Informative essay on obesity and weight loss surgery

Categories: ObesityWeight loss

Weight-loss surgical treatment or 'bariatric surgery' are procedures which change the way in which the gastrointestinal system functions, assisting to limit the food consumed and in this way lower the weight of the private together with lowering the threat of associated medical issues (NIDDK 2009). In specific cases, bariatric surgical treatment also disrupts the manner in which nutrition is absorbed into the body. Individuals who go through bariatric surgery might likewise have to ensure specific changes in their way of life such as routine exercise, dietary modifications and preventing particular other threats.

Among the most frequently performed bariatric surgeries is gastric bypass in the US. Compared to other bariatric surgeries, stomach bypass is much safer, has lower issues and can supply long-lasting outcomes. Nevertheless, there are likewise particular threats related to the treatment, along with modifications in diet, way of life and behavior. A lot depends upon the client for the success of the treatment (Mayo Center Staff 2009). Sign Gastric bypass surgery is required in obese and overweight people who are not able to reduce their weight through diet and physical activities.

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As the BMI ratio is in between 35 and 39 (weight problems) and above 40 (extreme weight problems), the health associated dangers are higher and the person can be affected with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disorders, etc. Nevertheless, stomach bypass surgical treatment might not only be required alone, but together with it, workout, dietary changes and lifestyle modifications to make sure that the outcomes of the gastric bypass are acceptable (Mayo Clinic Staff 2009).

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Bariatric surgical treatment can likewise be performed if other techniques of conservative treatment fail for weight problems.

The client has to be appropriately notified about the details of the procedure, along with the benefits, dangers and options, so that an informed decision can be made (Medline Plus, 2010). The client would have to offer an educated consent for the treatment. The patient ought to also be devoted to lifelong changes with diet plan, physical activity, habits, medical monitoring and medication treatment. Insurance would apply for Bariatric surgery only if it has actually been medically suggested due to a weight problems associated cause, instead of cosmetic.

Bariatric surgery may be indicated for adolescents only if other conventional methods have failed for about 6 months. Newer studies have demonstrated that gastric bypass may actually be ideal for adolescent obesity (NIDDK 2010). Procedure The entire procedure is done under general anesthesia, and the patient would require preparing for tests, dietary changes, X-rays (for planning the surgery), medications and hospitalization (Mayo Clinic Staff 2009).

In the US, 4 types gastric bypass are performed. These include biliopancreatic diversion with a duodenal switch (BPD-DS), Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), adjustable gastric band (AGB), and vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG). AGB involves placing a band around the top portion of the stomach to reduce the size of the stomach pouch to ensure that the food intake is reduced. In RGYB, involves placing a gastric band and also by bypassing the food directly from the pouch to the small intestine.

In BPD-DS, a large portion of the stomach is removed, bypassing the food from the stomach to the small intestine and re-routing the bile and digestive tract juices, so that food is not absorbed and digested properly. In VSG, a portion of the stomach is reduced to ensure that the quantity of food consumed is reduced (NIDDK 2009). After the procedure, the individual should not consume anything for the next 24 hours. Following this, a special diet needs to be consumed, which includes liquids, soft foods and slow progress towards solid food.

Following this, the indvidiaul needs to consume reduced quantity of food. There may be certain side-effects of the procedure (Mayo Clinic Staff 2009). Results Weight loss surgeries basically work by reducing the amount of food being consumed or the amount of food being digested. Some surgeries bypass a majority of the food consumed resulting in reduced amount of absorption of nutrients. Along with dietary and lifestyle changes, loss of body weight can be achieved.

However, there are also a few risks associated with weight loss surgeries. The individual may lose about 50 to 60 % of the excess body weight within 2 years of the surgery. However, exercises, lifestyle changes and diet need to be included in the plan (Mayo Clinic Staff 2009). The risk of several health disorders such as diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, heart disease, infections, and cancer can be reduced (Daniel Jones, 2010).

Complications In recent years with improvement in the surgical technique, there has been a reduction in the rate of complications from the year 2006, by about 21%. The rate of readmissions has also been under a decrease (NIDDK 2009). Some of the early complications related to gastric bypass include bleeding, infection, leakage of intestine, damage to the intestines, heart attacks, blood clots in the legs, emboli, etc.

The other complications that can develop include malnutrition, (such as beri beri, pellagra, etc), strictures, hernias (includes internal hernias and intestinal hernias), pneumonia, nausea, vomiting, hypoglycemia, gallstones, kidney stones, dehydration, etc. If the contents from the stomach move very quickly, it can result in dumping syndrome causing nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In patients with poor general health and with serious medical conditions, fatal outcomes may be a risk, but very rare (Mayo Clinic Staff 2009). In some patients further surgery may be required (Daniel Jones, 2010).

Updated: Feb 23, 2021
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