Housing shortage in big cities

Categories: House And Home

In this 21 century, more and more people migrate into cities in order to find jobs, based on this situation, the amount of housing shortage in big cities are getting increases. While the majority of people think that only government can solve this problem, I partly agree with this statement. This essay endeavors to promptly give the ideas from both sides of the controversy.

There are several reasons why only government action can solve this problem. Firstly, only government can limit the number of migrations.

Most of the migrants think that they could find some jobs in cities, but eventually they could not find any job, so they continue to stay in cities in order to search for other opportunities. While more and more people doing the same thing, they did not contribute anything to the society, but only stay at home, it makes others who have a job but hardly ever to find a house.

However, companies of real estate could also play an important role in this case.

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They could build some practical and economical houses instead of building those attractive and high price houses. Also, individuals can solve this problem by themselves. For instance, they can rent a room from landlord to live in there in a short- term period. As we know, renting a small room is cheaper than buying a house, you do not have to afford and pay for your house debt every month.

In conclusion, even though the housing - shortage is not a problem that we can solve immediately, but I believe that if government and individuals work together, this problem will be solved very soon.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Housing shortage in big cities. (2016, Apr 16). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/housing-shortage-in-big-cities-essay

Housing shortage in big cities essay
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