instead of going out at night we stay-in and log-on. Without a doubt, a click of the mouse has become more attractive than a turn of a page. Teenagers nowadays can access a variety of search- engines with their eyes closed but barely know how to use a dictionary!!

Once upon a time it was only people who could catch a virus but now we have to nurse our EXPENSIVE boxes of metal and plastic back to health on a regular basis. Computer hackers are making it their lifetime ambition to hack into the most important websites in the world. How safe can we really be? Surely the Internet is exposing us to huge risks, both individually and as a nation.

Before I conclude, can I just say that I am completely fed up with being bombarded with junk e-mail? No, I don't want to lose 3 stone in 2 days. No, I'm not interested in an auction of army-surplus machinery or house insurance. I'm also sick-and-tired of having to update my phone every week with the latest logos and ring tones which, to be honest, sounds more like something from a dodgy karaoke machine anyway!!

Overall I hope you agree that while the Internet is undoubtedly one of the greatest technological marvels of the last century, it can also be a marvellous waste of time. Let's not allow ourselves to be trapped in the INTERNET but remember real life is a lot more enjoyable than a virtual one!!

Updated: Jun 05, 2020
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The Internet: A marvel or menace? essay
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