Hollywood moves influence in society

Hollywood movies have had an important effect on cinema across the world since the early 20th century. Its history is sometimes separated into four main periods: the silent film era, classical Hollywood cinema, New Hollywood, and the contemporary period.

Is clear that Hollywood movies have an impact and influence in society. From my point of view the Hollywood movies are not a bad influence to society. Most of these movies are made after books and we don’t say that books have a bad influence on us.

The combinations of themes that have these movies are magnificent so we can’t say that because they have some violent movies the whole industry is bad.

Also the movies that contain violence tell us that violence is not the right way of doing things. Almost every movie has his good teaching. Even that they have some of this kind of movies that people can understand are a bad influence from society these haven’t been proved.

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Movies should be taken as what they are not reality. Movies are just a way of entertainment.

I personally think that Hollywood films can be positive as they offer different views and concepts to many people and in turn allow people to think over certain ideas and formulate their own ones. The main objective of these movies is entertainment. People choose the stars of these movies as a role model, and these movies became a part of or life.

Also I don't agree with the ideal of beauty the media does obviously show, but you can't really blame them when is just the reality, these ideal is show not only in movies but everywhere.

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Hollywood produces are in fact a mixture of our life or of some of us. It is a mixture of biographies, love stories, dramas, science fiction, horror stories, action films and documentaries. If some people get bad habits from seeing these movies we can blame the movie because they are not maid to cause any problem.

Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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Hollywood moves influence in society. (2016, Jul 21). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/hollywood-moves-influence-in-society-essay

Hollywood moves influence in society essay
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