Improving one’s social and personal life

Improving one’s social and personal life
In the world that we live in today, technology has seemed to overtake the lives of many.

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With new gadgets that blooms sporadically, the control it has over people is far from comprehending. With a touch of a button or a slide and a push is all it takes to get work done. With increase in technological advancements, it has paved the way for people to interact with one another through various social media websites and apps.

Personal life at this moment is being altered with and socially active beings are being born out of a sudden transformation. Apps such as Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram have unconditionally fallen in love with the common men and women. Such is the power of technology. There was once a time when pigeons and other messengers flew around town to deliver information and in long distance communication. People those days were often entrusted with valuable information and sent around for preaching.

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With very less technology back in the day, people walked out of their enclosure and looked around the world to learn and grow. There was more to seek from the outside world and people traveled around for knowledge. E-mails were one of the earliest advancements and computer-based mail and messaging became possible with the advent of time-sharing computers in the early 1960s, and informal methods of using shared files to pass messages were soon expanded. Long distance communication became easier with such inventions and slowly engulfed personal lives of many. Not necessarily everybody was affected. Technology then grew drastically with more easy applications that allowed one person to get to know the outside world through a computer screen and thereby getting in touch with people from all around the world. With more social media apps coming into play, people are more socially active and are forgetting about their personal lives and how important it is to have one.
To lead your personal lives, one must give time for themselves out of a busy schedule or a routine. Developing your senses and giving yourself more opportunities to relax your mind and to coexist with the outside world. Personal lives differ from person to person. One individual might consider family and friends to be a personal and valuable part in their life while the other might consider being alone and listening to music to be his/her personal activity. Every person must respect each other’s personal space and time. Such specificity in life shouldn’t be toyed with and disrespected for each one has a life of their own to live and explore. The modern conception of personal life is an offshoot of modern Western society. A modern person tends to distinguish one's work from one's personal life. It is a person's choices and preferences outside work that define personal life, including one's choice of hobbies, cultural interests, manner of dress, and so on. In particular, what activities one engages in during leisure-time defines a person's personal life. In the past, before modern technology largely alleviated issues of economic scarcity in industrialized countries, most people spent a large portion of their time attempting to provide their basic survival needs, including water, food, and protection from the weather. Humans needed survival skills for the sake of both themselves and their community; food needed to be harvested and shelters needed to be maintained. There was little privacy in a community, and people identified one another according to their social role. Jobs were assigned out of necessity rather than personal choice. The common phrase "Work hard, play hard" illustrates this mindset. There is a growing trend, however, toward living more holistically and minimizing such rigid distinctions between work and play, in order to achieve an "appropriate" work–life balance. The way in which individuals make use of their spare time also plays an important role in defining their personal lives. Some enjoy watching movies, listening to music etc. just for relaxation. While some others enjoy walking, cycling, playing some sport. They require some kind of effort but their effort is put into their personal time and in doing what makes them feel better and relaxed.
Social life is the time you spend with your friends, talking about social media as a whole refers to a person being socially active on various platforms. Social media is all about communication, sharing people’s stories thoughts and life experiences. Well, one can say a social life is one’s personal life in a story written for the world to read. Social media is a powerful tool in the current era for quite a lot of things. Empowering men and women, organizing campaigns for the rightful and the needful, employment in various fields etc. also the youth of today are driven by the apps that are created. These social media apps are mainly used for communication purposes. Connecting with people from the other side of the world couldn’t have been easier. Social media also raises awareness about certain things relating to current affairs or about endangered species or about drives. Talking about negativities Social media can also have negative social effects on users. Angry or emotional conversations can lead to real-world interactions outside of the Internet, which can get users into dangerous situations. Some users have experienced threats of violence online and have feared these threats. Forums like Facebook, Instagram among others can lead to feelings of disappointment in looks and personality when not enough likes or comments are achieved. Such mindset of the users often lead to behavioral problems, fearing to be accepted by the world. Well they all have their pros and cons. To say the least, there’s a fine line between personal life and social life. Everything that happens in one’s personal life is posted about or bragged about to the world through these social platforms. I believe that one’s personal and social life shouldn’t be mixed. There will be no clarity. Everything you do will be out in the open for people to judge and talk about.
Well, everything can be improved with a little dedication into changing one’s life better. Firstly, separate your personal life from your social life. Learning to grow differently will help one experience new things in life. A single person might have multiple roles to play and portray like being a student and pursuing other interests as well and sometimes these roles overlap and they need to be carried out respectively.
; Listing out the things to do will help make work easier and more organized.
; make sure not to overload yourself and make sure to give some time for yourself every day.
; prioritize your work accordingly and give time for the needful.
; know your weaknesses and sort them out and minimize on it.
; take breaks sporadically and do not be caught up on unnecessary work/requests.
; don’t give up and complete things in the time given.
; When on social media, raise awareness if needed on specific things and contribute as well.
; manage personal and social media accounts accordingly and do not mix up.
When you are busy with work-related tasks that you have no time for yourself, family, friends, or community, you should reassess your work/life balance. If you aren’t sure how well you are balancing your personal and professional life, give time for yourself and find solutions to keep it efficient and easy going. Outside work hours or outside social life, solely focus on your personal life, set time limits and do not discuss work related matters when spending time for yourself. Take up hobbies or play a sport and exercise. Use social media effectively, make sure not to expose too much of personal content on such platforms. Seek for help in personal and social matters and offer a helping hand to those who need it. Taking a break now and then from everyone else including coworkers, family, and friends is a good way to deal with stress, to relax your mind, and to improve your mood. Try exercising and meditating, and look for games and hobbies that you can do on your own.
People of different ages have their respective roles to play. Children must tend to balance their academics with their extra-curricular activities. And with the prolonging use of social media, has affected the lives of many children in completely devoting themselves on social media platforms and mixing up their social and personal life which in turn harms their academics and their privacy is being taken for granted. Children studying in schools and colleges get addicted to such forums and like said before, engage themselves in fights that spurs up and they often put their personal lives in jeopardy because of such petty issues.
One must seek the quality of life. It observes life satisfaction, including everything from physical health, family, education, employment, wealth, religious beliefs, finance and the environment. Quality of personal life should not be confused with the standard of living. Standard of living is all based on income.
One of the most important things about your self-development journey is sustainability. If you try to do too much at once, you will likely experience irritability and confusion. Then, you will stop making progress altogether. One area where you always want to make forward progress is with your relationships with others. You may be tempted to make sweeping life changes in order to improve and prioritize your relationships whether at a work place or home needs. When it comes to social issues, it is tempting to ignore them altogether, or to simply donate a bit of money to a cause and do nothing further. However, if that was all anybody ever did, no progress would ever get made on any issue. One thing that you can do to become a better-educated, more-informed citizen, who makes a real contribution is to find an issue that is local to you, and find out how you can take action to help. You will get to know other people in your community who are civic-minded and who care about the world around them. This is also a great opportunity to expand your social horizons. Organizing and having a thought of what must be done gives a clear picture of one’s life. If you are a busy person, as most people are, it can be easy to go through your daily motions without putting much importance on the role of art, music, or dance in your life. After all. However, if you want to be a well-rounded, cultured person, it is difficult to do that without the arts being part of your life in some way. Try to commit to spending an evening or afternoon a month attending a concert, going to a play, walking through a museum, or enjoying another type of performance. Remember that people who give art a role in their lives are generally happier than those who do not. Being aware of your own thoughts and feelings, and having the willingness to explore them are both key to maintaining good mental health. If you keep a journal, you can get great insight into the things that stress you out, what makes you happy, and how other people impact your mood. The more you understand your moods, behavior patterns, and triggers, the better able you are to regulate your emotions and even relate to difficult people. Create health plans and follow them. As you become fit, adjust your plan so that it results in even more improved health and you can expand your body’s working abilities. Keep a check on the things you do for a better understanding of current situations. You have sole responsibility for your life. You want to make the most of your life. One of the most critical factors in making the most of your life is your decisions about how to spend your time. Your time should be treated like the precious resource that it is. Decisions about how to allocate your time must not be taken lightly. Others have the right to make requests and offer opinions but it is you who must choose how to spend your time.

Updated: Feb 22, 2021
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Improving one’s social and personal life essay
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