How Media Techniques Create Stereotypes in Freaks and Geeks?

Categories: MediaStereotypes

Take a look again at high school stereotypes through the short lived television series from the late 90’s, Freaks and Geeks. Based on the pilot episode of Freaks and Geeks, media techniques are used effectively to depict the different stereotypes in high school. The camera shots & movements are used adequately to show the power of the bullies and the weakness of the victims. For example, when Sam Weir is approached by Alan (the bully), at lunch, the camera is pointed upwards towards Alan’s face to make him seem bigger and scarier while the camera would be pointed down on Sam’s face making him seem smaller and inferior to Alan (Kasdan 1999).

This example shows effective use of media techniques by using camera shots because the audience can easily depict the two different stereotypes, the bully and the geek.

Another way that media techniques are used effectively is through the use of setting. For instance, the “freaks” of the show are shown hanging around the patio which is a dirty and worn down area separated from the field and other students (Kasdan 1999).

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This is a clear way for the audience to see the difference from the regular students and the “freaks” therefore making this media technique effective. These two techniques show how Freaks and Geeks uses media techniques effectively to illustrate the stereotypes one might see in high school. Using media techniques such as camera shots and setting effectively is a task that Freaks and Geeks has accomplished to portray different high school stereotypes.

Works Cited

“Pilot.” Freaks and Geeks: The Complete Series.

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Writ. Paul Feig. Dir. Jake Kasdan. DreamWorks, 1999. DVD.

Updated: Feb 04, 2023
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How Media Techniques Create Stereotypes in Freaks and Geeks?. (2016, Feb 24). Retrieved from

How Media Techniques Create Stereotypes in Freaks and Geeks? essay
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