Google: A Premier Workplace with Exceptional Contributions

Categories: CompanyGoogle


The paper aims to analyze the tactical strategy by Google and the company's dominance on the web. The report will leverage my earlier reporting information by synthesizing the details into an informed strategic strategy. Scholarly posts and clinical literatures will also be utilized as a backdrop for the report. The findings from the report show that Google is sweeping the world and is currently a threat to Microsoft. The capability to provide relevant searches and link seekers to chances offers the business a competitive advantage on the internet.

However, there are lots of business contending for dominance on the exact same specific niche. Nonetheless, Google's achievement is distant and long-standing than any other company you can possibly imagine. The report will conclude by supplying recommendation with regard to Google's organizational structure and its management systems. Additionally, in the very same end, the research study will offer educated recommendations for developing a business diversity method for the business.

Google Vision, Mission and Goals

Google's strategic planning revolves around enhancing the competitiveness of its existing products, making them more appealing to consumers.

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The company aims to optimize the accessibility of information across various devices, aligning with users' evolving lifestyles and preferences. The business prides itself in the collection, synthesis, analysis and presentation of a variety of details bundles. Since 1998 when the company was invented from a minor online search engine BackRub in the Silicon Valley, it has grown to serve the requirements of the people worldwide. Google imagines on ending up being the biggest, most dependable source of web information.

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Through a powerful teamwork and pristine skills in science and innovation, Google envisions in pursuing the edge of its know-how to come up with a competitive platform. The platform will be utilized in the provision of trustworthy information. Google's aims to provide the very best user experience through emerging technologies and locations. Finally, the business's objective is to attain an unique placement in search results focusing solely in solving issues and iteration of troubles (Google, 2006).

However, does Google live to the above promises? Is the company’s overall strategy and operation in line with the advocated values to achieve its mission? Google employs a great team of professionals who are trained and equipped on particular areas on interest (Bamford & West, 2010). The culture at the company favors ability over experience just as stated on the company’s official website. Before a post is published into Google pages, it has to go through a selected span where it is analyzed by experts and potential flaws (plagiarism, authenticity and confidentiality of the information) identified. This requirement means that Google is committed to providing reliable information on the internet even as people grapple to present ideas online. Google’s privacy terms stipulate that keeping the web safe is a shared responsibility. As a result, it welcomes bloggers and site owners to bear responsibility in the provision of information.

The Adsense program features a two-week verification process where it scrutinizes blogging information and ensures that provided articles and essays are at par with the recommended levels. What is more, the Google Safety Centre penalizes plagiarized information by giving it low preference in web search placement. Indeed, the company’s legal policy terminates any site that does not adhere to the stipulated provisions and does not use the pattern recognized by Google’s team. From the above initiatives, Google has succeeded in aligning its overall strategy to its mission and goals. Indeed, the company is every day working to improve the patent quality of its software by emphasizing on the need to transform the internet continuously by solving information needs by people (Fox, 2010).

Google’s Approach to Creating a Sustainable Competitive Advantage

One of the ten things Google knows as true (company’s philosophy is that focusing on the user comes before any other thing. Therefore, the company ensures that every change done will ultimately serve its users. The company takes complete consideration of its visitors whether trying a new interface or tweaking the look of the homepage. What is more, the company fights to ensure that placement in the search engine is never sold to anyone, courtesy of a great team. The effectiveness of this approach is unmatched and especially when it comes to evaluating the customer’s experience. The impact of clients in any organization is at best exclusive and Google offers no chances of compromise to customer service. Another approach by Google in the creation of a competitive advantage is continued iteration of problems. The company does search and features one of the greatest research groups focused exclusively in solving problems.

Because of collective efforts and teamwork, the company is able to realize results and create a competitive advantage over other Search companies in the industry (Levy, 2011). The continuous improvements realized by a committed and talented team increase the effectiveness in serving customers and ensuring that they are retained. The company’s dedication towards improving the search and placement helps the team apply what is learnt in products and services like Google Maps and Gmail. The competitive advantage leveraged by the company ensures that people access and use the ever-expanding information on a daily basis. Google believes that democracy works in the web. The Google search works because it trusts and knows that recognizing the growing need of people’s voice is critical. It, therefore, relies on the million of links and posts on the websites to help determine which contents offer exquisite value. The company assesses each website and link by using approximately 200 signals and a range of techniques like the RankPage algorithm (Levy, 2011).

The ability to tweak each person’s expectations (a voice on the internet) with a classified technology (algorithm) has given Google a competitive edge in the Search and Placement industry. In the same vein, Google Inc. is open to the development of newer and more improved software because innovation takes place in the collective participation of informed programmers. Hence, Google’s absolute dominance is courtesy of competitive approaches and techniques. One of them believes that democracy on the internet should be acknowledged and respected. After five years in the industry, Google’s experts turned to information that was not readily available. After indexing more HTML pages, the company decided to leverage a unique approach of sourcing non-available information and exploring newer paths.

This technique worked because it was a matter of identifying a person’s phone number, address and directory information on the internet. The efforts to integrate newer databases into the search allowed the company to find a breakthrough in the juggernaut that had roped the information age for decades. Over time, the company realized that these efforts required more creativity like; including academic journals, patents, news archives and millions of books and images. The above efforts allowed the company to realize a competitive advantage. While many companies dwelt in the obvious, Google found opportunities outside the ordinary and brought information across the world (Lynch, 2006). Finally, Google has employed significant efforts and creativity to ensure its position on the web is recognized and maintained. By integrating solution providers to opportunity seekers, the company realizes the potential in connecting people.

What is more, the company is every day renewing its organizational structure and business processes to ensure the web is a place for all. The company’s strategy is to ensure the variety and quality of information and services is felt even in the far-flung areas of the globe (Vise & Malseed, 2005). The next part of this report describes Google’s efforts in the corporate strategy. How does the company incorporate strategies like vertical integration, diversification and globalization? What is the effectiveness of these efforts?

Google’s Efforts in Corporate Strategy

Corporate strategy is a fast-growing component in production. The strategy helps a company to identify loopholes and bridge the gaps through informed decisions (Thomson & Thomson, 2012). Indeed, there exist three distinct corporate strategies; globalization, vertical integration and diversification. Luckily, Google as the web king has incorporated all the three strategies in the provision of accurate and reliable information. But how has this been achieved?

Vertical Integration

Vertical integration is a combination of two or more stages of production by separate company into one company (Thomson & Thomson, 2012). Google has formed a close relationship with Facebook and YouTube. The company holds that the best approach to maximize the value of stakeholders is to maintain a long-term focus on emerging fields on the internet. As a result, the company finds Facebook and YouTube equally powerful in connecting and influencing the web in the modest fashion. Although both platforms are formed at the very foundation of Google, they required trusted identification by people signing in. A Facebook account will demand the yahoo or the Gmail sign-up email, and YouTube is exclusively strict with the Gmail account.

The vertical integration between Google and Facebook has established the internet creating a long-term economic gain alongside serving users and providing relevant information. Google explores areas far from its path of production while at the same time owning the entire operational chain. Although Google relies heavily on Facebook and YouTube, the two platforms are formed under a basic pinnacle of Google. Users have to search ‘Facebook’ and ‘YouTube’ in Google search page to access and use the platforms. This means that Google owns the entire production chain with slight limitations to usage and exploration.


Google has invested in a range of assets in efforts to reduce non-systematic risk. When the company launched Gmail, it realized it had more space than any other email software available (Google, 2006). The company had to employ newer teams and techniques to realize even higher standards for email storage. The above efforts have catapulted Google into the attention of a global audience with millions of sign-ups every day. The company has mixed a variety of investments within its portfolio like Google Maps, Books and Images making up a force the world will reckon. The ability to come up with newer options has dealt with the risk of changes retaining a large base of clients and users. What is more, although Google Inc. shares common goals and objectives, the entire team is highly diversified as noted in the culture section ‘we speak diversified languages and come from all parts of the world’.

The nature of diversity for the company has created a 360-degree, end-to-end network. Google strives for open culture through diversity by ensuring that its employees recognize and support inclusion of cultures and languages. In its weekly-all hands meetings, the company asks questions and shares opinions and ideas on common problems. Google’s offices and cafes are located everywhere so as to encourage interactions between Googlers and other teams of people (Google, 2006). Diversification is an indispensable component for the corporate strategy. The technique allows any company to stretch beyond bounds and leverage information available outside recognized boundaries. Therefore, Google in its vision and aspiration for the future has leveraged diversification as seen in the above cases improving operational processes and performances.


International integration in the exchange of ideas, products, worldviews and other aspects of culture is a critical step of corporate strategy. The e-commerce platform in Google as evident by online merchants and the Adsense program shows strict adherence to globalization. Google has extended to other parts of the world by allowing everyone across the globe to come up with a blog (Blogspot) and sell merchants online. What is more, Google supports conventionally designed e-commerce platforms like WordPress and Joomla. Google Inc. recognizes that globalization is acknowledging and respecting business innovations and revolutions within the entrepreneurial sphere. Google generates every dollar from advertising sales and has continuously focused on this the market with undivided attention (Yaegar & Sorensen, 2009).

Google executives expect that as its presence grows in other countries, the bottom line of the company will follow suit. Luckily, without limiting options to its growth, Google has allowed many other companies to expand entrepreneurially through sales of products. EBay and Amazon are the most common merchandising platforms that offer immense value to shoppers. By connecting these platforms to the wider global community, Google’s commitment to globalization is bespoke. People have to make buying decisions every day, and Google as a company realizes that and gives everyone a chance to write a review or make a purchase for product(s). What is more, it fully supports and acknowledges ecommerce and serves to ensure that the shopping needs and concerns by people are met. Some data on Google’s financial status indicate that it receives less than two-thirds of all income domestically (Wright, 2012). However, these incomes are slated to change dramatically with changing operations globally. This argument supports Google’s corporate strategy plan to globalization.

What is more, it creates knowledge and insight about globalization allowing businesses to associate and interact with Google in a competitive fashion. The next part of the report examines recommendation that should be adopted by Google. These are the proposals that will serve to ensure that resources can be better leveraged in the creation of a sustainable and competitive advantage for the company.

How Google Resources can be better aligned to create a Competitive Advantage

Google should first take advantage of its channel function. What in the search results motivates users the most? For example, the test of Google video as offered by professionals indicated that Google sales grew up to 79% from the year 2006 (Levy, 2011). However over time, the growth rate has been consistent with limited potential for extreme growth rates. Nowadays, Google videos are not the perfect preference by users but an alternative option (Levy, 2011).

Sources like YouTube and Vimeo have taken exclusive control of this important component. Google Inc. should take advantage of its channel function by considering its first approach of verifying videos before display. Uploading of videos in Google should be a comprehensive process. Every person can upload although Google should take exclusive measures to ensure the footages meet recommended standards. What is more, each video should feature its span on the web to ensure out-dated information do not fluff Google. This recommendation supports that having standards ensures quality attracting more users and clients. What is more, Google’s BlogSpot has an excellent performance because Google terminates inappropriate and undercooked blogging platforms. The measures by Google on blogging spheres should be extended to video and footage portfolios.

This would serve to ensure that YouTube and Vimeo are the only competitors who can be eliminated gradually through Google’s collected efforts. Early 2009, technicians at Googlepex designed a plan-code titled Project Oxygen. The Business Post at New York Times states that the mission by Googleplex was to design a program that was far more important than Google Inc. and the next search app (Bryant, 2011). Therefore, as the only data-mining giant, Google began to analyze feedback surveys, performance reviews and nominations for top positions at the company. The company correlated phrases, praise, words and complaints. Years later, the plan did not see the light of the day, let along being tested. The New York Times recommends Google to revisit the Project Oxygen plan as advised by its statisticians. The project will be an alternative option for the company in creating a competitive, non-challengeable presence on the internet (Bryant, 2011).

Additionally, Google should consider expanding its collection of quality metrics. The acting director at the United States Patent and Trademark office Dr. Focarino recommends the company to come up with a plan that is far much inclusive (Focarino, 2013). The director identifies that the search provides more than enough opportunities for business growth. As a result, he observes that creating a team across the globe, 195 countries, will serve to ensure that the company throws the net far and wide. What is more, expanding the collection of quality metrics will serve to ensure that Google’s resources are better aligned to realize a competitive advantage in the Search Results and Placements. There is a range of recommendations regarding Google’s dominance on the internet. Forbes states that Google as the powerhouse should initiate projects in technical universities across United States. Other recommendations are dear and near to the hearts of Google executives.

There range from performance and operations to organizational structures and management systems. The next part of this study paper examines how organizational structures in Google can be aligned with management systems to realize the above recommendations. What is the relationship between Google’s organizational structures and that of its management system? How can the two be aligned to realize the above proposals?

Aligning Google’s Organization with Management Systems to Realize Results

The executive level at Google is uniquely positioned for the management of the company. Larry Page is responsible in leading the company’s technological strategy and developing products (Google, 2006). The executive chairman Eric Schmidt cuts the image of an executive with loyal adherence to the company from its yester years as a startup in the Silicon Valley.

The list trickles down to the co-founder Sergey, Senior Vice President Brummond, Financial Officer Patrick Pichette and others like Craig Barrat, Alan Eustache, Rachel Whestone and Salar Camangnar for senior positions. The powerful executive structure means that the above recommendations like the development of Project Oxygen and creation of quality metrics can be met. Aligning organization structures with management systems involves identifying skills and pristine technology talent in people and allocating them roles in the company (Fox, 2010). The management should value talent over experience in efforts to realize a long-term goal for Google Inc. The above recommendations can be met if the company sources the exquisite talent in specified fields and supports their decisions with regard to changes and innovations.

With the notion that success stems from risk, the company should bear risks and ensure that the desired expertise in management is identified and leveraged to solve common goals and meet emerging needs. Many have recommended reasons for Google’s success and some view it in complete admiration. Therefore, this means that the company is at the pinnacle of attention and adulation by any metric that you choose. The company should work to maintain the past and current success by identifying opportunities for growth as recommended. The organizational structure should ensure that powerful programs (Project Oxygen and Expansion of Quality metrics) are realized with the right company culture. As the world of technology takes unprecedented twists and turns, the organizational executive should strive to predict the changes by recognizing talent. What is more, the working atmosphere should be designed to improve both the quality and variety of services.

Recommendations for Google’s Diversification Strategy

Google as a growing platform faces many opportunities for establishing a corporate diversity. However, it is equally imperative to note that any extension should be limited within the ability and scope of the company. The company should consider limiting their services to targeted audiences with no limitation to race, cultures and ethnicity. The only determining mantra should be that of usage and quality regardless of nations and divisions. What is more, Google should consider establishing itself in other areas such as commerce in software and development (Bamford, 2010). Monitoring strategic development and planning in other areas must involve contingency just in case of competitive threats. Offering support in software and development business will position the company uniquely because of it proven success. What is more, emerging companies will leverage their services because they recognize Google as a classic backdrop to exquisite technology. Google should revisit its current initiatives.

The customer service and support team at the Company are exclusively automated. This means that customers who express claims are not put into direct contact with experts. Rather, they are given responses by automated systems. Although this is effective in dealing with bulky issues at the customer service desk, it falls short of quality. The WordPress community help is a classic model of what Google should consider. The community at WordPress allows experts and professionals to create profiles and offer help on behalf of the company. WordPress as a company offers incentives to ensure that the voice of customers is felt and needs addressed in the desired fashion. Google should therefore consider the above models to uphold quality in customer service and eliminate frustrations faced by automated responses.

Every need and concern by clients is unique. Google diversification strategy is a close topic for this report. The approaches used by the company like those of inclusion and cultural diversity are the best imaginable. Nevertheless, they are open to judgment. Psychologists argue that differences in backgrounds and cultures limit performances and especially if the shared goals serve the interest of many (Lynch, 2006). Google’s objective is to provide universal information and make it accessible and fulfilling. However, the foundation of the information is subject to values as advocated by varying cultures. For example, a post in Google might support why pork is the best meal for given occasions and circumstances. A Muslim professional at Google might fail to uphold and award the post’s argument although it is his best interest to serve the Company. This is just but one conflicting idea faced by the Google diversification strategy.


The report has successfully explored Google’s mission, values and goals. The study has gone further to describe Google’s approach in sustainable competition and corporate strategy. What is more, the essay has documented the effectiveness of the efforts by Google in corporate strategy in areas like vertical integration, globalization and diversification. It was within the best interest of the paper to project recommendations regarding the alignment of Google’s organizational structure with that of its management system. What is more, the study offered knowledge on the company’s senior level and their functions in the execution of strategic management. Finally, the report navigated across business areas where Google should establish itself and sections that need to be revisited. The above observation and analysis as supported by scholarly articles and scientific literatures surmises the report adding knowledge and insight into Google Inc.


Bamford, C. E., & West, P. G. (2010). Strategy: Sustainable advantage and performance. Canada: South Western Cengage Learning Bryant, A. (2011). Google’s Quest to Build a Better Deal. Business Day. New York Times. Retrieved From Focarino, A. N (2013). Comments of Google Inc with Regard to Draft Operational Plan for 2014 – 2018 Fox, V. (2010). Marketing in the age of Google: A non-technical guide to search engine strategy. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons. Google (2006). 10 Things We Know to be True. Google Inc.
Retrieved From Levy, S. (2011). In the plex: How Google thinks, works, and shapes our lives. New York: Simon & Schuster. Lynch, R. L. (2006). Corporate strategy. Harlow, England: FT/Prentice Hall. Stross, R. E. (2008). Planet Google: One company's audacious plan to organize everything we know. New York: Free Press. Thompson, A. A., ; Thompson, A. A. (2012). Crafting and executing strategy: The quest for competitive advantage: concepts and cases. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Vise, D. A., ; Malseed, M. (2005). The Google story. New York: Delacorte Press. Wright, S. (2012). Competitive intelligence, analysis and strategy: Creating organizational agility. London: Routledge. Yaeger, T. F., ; Sorensen, P. F. (2009). Strategic organization development: Managing change for success. Charlotte, N.C: Information Age Pub.

Google: The Quest to Balance Privacy with Profits


Google is the most popular search engine that the world uses on an everyday basis. Sergey Brin and Larry Page created Google in 1998. What started out to be a small search engine and ranking system are now the worlds most profitable Internet companies of our time. Google has created many products today that have changed the world of technology, products such as Google+, YouTube, Android, Motorola Mobility, the Nexus 7 tablet computer, Google Wallet, and Google Glass (p.470). Google is qualified as one of the best companies to work for (p.464.) The issue we are facing today is the privacy policy with Google and what Google is doing with the users personal information. Google still is trying to create ways of changing its privacy policy and exploring different ways of protecting users personal information to keep from being exposed to the public.

How can Google use its power to improve the lives of its stakeholders? Google can improve the lives of its stakeholders by finding ways to secure private information from its users so that it does not get into the wrong hands or get publicly spread. With the amount of power Google has, they should create several secure files of the information they gather and protect it. As stated in the text about Google, any information identifying users must have user consent to be shared with outside third parties. Google also claims that the claims that the information it collects is shared with partners but the information cannot be identifiable (p.465). With that being said, I believe Google can take all the resources it has to create files of the users private information it gathers, and place it into different folders that can be locked and protected.

Do you feel there is any way Google can respect privacy and yet still maintain its profitability? I believe that Google can respect its privacy yet still maintain its profitability but Google, will be dealing with the battle for quite some time. According to the text, Google relies on tracking along with other activities to maintain profitability, it has large stake in the privacy issue (p.471). Google has been working on updating their privacy policy to better comply with what the users want when it comes to their private information. In 2012, Google revamped their privacy policy and combined all its information it gathered from its users from the different Google services. Google drafted a 13-page letter answering all government questions (p.469). Google states that all users have the option of turning off certain features that collect users information. The new policy also states that it would not impact the amount of data it gathers or deletes and that it remains highly committed to user privacy (p.469).

If Google can continue to follow this new policy where it commit to its users privacy and not have it clash with its profitability then Google users will be happy. Majority of Google users just want to make sure that when they use the Google search engine, their private information is secured and not leaked to hackers. Google has the power to respect its privacy and maintain its profitability by keeping the two issues separate. What are some of the effects government regulation of the Internet might have on Google’s operations? Since Google is a multination, it has numerous amounts of rule and regulations to abide by depending on the country’s laws and legal requirements. Google understands that what can be legal in one country may not be acceptable in others (p.470). Government regulations that effect Google’s operations are Google operating in China, Google tracking its users, and surpassing its privacy policy.

China’s government is very strict with the Internet. When Google entered China, it was a great opportunity but came with many rules and regulations. The Chinese government blocked many cites Google offered, cause an abundance of problems with Google’s search engine. Google left the Chinese market due to a lot of pressure and hackers and moved its platform to Hong Kong (p.466). Another issue government regulations of the Internet have on Google’s operations is its tracking problems and privacy violations. Recently Google went against its settings with the Safari Browser and in the U.K., it had scanned data from users wireless networks.

Google used ways around the system to track their users from Safari and how Google gathered private information in the U.K., was from their special detection equipment that was used in the vans for its location-based services (p.467). Being such a large company that Google is, understanding all rules and regulations is not an easy task. Though Google paid all of its fines for the violations it made, Google still has to abide by their policies. By doing so Google, will need to take a closer look into its services and making sure it meets all standards depending on the country.


Ferrell, O., Fraedrich, J.,; Ferrell,L. (2013). Case 7: Google: The Quest to Balance Privacy with Profits. In Business ethics: Ethical decision making ; cases. (10th ed., pp. 458-474). Stamford, Ct.

Updated: Jan 29, 2024
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Google: A Premier Workplace with Exceptional Contributions essay
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