George W.Bush's address to the nation of historical relevance following the 9/11 events

Categories: Nation

Former President George W. Bush “9/11 address the Nation” responded to the terrorist attacks on the U.S was a great success for his presidency and very uplifting to the country. The September 11th terrorist attacks will forever be memorable to us citizens. On this despicable day, Bush addressed the nation to affirm the American people of our country strength, which would certainly achieve through this unthinkable event.

Bush delivered his speech to the American speech to the American people, but also wanted the rest of the world to see.

(From video in class) During his speech, he mastered various techniques of rhetoric. Bush showed a sense of unity and promise in time to this major crisis, and responded appropriately while still remaining calm.

Former President George Bush applied logos through his speech in order to prove to the nation that he was fully capable to take control of the situation; by maintain a strong country. In a particular part of speech, Bush states that “The functions of our government continue without interruption.

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Federal agencies in Washington which had to be evacuated today are reopening for essential personnel tonight and will be open for business tomorrow. Our financial institutions remain strong, and the American economy will be open for business as well” (Bush 63). He uses these key points to show beyond doubt that everything is under control. He demonstrates that the American, whom is crushed by this tragic event is returning to normality. He mentions the restoration of the economy and government institutions to convince Americans that there is nothing to worry about as long as the higher organizations are still functioning.

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Bush assured citizens that the upper levels of society (essentially the government) are not panicking; and therefore we should not either.

While the camera begins to film, Former president Bush portrays himself as a qualified leader with the American and presidential flag shadowing him at his desk. Showing symbolism of the patriotism and power in power in film (cite youtube video) affected the audience in believing that everything Bush said would uphold truth. His overall appearance demonstrates his character and trustworthiness. In his address he said “Immediately following the first attack, I implemented our government emergency response plans. Our military is powerful, and it’s prepared. Our emergency teams are working in New York City and Washington D.C to help with local rescue efforts. Our first priority is to get help to those who have been injured, and to take every precaution to protect our citizens at home, and around the world from further attacks” (Bush 63). He establishes a strong sense of power and action; he make use of words “I” and “Our” to reduce the amount of responsibility he holds. When he says “I implemented our government emergency response plan” he shows credit to himself for responding immediately following attacks. However; Bush also notice and reduces his responsibility by saying “Our military, our emergency team, our first priority” and defer some of it to his fellow subunits in control of situations.

Former president George Bush makes a strong use of pathos throughout his address to the nation. In video clip he begins by setting a very upsetting tone. His introduction starts with: “Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very own freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts. The victims were in airplanes of in their offices: secretaries, business men and women, military and federal workers, moms and dads, friends and neighbors. Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror. The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning huge¬¬-huge structures collapsing have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness and quiet unyielding anger. These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat. But they have failed. Our country is strong” (Bush 63).

The strong emotions delivered at the beginning of his speech demonstrates his use of pathos. He uses the method of listing horrific images to coincide with the overwhelming feeling Americans felt at that particular time. Bush produced sorrowful feeling from the audience so that he could lift them during the remainder of speech. At the end of introduction, Bush changes pace from sorrowful images to dignified, the emotion he wants his citizen to gain from his address to nation. The last two sentences of his introduction are also using pathos after he says “These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat, but they have failed. Our country is strong” (Bush 63) Bush shows in previous quote that “our country is strong” shows dignity in what were defeated Americans.

George Bush strategically generates hope at the end to leave viewers feeling slightly better on the situation at hand. In his conclusion, the then president unifies viewers in saying, “This is a day when all Americans from every walk of life unite in order to resolve for justice and peace. America has stood down enemies before, and will do so this time. None of us will ever forget this day, yet we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world” (Bush 64). His conclusions strikes different groups in conjuring hope amongst viewers. Bush depicts a unified country and remind viewers that something similar to this country has overcome similar challenges. Also, he reminds viewers of “all that is (still) good and just in our world. At the end his address, Bush uses many positive images that cancel out the tragic ones from his introduction and ends his address with a great amount of hope, comforting Americans. For example, President Bush says” Tonight I ask for your prayers for all those who grieve, for the children whose worlds have been shattered, for all whose sense of safety and security has been threaten. And I pray they will be comforted by a Power greater than any of us, spoken through the ages in Psalm: Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for you are with me” (Bush 64). He touched upon these emotions to make the audience feel the sorrow, dignity, and hope, however, it is more important for him to remain strong and uphold his powerful image as our leader.

President Bush’s 9/11 address to the nation held so much significance to our history in that it was his job to restore a fallen nation in a single speech. His effective use of logos, ethos, and pathos, and the overall setting of the address, allowed him to demonstrate a strong use of rhetoric. The logic represented in his speech proved of its worthiness as he assured Americans of the stability of our nation. Although he delegated some of his responsibilities to lesser powers, Bush was able to implement great ethos in characterizing himself as a qualified and dignified leader.

Updated: Feb 18, 2024
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George W.Bush's address to the nation of historical relevance following the 9/11 events. (2024, Feb 18). Retrieved from

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