What is Instagram?


Instagram: Online Photo-Sharing, Video-Sharing and Social Networking Service allows for users to share photos and video with their friends family and people with common interests. Instagram is a mobile that is easy to use and requires just the use of your mobile device. Since 2010, Instagram has evolved into an app widely used by millions of people and now entering an area where they can become a profitable mobile app. Instagram: Online Photo-Sharing, Video-Sharing and Social Networking Service The Internet was designed to be a place where people could receive and ever increasing amount of online information and knowledge, commerce, entertainment and social networking.

The people that use the internet for social networking choose to share personal information about their life with family, friends and other affiliate organizations. Most companies both large and small are using social networking to market to their customers. This sharing has taken place on many systems such as bulletin board systems (BBS), image boards, forums and blogs.

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Instagram has been leading with their mobile app that allows for anyone to share photos and videos with a touch of a button. How Instagram Works

To use Instagram a person, group or corporation registers an account and then specifies some basic profile information. Once they have access, the user can upload videos and pictures, apply digital filters to the pictures, and share them on a variety of social networking services; Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Flickr. A distinctive feature is that it confines photos to a square shape, similar to Kodak Instamatic and Polaroid images.

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Instagram has six different tabs to navigate within the app; profile tab, camera tab, explore tab, home tab, news tab and photo map. The Profile tab shows the user’s bio and Instagram photos/videos. It's also where the user can edit their Profile information, and adjust their Account Settings. The Camera tab allows the user to take photos with the Instagram camera, or share photos from their device's image library. The user can use the Explore tab to find new and interesting people to follow, search for other users, and explore hashtags. The home tab shows a feed of photos posted by the user and their friends. The user can like and comment on photos in this feed. News Feed displays likes and comments on the user’s own posts, and lets them see the photos and videos that their friends are liking and commenting on. The Photo Map lets the user showcase where they have taken photos, or explore where others have taken photos on a map. The hashtag feature mentioned above allows for the user to add tags to their photos and videos and is a great way to find new followers and share posts with more people. There are some rules to follow to make them effective by keeping in mind the following attributes; be specific, be relevant by making it easy for other like-minded Instagrammers to find you by making sure your tags describe your post and be observant of other hashtags used on posts that are similar to yours. Changes Brought to the Users

Instagram has made changes since inception because of its users. Some of these include updating their privacy policy regarding advertising, adding video and languages . Privacy Policy Instagram had announced 6 months ago they had changed their privacy policy around advertising. The policy appeared to allow advertisers access to users photos, selling of photos to third-parties and ownership of user photos. There as a lot of backlash from the users and Instagram turned around and apologized for any misinterpretation of the new privacy policy. They then came out with a statement they would revert back to their original privacy policy of October 2010 until they determine how their advertising business would work. The following statement was made by Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom,

“Because of the feedback we have heard from you, we are reverting this advertising section to the original version that has been in effect since we launched the service in October 2010. Going forward, rather than obtain permission from you to introduce possible advertising products we have not yet developed, we are going to take the time to complete our plans, and then come back to our users and explain how we would like for our advertising business to work. You also had deep concerns about whether under our new terms, Instagram had any plans to sell your content. I want to be really clear: Instagram has no intention of selling your photos, and we never did. We don’t own your photos – you do. Finally, there was also confusion about how widely shared and distributed your photos are through our service. The distribution of your content and photos is governed by our privacy policy, and always has been. We have made a small change to our terms to make that as clear as possible.” (Systrom) Video

The video feature was brought on to allow users to visually share their lifes with their family friends and others with similar interest. The video was brought on by request from users but also as a way to compete with other apps such as Vine. This is how the video works. Videos show up in your stream alongside still photos. They auto-play when you stop on them. After you press the camera icon on Instagram’s main screen, you go into still-picture mode, as usual–but can tap a video camera icon to shoot video. They can be up to fifteen seconds long. The fifteen seconds can be made up of multiple clips–as in Vine, the camera only shoots when you hold your finger on the shutter button. There are thirteen new filters designed to make video look good. They only play once, not in a GIF-like loop. A stabilization feature called “Cinema” is designed to remove jitters automatically. As with the rest of Instagram, there’s a team devoted to preventing porn, which leverages the considerable resources Facebook devotes to that effort. Because this is a brand new feature just released, there has not been much feedback on whether this addition is a success. Languages

Initially Instagram was only available on the iPhone platform starting in 2010, during this time Instagram came out with some key enhancements. Most notably, the application now includes Posterous support that enables users to share their mobile photos instantaneously or after the fact, mentions and translated versions available in Japanese, German and Portuguese. The language update means that users who change their default language on the iPhone to Japanese, German or Portuguese will see the app in that language. Instagram released this new feature in a reactionary move to serve the app's growing base of international users. Future Uses and Enhancements

When Facebook bought Instagram at $30 per user, their intention was to one day turn it into a profit by including advertising. The future enhancement of Instagram is sure to have some element of advertising. Now that video has been introduced to Instagram, this leads to an easy way to add advertising to Instagram. Large companies will be able to post 6 -15 second videos in their targeted advertising campaigns. Facebook is even thinking of allowing for those videos clips to be played on top of users videos before someone can actually view the video posted by the user. I believe that Facebook is going to have to be very careful in the way they implement advertising with Instagram. Facebook received lots of back-lash when they first introduced advertising and ideas that they would even charge a subscription turned many users away. This could potentially turn off a lot of users of Instagram as everyone hates advertising. They may turn away from Instagram and use other apps that are homegrown and have all the feature function of Instagram without the advertising.


  1. http://blog.instagram.com/post/38143346554/privacy-and-terms-of-service-changes-on-instagram
  2. http://mashable.com/2010/12/10/instagram-update/
  3. http://www.guardian.co.uk/media-network/media-network-blog/2013/jun/28/instagram-vine-video-facebook-twitter-digital-advertising

Why Instagram is So Popular Through Social Networks?

Instagram is a social media platform with one billion active users. Usually, photos and videos are shared on Instagram.
The reason why Instagram is so loved by people is that it makes photos and videos more beautiful thanks to many filters. and you can also post your shared posts on Facebook, Twitter, Flicker and Tumblr. You can also share instant stories on Instagram. Instagram is a free application. It has a social network feature. Because there are also three features specific to social networks on Instagram. These are interactivity, sharing and participation.

Instagram has become so popular; nowadays 80 million photos are shared and three and a half billion likes are made. These values are increasing day by day. Half a billion people actively use Instagram daily, most of them teenagers. Its value is over $ 10 billion.
One of the most fun and important topics of Instagram; we are curious about the lives of celebrities and want to learn the latest news instantly. For example, Kylie Jenner is one of the most followers in the world and the youngest billionaire in the world. So his life is quite a in mind. An active Instagram user with 172 million followers. In addition, since it has its own cosmetic brand, it appeals to more women users. If you are curious about the life of a celebrity, Instagram is the most fun and easy way.

To give another example, it is a platform where the most current events of the world are shared. Instagram is an easy way to learn about natural disasters, economics or your interests.

For example, if there are countries you want to go to, you can get information by reading some comments and articles written below the photos, videos and shares.

If we talk about the rhizomatic structure of social networks, social media, even direct internet, is an unlimited platform with uncertain beginning and end. Everything on the internet is interconnected. But as ? said, it is uncertain and infinite. In fact, the internet is something that grows in parallel. There is no hierarchy.

The internet is variable and can constantly change the structure. They can find a different platform and communication channels that can always be connected. This is an example of flexibility.

Secondly, the internet's ability to change size may be due to the fact that all platforms are interconnected. Because when the network data decreases or weakens, a dimensional growth and shrinkage is seen immediately. And this is an example of scalability. Finally, as I said before since there is no hierarchical order, There is no common center to connect networks. Therefore they can act and execute the network system. this is an example of survivability.

In fact, they all form the rhizomatic structure and ensure the correct and complete progress of the system. Instagram is a horizontal network. Because people can share something, comment, and express their opinions. Ek?isözlük is an example of horizontal networks on platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.

If we give an example to vertical networks, they are platforms that are state-bound and we cannot share anything, that is, we cannot express our opinion. such as e-devlet, e-okul etc. To summarize, all these network connections we mentioned all work perfectly interconnected without the need for a center. They cannot move independently because they grow in parallel. Because they have a flexible and scalable structure, they can provide comfort and use by themselves as if they are managed. We need more internet because we are in quarantine because of the internet of our lives and this coronavirus. We spend a lot of time on the Internet in every sense. We handle many of our works online such as shopping, working, lessons over the Internet. Now, social media is the most important platform for us to communicate. Communication is really the foundation of our life. We need social media in these difficult days. To stay up to date, communicate and have fun. In short, in this globalized world, life without the internet is not possible.

Updated: Sep 29, 2022
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What is Instagram?. (2016, Mar 25). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/what-is-instagram-essay

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