Fractional Representation and Its Methodology

There are terrific various concepts and ideas found worldwide in art. In some circumstances, art draws from sources not consistently related to art. Such holds true with fractional representation. This is a style of art promoted by the Egyptians that combines spatial images of many kinds. Rather rooted in geometry, a typical example of this kind of art would be the painting of a God whose face remained in profile but the eyes are in a frontal position.

There is also a lot of religious symbolism found in this genre of art.

In lots of instances, this type of art is utilized to create duplications of spiritual figures. One such example of this can be noticeable in the wall painting of a ship crossing a river. (http://www. 1destination. com/egypt/images/ barque. jpg) In the images of this painting, men, gods, and the queen show up taking a trip on their boat. The unusual spatial imagery offers it a somewhat unearth-like feel.

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In a way, it comes to life however appears to be a vision into another measurement.

This is a tremendous visual element, but it also has a profound effect on spiritual sensory aspects. No one can see into the otherworld. This is why the imagery in Egyptian art is so very special. It creates an otherworldly appearance. This has a mesmerizing psychological effect on those who view it. Because it seems like such a realistic vision into another dimension, it provides additional reinforcement on a subconscious level of belief in the gods.

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Also, the presence of royalty in the picture would have the effect of subconsciously equating Egyptian royalty with the gods.

Updated: Feb 08, 2023
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Fractional Representation and Its Methodology essay
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