Footsteps - creative writing

Categories: Writing

All I remember was loud thumping music in my ear, my ear was ringing I could barley hear. I was so drunk I don't recollect what happened earlier all I remember was a party, my friend Sam's. I rose to my feet, I was in a hall, and it was empty. I decided I would go home so I left the hall the cold hit my face like a block of ice. I was walking in different directions, I couldn't help it though.

I looked at my phone to see if I could ring my brother to see if he would pick me up; he would be worried. My battery was empty.

I continued down the empty road, it was like a ghost town. I felt alone. As I walked I felt like I was being watched I had a very strange vibe, it gave me shivers; I was scared. I could hear the rustling of the trees and that's all otherwise it was silent.

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Then I heard footsteps so immediately I turned around. But nobody was there. So I continued to walk on as I thought it was a result of my excessive drinking, I thought I was hearing things then I heard a voice whispering "don't be late home or you'll regret it!"

Now I was terrified I remembered I always carried a knife on me so my sweaty hands reached for it as I turned round shouting "who's there, go on show yourself, and be a man."

But to my surprise there was nobody there, then I really got worried I began to walk faster and I was breathing heavily too.

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I started to jog slowly then I stopped as I realized I had to walk down a very long alley which I was scared to walk down in broad daylight let alone by myself in early morning. I took a deep breathe and walked down it at a fast pace with the distinct feeling I was still being watched so I held my knife so tight I hurt my hand, then all of a sudden I felt something brush past me. I turned and started stabbing and slashing the knife in mid air. I soon convinced myself that I was being paranoid and took 3 deep breaths and calmly walked down the alley. Then I heard it again "don't be late home or you'll regret it!"

I jumped out of my skin then the adrenaline rush I had forced me to sharply turn and stab someone I got them on the floor and kept stabbing then I got up and ran not even knowing whom my victim was. I was covered in blood I ran home and rushed into the bathroom and cleaned up next I went outside and burned my clothes, after I laid down and fell asleep.

The next morning I was so drained I hadn't slept a lot and couldn't stop thinking about who it might have been. I lay in bed and I heard my mother screaming "why, why, take him, what did he do to deserve this!"

My stomach turned upside down I was afraid not knowing what my mother was talking about. I got up, my knees shaking and I walked downstairs and all I could hear was the constant whimpering of my mother. I was shaking all over, I had a dry throat, my hands were sweating and I was trembling.

It sounded like it was coming from the kitchen, so I slowly walked in there and my mother was sobbing on the floor with my sister holding her in her arms, she was crying too. My mother rose to her feet and walked over and said "sit down son."

At this moment I knew this was going to be worse than I thought. She then said "son your brother was found dead yesterday in the alley by your school, he was stabbed multiple times in the neck at around 1:00AM when he came to check on you, and he would have died almost instantly."

At that moment my heart began to pound like it was trying to escape my chest and my head thumping like a drum being beaten by a tree trunk. I said I need to be alone then lay in bed and couldn't help but wonder could I have killed my own brother?

Updated: Jun 05, 2020
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Footsteps - creative writing essay
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