Holiday Brochure Media CourseWork

Categories: Media

We looked at various holiday brochures and noticed that the texts varied considerably depending on which age group they were aimed at. We looked closely at an extract from "Club 18-30" and one from "Forever Young" advertising holidays on the Spanish island of Majorca. The presentation and language used were different in each one and, therefore appealed to different audiences. The "Club 18-30" brochure extract appeals to young people for a number of reasons. The picture for "Club 18-30" contains young people having a great time.

One of the men in the picture is stripped down to his waist and the other man has his shirt undone.

The woman who is also in the picture has a belly top on. These people are dressed like this because they are hot or don't really care what they look like because they are "having a laugh". They are smiling and showing a positive aspect to the clubbing holiday. The information given in the text is obviously aimed at young people.

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It refers to the attractions mentioned in the text emphasise the amount of bars and clubs in the area.

It is all put there for enjoyment, such as go-karting, water parks and golden sandy beaches. A whole paragraph of the text is devoted to clubs and mentions some famous clubs such as "Pacha" and the "BCM". All of the information is very basic because young people will be reading it and they don't really care about sophisticated words. The style of writing is very informal, lots of slang is used in the advertisement Eg: nuff said, fast food joint, lots going down, in yer face and party animal.

The advertisement has a casual friendly tone which young people would find easier to read.

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The text has a lack of punctuation and grammar and capital letters are rarely used during the advertisement. The whole thing is arranged very simply on the page, the "Club 18-30" logo is in the top right hand side corner, with the heading in capital wavy lettering on the left. It is set out with sub-headings and short paragraphs with the writing being central going down the page.

Meanwhile, the "Forever Young" advert is different from the "Club 18-30" one in many of ways. To begin with, there are two pictures; the first one is of a quiet hotel with free sun beds scattered around the large pool with few people swimming in it. There seems to be lots of space and no crowds. The second picture is of the La Sue cathedral in Palma and it looks like it isn't the place for young people, especially from the "Club 18-30". The cathedral is a place for the more mature adult who is interested in historical places.

This brochure gives detailed information on the resort and what there is to see and do. The information is highly descriptive and full of facts, Eg- incredible, beauty and rugged mountains etc. There is a great emphasis on sight seeing and trekking instead of clubbing or go-karting. It also promotes good food restaurants not fast food "joints". This holiday is all about relaxation. The layout of the "Forever Young" extract is more complex it is set out in 4 boxes which are balanced through out the page.

2 of the boxes are text and the other 2 boxes are pictures. The layout is more varied than the "Club 18-30" and the hotel information is in bullet points for easy reading. Overall, it is very noticeable how these two holiday adverts appeal to audiences of different ages. The "Club 18-30" appeals to a much younger audience compared to the sophisticated "Forever Young". The "Club 18-30" is advertising a clubbing holiday in magaluf for young people who want to party not go sight seeing or bird watching which "Forever Young "is advertising.

Updated: Feb 23, 2021
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Holiday Brochure Media CourseWork essay
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