Forensic Anthropology - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Although most claim the diverse fields of science and technology we have today have improved communication and medical advancements throughout the world, they fail to notice the impact anthropology has conferred on society. Anthropology has many branches with one of the four being physical anthropology. In today’s society, the advancement in sciences has helped forensic scientists investigate and solve murder cases. Forensics makes up the majority of what is required for investigation through the application of human anatomy. Physical anthropology has been the backbone of criminal justice since it enables detectives and scientists to decipher clues and even date the time a body has been left at the case. The combination of forensics and anthropology has three types of discipline that are practiced today: archaeology, osteology, and taphonomy. Each category plays a unique part of what makes up and defines forensic anthropology today. This paper will discuss the three disciplines of forensic anthropology through detailing the strategies utilized by anthropologists during an examination of a crime.

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