Creative Writing The Sounds of My Day

The first sound I wake up in the morning is the sound of my alarm. It blares next to me until I turn off the mechanical sound. In the other room, I can hear the muffled voice of my dad as he talks to my mom. I hear the quiet whispering of my blankets as I get out of bed. The faucet of the shower makes a roaring sound, but the shower head transforms it into a gentle downfall. The spray of the shower head causes a constant and monotonous cascade as the dripping of the faucet makes an irregular and faint dripping noise that is higher in pitch.

In between the sounds of the water are the noises of hollow plastic bottles bumping against one another as I pick them up or set them down. The falling water drowns out the noises made by the rest of my family members until I've shut the water off. Now, I can hear the humming of a fan in the other bathroom and my mom and sister talking somewhere on the other side of the house.

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When I return to my room, I can can hear noises from outside. It's still early and it's relatively quiet and peaceful.

A blue jay calls it's shrill, harsh alarm as a mourning dove coos quietly. In the kitchen I hear sounds that are typical of an early and busy morning. The microwave is whirring and then beeping as my sister prepares dog food and the coffee maker is creaking as my mom cleans it out after preparing her coffee.

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I pour cereal from its noisy plastic bag, and it clinks into the ceramic bowl. Once I add milk, the snapping, cracking, and popping joins the cacophony of other morning noises. The library where I work is expected to be quiet, but it is still filled with commotion. The newspapers I fix rustle with each turn of the page, and metal shelves ring as librarians shelve materials. I hear vocal sounds too; librarians are talking as they shelve and one hums a melody to himself. When the library opens, these noises amplify and are joined by new sounds: children laughing or screaming as mothers coo to their babies or quiet their noisy toddlers. In the back room of the library, I hear the mechanical whirring sound of the conveyor belt that sorts books, and the thump of materials as they fall into the appropriate crate.

Meanwhile, librarians type away on their keyboards or talk to each other, and occasionally the phone's ring will interrupt a conversation. After work I go to church, where the sanctuary practically hums with the sound of hundreds of conversations. When the worship portion of the service begins, the sanctuary is filled with music. I focus individually on the different instruments: the drums and bass keeping rhythm, the two electrics playing different parts, a keyboard, and a barely audible acoustic. Additionally, there are two lead worship leaders, multiple backup vocalists, an adult SATB choir, and a full auditorium of people singing. During the message, the auditorium is much quieter. The pastor's voice is the dominant sound, so the occasional cough or baby's cry isn't as noticeable. When I return home, the sound of crickets and a single owl replaces the sound of blue jays and mourning doves. Nature's nocturne lulls me to sleep until the sounds of morning return.

Updated: Feb 26, 2022
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Creative Writing The Sounds of My Day essay
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