How the Implementation of BIM is Vital to the Construction Industry?

How the execution of BIM is critical to the building industry

List of Figures

Figure 1.0Fragmentation of the Construction IndustryPg 2

( Evbuomwan and Anumba, 1998 )

Figure 1.2BIM Task Group Work StreamsPg 5

( BIM Task Group, 2013 )

Figure 2.0BIM UsesPg 16

( PSu, 2011 )


2D2 Dimension

3D3 Dimension

4D4 Dimension

5D5 Dimension

AECArchitect, Engineering and Construction Industry


The UK Construction Industry

The UK Construction Industry forms a major portion of the UK economic system and contributes to 7 % of gross domestic net income. The 2011 HMG BIM Strategy, states ‘the sector is deserving about ?110 billion per annum’ .Eastman ( 2012 ) explains that building undertakings still ‘remains disconnected and depends on paper-based manners of communicationto present the production informationgivingrise to jobs with clip, cost and quality.

The Business Information Publication ( BIP ) 2207 papers, published by the British Standards Institution ( 2010 ) , explains that the extra cost for hapless production information summates to an overall 25-30 % addition in the building costs.

Sharing programs and paperss through web sites via Real Time engineering between whole undertaking squad has attempted to turn to the issues, but as Eastman ( 2012 ) explains small has been achieved to ‘cut down the badness and frequence of conflicts’and obtain true coaction.

Using web sites to portion information can better the coaction between subjects but does non turn to the overall job of expeditiously and efficaciously pull offing the building undertaking, squad and information involved.

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The mistakes and skips in the paper-based paperss still remain and the same considerable clip and disbursal is required to bring forth information about a proposed design ( Eastman, 2012 ) .

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Due to the atomization of subjects, analysis of any issues or clangs that may originate with the design can non be achieved until all the design disciplines come together at the terminal of the design stage. As such, the clip is no longer available for any issues and of import alterations required, and the usage of Value Engineering must be introduced ( Eastman, 2012 ) . This method frequently compromises on the original design and the client non having the aims outlined within the initial brief due to the hapless efficiency and coaction within the undertaking squad.

The current position of the ‘over the wall’ silo fragmented building industry can be seen in Figure 1.0:

Figure 1.0- Atomization of the Construction Industry, ( Evbuomwan and Anumba, 1998 )

Sir John Egan, 1998, is recognised for reding the building industry through his study entitled ‘Rethinking Construction’ :

The advice offered to building by taking fabrication industries is to near alteration by first screening out the civilization, so specifying and bettering procedures and eventually using engineering as a tool to back up these cultural and process betterments ( Egan, 1998 )

The coaction of all the identified subjects is polar to the efficient bringing of building undertakings and the demand to better the construction of the industry is greater than of all time. The CPIc explain:

The most urgent demand is true interoperability and the capacity for proper integrating leting the inputs of the assorted professionals and specializers to come together ( CPIc, 2013, parity. 8 )

The right production information must be shared with the right people at the right clip to get the better of the issues presently faced by the building industry today. The usage of ‘My Standard’ ( Richards, 2010 ) can no longer be acceptable in a squad working environment and all the subjects involved within a undertaking must come together to accomplish the clients demands ( Richards, 2013, p. XV ) . Organizing building activities will go more hard as demand for faster, high quality building additions.

Industry definition of BIM

BIM is presently at the head of the UK Construction industry with a cardinal focal point on the populace sector over the following 4 old ages ( Cabinet Office, 2011 ) . It is critical for the success of the industry that all stakeholders aim to cut down atomization through improved efficiency and cost decrease of unequal interoperability ( Succar, 2009 ) . Eastman, 2012 identifies BIM as a accelerator for important procedure and contractual alterations in the AEC industry. It provides the turning demand to migrate towards Integrated Project Delivery ( IPD ) and the usage of computer-generated-n-dimensional theoretical accounts to profit the whole lifecycle of the plus ( Ashar, 2013 ) .

The construct of BIM was foremost introduced over 7 old ages ago and ab initio thought as a cant ( Eastman, 2012 ) . Whilst it is now acknowledged as a direction procedure within the industry, the acceptance of BIM is still being hampered by both the significance and its reading ( CPIc, 2013 ) . This nevertheless, is being helped by the compulsory acceptance of the construct by the UK Government through their study published in 2011 on the Government Construction Strategy. The demands of accomplishing efficiency for building undertakings focuses on implementing BIM and deriving the revenue enhancement remunerator value for money ( Cabinet Office, 2011 ) .

BIM execution within the US, is good underway. The National Building Information Modelling Standard ( NBIMS ) place it as:

A digital representation of physical and functional features. A BIM is a shared cognition resource for information about a installation organizing a dependable footing for determinations during its lifecycle ; defined as bing from the earliest construct to destruction ( NBIMS, 2010 )

Some position BIM as a 3D Model that contributes to the bringing of a undertaking whilst others see it as a collaborative attack to the bringing of a undertaking ( Balfour Beatty Plc, 2012 ; Barlish & A ; Sullivan, 2012 ; Succar, 2009 ) . BIM flatly focuses on supplying information in a manner that can be understood and analysed by all subjects within a undertaking. This collaborative attack to building purposes to cut down the atomization presently in being throughout the procedures of any undertaking. Basically bettering the efficiency of the whole life rhythm of the undertaking and take downing the cost of unequal interoperability ( BIM Working Group, 2011 ) .

Whilst most definitions within the literature focal point on placing what BIM is non, a standard definition within the UK has non been published. This challenge appears to hold been met by RIBA and other professional organic structures that have come together with an purpose to supply a brief statement and definition of BIM that will advance a ‘common apprehension within the UK’ ( CPIc, 2013 ) . Based on the NBIMS, it is a starting point for treatment and polish and provides the push for the acceptance of BIM.

Constructing Information Modelling is digital representation of physical and functional features of a installation making a shared cognition resource for information about it organizing a dependable footing for determinations during its lifecycle, from earliest construct to destruction ( RIBA, 2012 )

Supporting this definition, the BIM Task Group, farther explicate the construct of BIM as a value making coaction throughout the assets lifecycle.

It is a manner of working, it’s what you do: information modeling and information direction in a squad environment ( BIM Task Group, 2013 )

It provides a new attack to plan, building and installations direction enabling an plus to be represented by intelligent objects that provide the critical information for determination devising throughout the lifecycle of the plus ( Eastman, 2012 ) . Basically, it appears to be a more efficient and collaborative manner of making, utilizing and sharing edifice lifecycle informations.

Benefits of BIM execution

The CRC at the Construction Innovation, 2007, identified the cardinal benefit of BIM is its ‘accurate geometrical representation of a edifice in an integrated information environment’ . This position is shared by Eastman and the CPIc and provides extra benefits to all the undertaking persons involved during the whole life rhythm of a undertaking. The usage of BIM on building undertakings appears to be altering and bettering the manner edifices look, map and the manner in which they are constructed ( Eastman, 2011 ) . Ashar ( 2013 ) explains that BIM enables measures and shared belongingss of stuffs to be extracted by the right people at the right clip. The CPIc have provided a list of the benefits that the acceptance of BIM provides for a undertaking.

Significant design and building cost nest eggs

Excess coordination cheques are unneeded and waste on site can be well reduced taking to fewer mistakes on site from accurate and dependable information

Changes are automatically coordinated across the undertaking and the information generated is hence high quality ( CPIc, 2013 )

The early acceptance of BIM within the US, has allowed for thorough analysis in its execution by the Stanford University Centre for Integrated Facilities, CIFE. Sampling 32 major BIM undertakings the research indicated a decrease in overall cost with a economy of 10 % on the contract value through clash sensing. The improved truth of the cost estimation and the decrease in clip for the appraisal of these costs provided benefits to both the client and supply concatenation ( Ashar, 2013 ) .

However, these benefits can merely be achieved if the procedure is non limited and its true potency is exploited throughout the lifecycle of the plus ( CPIc, 2013 ) .

Issues associated with BIM

Although the execution of BIM is required to better the efficiency of the industry, it should be a gradual acceptance to enable companies to accommodate to the engineering and preparation demands that are associated ( BIM Working Party, 2011 ) . As explained by Hartmann et Al ( 2012 ) really few illustrations and instance surveies exist for successful BIM execution within a working and runing administration and how this is achieved. It is suggested that the cardinal factor to success is alining the functionality of BIM based package with the working methods already in topographic point ( Hartmann et al, 2012 ) . This will guarantee a smooth passage to the acceptance of BIM into the UK Construction Industry.

Literature suggests that the consumption of BIM has been much slower than anticipated due to two cardinal grounds, Ashar ( 2013 ) Technical and managerial facets that are cardinal to the acceptance of BIM remain ill-defined with no individual papers on BIM that instructs its application or use ( AGC, 2005 ) . The package companies involved have non been handling the procedure as a whole and remain in the silo subjects. Bernstein and Pittman, 2005 categorise the proficient grounds for the hapless acceptance of BIM as:

The demand for chiseled transactional building procedure theoretical accounts to extinguish informations interoperability issues

The demands that digital design informations be estimable

The demand for well-developed practical schemes for the purposeful exchange and integrating of meaningful information among the BIM theoretical account constituents.

( Bernstein & A ; Pittman, 2005 )

The BIM Working Group ( 2011 ) further follow this position and are working towards guaranting a successful BIM acceptance procedure for the UK Construction Industry that will supply the state with the critical growing and stableness required. The collaborative attack of the BIM Working Group between industry representatives, clients and package specializers, purpose to add value to all undertakings conducted within the UK by following the BIM attack and presenting it across the industry sectors. The pull from the UK Government has provided the footing for this to happen ( BIM Working Group, 2011 ; Cabinet Office 2011 ) .

BIM Uses

Harmonizing to Eastman, 2012, BIM is one of the most promising developments within the AEC industry and has literally taken over an industry that is known for being immune to alter. BIMs usage during the whole lifecycle of an plus is recognised throughout the literature and is assisting to alter how edifice drawings and visual images are created, in a much more incorporate and collaborative environment than CAD of all time did ( Eastman, 2012 ) . Within his work, Ashar ( 2013 ) provides a cardinal list for the utilizations of BIM within the building industry.

  • Visual image
  • Fabrication/ Shop drawings
  • Code Reviews
  • Forensic Analysis
  • Facilities Management
  • Cost Estimating
  • Construction Sequencing
  • Conflict, Interference and hit sensing ( Ashar, 2013 )

Many authors agree and recognise these utilizations within their work ( Eastman, 2012 ; CPic, 2013 ) . They can be achieved through making a direction procedure that develops the plus structurally ( BIM Task Group, 2013 ) . However, the CPIc ( 2013 ) explain that the BIM theoretical accounts content must chiefly run into the demands of the user otherwise the development of the theoretical account and informations could be rendered useless.

The Penn State University, US, supply a graphical representation of the utilizations of BIM. Similar to Ashar, 2013, the diagram shows how the information and information can be utilised throughout the whole lifecycle of the plus.

BIM Uses Diagram

Figure 2.0 – BIM Uses ( PSU, 2011 )

Common credence is that BIM will merely work if both the push and the pull factors are achieved ( BIM Working Group, 2011 ; Hartmann et Al, 2012 ) . That is in kernel the pull factors from the client desiring to add value and the push factors from the industry desiring to implement it, are critical for BIM to work within the UK Construction Industry. Both factors must be achieved for BIM to be implemented at the right degree required for the UK Government to add value to their current and new assets ( Cabinet Office, 2011 ) . These factors highlight an array of possibilities and challenges for anyone involved in the building procedure. They need to be resolved and clearly understood to to the full appreciate the benefits of BIM execution.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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How the Implementation of BIM is Vital to the Construction Industry? essay
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