Instagram Research Report


Instagram Summary

Instagram is a social networking app available for IOS and Android who allows their users to share photos for their followers, It was created by Kevin Systom and Mike Krieger in 2010, with several updates until today, it becomes a place where you can share the highlights of your life, and your daily routine sharing photos that are only available for 24hours, due to its large growth, instead of just people using the platform, businesses companies have started using as an essential marketing tool to connect with customer in the real world, and increase sales.

Nowadays it is safe to say that Instagram is one of the biggest social networks in the world, it has over than 800 million active users per month, and also considered one of the best social platforms for customer engagement and interaction with brands due to the rising popularity of its visual marketing. The video below, it shows the history of Instagram success told by its founders, Kevin Systom and Mike Krieger, and also tells about the selling of the company to Facebook.

Instagram general business overview: Instagram revenue is about $8bilion to $9bilion in 2018, with an estimate of $14billion in revenue this year, its service is a photo- and video-sharing site that works as a social media, it was created in 2010, office headquarters is located in Menlo Park, California, number of employees and staff: 800.

Power and Influence in the WorkplaceIn this chapter, it defines power and presents a basic model depicting the dynamics of power in organizational settings.

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There are five bases of power, Legitimate Power when there is an agreement among employees that the person who is in charge should it the "boss". Rewards Power, the person has the ability to control rewards and sanctions to the employees. Coercive Power, the person has the ability to apply punishment, this one is not used often, just in a few cases. Expert Power is the individual unit capacity to influence others by possessing knowledge or skills valued by others. Referent Power, when others identify with the person because being associated with charisma or at least respect them.

The Meaning of power, Power is the capacity of a person, team, or organization to influence others. There are a few important features of this definition. First, power does not act of changing someone's attitudes or behavior; it is only the potential to do so. People frequently have the power they do not use; they might not even know they have power. Second, power is based on the target's perception that the power holder controls a valuable resource that can help them achieve their goals.


The Power of Social NetworksSocial Network exists everywhere because people have a drive to bond. However, there are cultural differences in the norms of active network involvement. At today's world it has turned impossible for a multinational company has just one location, so an online platform for integrating all the employees should be affective. Instagram has a global range and more than 800 million users active monthly, this huge power of Network connecting people makes it special, and a trend to the world.

DiscussionInstagram was launched as a unique social networking platform that was completely based on sharing photos and videos. The way monetization occurs nowadays it is different from the past, until 2014 the company started selling advertising to generate profit, now the company focus is on overseeing advertisement and sales efforts while developing new monetization products, but the biggest change was in May 2016, when Instagram announced the launch of new tools for business accounts, including new business profiles, with insights analytics and the ability to turn posts into ads directly for the app itself.

"We want Instagram to continue to be an authentic and safe place for inspiration and expression. Help us foster this community. Post only your own photos and videos and always follow the law. Respect everyone on Instagram, don't spam people or post nudity".

Discuss Company values and Sources of PowerCompany values and Sources of PowerOne source of power is the User engagement, ongoing research continues to explore how media content on the platform affects user engagement. Past research has found that media which show people's faces receive more "likes" and comments and that using filters that increase warmth, exposure, and contrast also boosts engagement. Users are more likely to engage with images that depict fewer invidious compared to groups and also are more likely to engage with content that has not been watermarked, as they view this content as less original and reliable compared to user-generated content.

Another Sources of Power is "Trends", users on Instagram have created "trends" through hashtags, the trends deemed the most popular on the platform often highlight a specific day of the week to post the material, as #SelfieSunday or #ThrowbackThursday.

The Company values: "Instagram is about capturing and sharing the world's moments. Think about the scope of what we accomplish. If we can allow you to not only share the birthday photo with your friends, but imagine we get to the point where VR is a thing, and you experience a live event somewhere else in the world" a protest overseas, the World Cup, or a Taylor Swift concert. Those are the types of things you should be able to experience almost like you are time traveling. And Instagram will always be about that.


Through completing this research report, I have personally learned a lot about how a Social Media company could become successful and inspiring, I have also learned that even if the starting wasn't ideal, there are still many factors that go into your final decision. Another thing I have learned is that there are many opportunities for starting a business and being successful, you just need to know how to look for the right opportunities and how to capitalize on them when they appear.

During the research component of the assignment, I really enjoyed being able to learn how to use professional library databases at Seneca as I have never used one before. I really liked how easy it was to be able to find exactly what I was looking for and being able to sort through all the articles through different filters. I enjoyed this approach to researching articles instead of having to read through a bunch of articles through a search engine site such as Google and try and pick out which ones are actual facts or not.

As a conclusion of the report, the future expectations on Instagram are of solid growth for this year, in percentages is about 15%, and I also agree with that because after Facebook bought the company, they have more user to sign up. Instagram is already one of the most powerful tools for online shopping products and engagement with clients but it shows exponential growth in this specific market, and the settings in the app are always improving.

Works Cited

  1. FastCompany. Most Innovate Companies. September 21, 2018. (accessed April 06, 2019).
  2. Instagram. n.d. (accessed April 06, 2019).
  3. McShane, Steven L., Sandra L. Steen, and Kevin Tasa. Canadian Organizational Behaviour. Toronto: McGraw-Hill, 2014.
  4. Pereza, Sarah. Instagram officially announces its new business tools. May 31, 2017. (accessed April 06, 2019).
  5. TODAY. Instagram Founders On Success Of Their App: 'Beyond Our Wildest Dreams' | TODAY. May 07, 2017. (accessed April 06, 2019).
  6. Wikipedia. n.d. (accessed April 06, 2019).
  7. Wilson, Mark. 5 Years Later, The Most Surprising Part About Instagram Is That No One's Ruined It. October 06, 2015. (accessed April 06, 2019).
Updated: May 19, 2021
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Instagram Research Report. (2019, Dec 07). Retrieved from

Instagram Research Report essay
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