The Effectiveness of Penton Media’s Sampling Plan and Research Design

In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into Penton Media’s strategic approach in crafting a sampling plan and research design. The study centers around the intriguing question of whether reader service cards remain a sustainable means of attracting customers. By scrutinizing the five questions guiding their sampling plan and the eight categories shaping their research design, we aim to uncover the nuances and effectiveness of Penton Media’s decisions.

Sampling Plan

Penton Media's sampling plan, as outlined by Cooper and Schindler (2014), revolves around a set of five pivotal questions:

What is the target population?

What are the parameters of interest?

What is the sampling frame?

What is the appropriate sampling method?

What size sample is needed?

The target population for Penton Media’s study is their extensive readership of business magazines, boasting a staggering 1.7 million subscribers in the United States.

To refine their approach, they initiated a phone survey with a select group of subscribers, gauging initial responses before dispatching a preliminary survey to 300 individuals.

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The final survey, meticulously sent to 4,000 business subscribers, yielded a commendable 710 completed responses.

The parameters of interest in this study focus specifically on readers who actively engage in purchasing activities. This particular sampling study leans towards a non-probability-based approach, employing stratified disproportionate random sampling. Subscribers were categorically grouped into 42 cells based on industry groups and job titles, ensuring a diverse and representative selection.

The strengths of Penton Media’s sampling plan are rooted in the precision of parameters of interest. By concentrating on readers directly involved in company purchasing decisions, Penton Media ensures that their survey is targeted towards a relevant audience.

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The sampling frame, meticulously narrowing down the survey recipients to decision-makers within the business fields, is another commendable strength.

However, a notable weakness surfaces in the sample size chosen by Penton Media. Opting for 4,000 surveys out of a potential 1.7 million readership might be viewed as a conservative approach. With only slightly over a 17% response rate, there is a legitimate concern about the sample's representativeness of the entire population. The size seems limited, and an argument could be made for a more extensive representation.

Research Design

Delving into the intricate realm of research design, Penton Media faced decisions across eight crucial categories:

Exploratory or formal studies

Type of data gathering

Extent of control


Time frame Environment


Contemplating these options before designing their study, Penton Media crafted a formal study aligned with their specific research question. For data gathering, a communication study in the form of a survey was employed. Given the nature of the study, an ex post facto extent of control was utilized, acknowledging the inability to alter results and emphasizing the importance of reporting the received results accurately.

The chosen purpose was a reporting study, where the primary objective is to compile data and provide a comprehensive summary of the survey results. The study unfolds within a cross-sectional time frame, capturing a snapshot of responses at a specific point. The topical scope is statistical, aiming to compare characteristics and draw meaningful conclusions.

Field conditions were maintained throughout the study, indicating that there was no alteration in the surveyor's environment. This approach ensures that the participant’s perceptions remained unchanged and unaffected, contributing to the reliability and trustworthiness of the study.

The strengths embedded in Penton Media’s research design are evident in the ex post facto design, where the organization is compelled to report results without the possibility of modification. This adds a layer of reliability and dependability to the study. Furthermore, the commitment to maintaining unchanged participant perceptions and environments contributes to the honesty and trustworthiness of the findings.

Despite these strengths, a potential weakness emerges in the choice of a communication study. While suitable for Penton Media's research question, tapping into data from advertisers could have been a valuable addition. Many companies maintain records of how customers discover them, and incorporating statistics from advertisers could have added depth to the study, providing a more comprehensive answer to the research question.


Reflecting on Penton Media’s decisions in crafting their sampling plan and research design, it is evident that the organization made thoughtful and informed choices. Addressing the five key questions laid a solid foundation, with strategic decisions regarding the target population, parameters of interest, sampling frame, and method.

However, a critical eye suggests that a larger sample size could have enhanced the study's representativeness, considering the vast readership of 1.7 million. The research design, marked by a formal, communication-based, reporting study, showcases a well-thought-out approach. Yet, the potential addition of advertiser data might have provided a more holistic answer to the research question.

In essence, Penton Media’s strategic choices in sampling plan and research design have set the stage for a robust study. The effectiveness of their decisions will ultimately unfold as the study progresses, shedding light on the dynamic interplay between sampling methodologies, research designs, and the pursuit of valuable insights in the realm of media and customer engagement.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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The Effectiveness of Penton Media’s Sampling Plan and Research Design. (2016, Mar 06). Retrieved from

The Effectiveness of Penton Media’s Sampling Plan and Research Design essay
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