Food and Beverage supervision

The hospitality management refers to the combination of management concepts and structured leadership in the sectors of accommodation, dining and guest services.The term hospitality management refers to a series of job occupations and professional careers affiliated with the administration of hotels, resorts and other institution. The hospitality field is a service industry sector. Its responsibility is to create more benefits for the stockholder by servicing and especially satisfying guests. Industry segments stockholder contains: hotels, resorts, restaurants, coffeeshop, managed food service, event planning, and tourism.

The Food and beverage are the most important products offer in a Hotel. The success of one Hotel depends of the quality and quantity of the Food and Beverage services. Even if the Hotel is very luxurious, 5 stars or whatever, drinks and foods qualify his power; that's the reason why all the hotels in the world take care about the foods and drinks, how they prepare it, in which way.Globally, Food and Beverage includes the way of preparing raw food materials, storing and presenting them.

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It means fresh foods, prepared, in addition to that we can have food stored; non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages.This kind of industry employs chef, cooks (line cook), waiter or waitress, bartenders, foods purchasing, Even, the outside suppliers can also have a role in employment.Normally, in food and beverage operation, it can include 8 main activities, as purchasing, receiving, storing, issuing, preparation, cooking, serving, consumption.II. Introduction of Pearle Beach Resort and Spa:Pearle Beach Resort and Spa is one of the hotels situated on the coast of the most beautiful beaches of Mauritius; the Hotel is located about 50km away from the airport.

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The purpose of Pearle Beach Resort and Spa is To reach the 4 stars awards". The vocation of hotel is to offer family suites for customers and try to satisfy the guest 100%.The Hotel inspired by the Mauritian culture will offer you a tropical seaside escape and where you can experience local culture to the fullest. In addition to that, Pearle Beach receives several customers of mixed nationality as Mauritian, French, British, Italian, Seychelle, Reunion, and African. About the activity, Pearle Beach Resort and Spa offers many activities like:- Boat House which is about the activity located on the Beach including Pedalo, Kayak, Windsurfing, Snorkelling, Glass bottom Boat, Paddle, opens every day from 09h00 to 17h00.- Diving Centre: it is situated at the Hotel. Open everyday as from 09h00 to 17h00 and including public holidays. The members of the Hotel organize course and lesson for the beginners.- Convention Hall: At the same time, it is a kind of conference room, theatre even a ballroom dancingAt Pearle Beach restaurants and bar, at the seaside, the culinary experience takes place. Dishes and drinks are presented with delicacies.The Hotel has 2 restaurants very distinct:1) Horizon Restaurant: this is the principal restaurant with a seating capacity of 175.During the dinner and lunch, different types of menu can be offered like Italian menu, Mauritian menu, Asian menu but it depends on the day. Every night, many kinds of show will be provided from the responsible.Opening hours:Breakfast: 7:30 to 10:00Lunch: 12:30 to 15:00Dinner: 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm2) Oceanic Restaurant: with a capacity of 32 seats, this beach grill ship restaurant Oceanic' offers a wide variety of fresh seafood dishes. The ship restaurant with its outdoor deck directly on the beach is the epitome of good taste offering a wide variety of local seafood specialities, live entertainment and frosty drinks, all with a breath-taking view of the ocean. Task 1: Development, management and evaluation of food and beverage operations: Factors affecting Food and Beverage offerings:The Pearle Beach Resort and Spa is an organisation having many types of outlets. The outlets are offering activities and package to attract customer's attention and budget. On the other side the Hotel is open to the outsider for day package and visit tour. The restaurant and bar have their own specialties for the pleasure of the taste buds, especially to have more benefits. In each VIP room, the chef prepares the best appetizers and offers the best sparkling wine to welcome guests. The evening distinguishes also the Hotel Pearle beach because every night the hotel changes theme depending the dinner menu.The form of the outlet is in the shape of a small liner with the sea view so that the customer can travel to another culinary universe. The pillars are decorated with woods to create a warm and welcoming ambiance. The Hotel provides all different buffets and menu suited to customer expectations. The buffet is presenting with many different colours to represent the Island and the Mauritian culture.Italian food are the specialities of the restaurant because Pearle beach received 75% of Italian customers per year. The approach of the restaurant affects the food and Beverage offering as they provide Italian foods only. The buffet is already organized by days, and it's a bit monotonous. There is not much change except Friday which is especially the chef's buffet. Recommendation of improvements with their impact: Even the Hotel changes buffet every night, the Italian customers are more considered than other nationalities. To improve this problem, the hotel must consider the guests as kings, no matter their nationalities. During the dinner, the restaurant responsible should proposed another menu than the buffet which is prepared every night to retain the customers. Concerning the buffet, the food and beverage manager must have a new technique to properly organize the evening buffets. He could vary the food to ensure that customers find the spark in the dishes and give good reviews on the catering of the hotel.If these recommendations would be achieved, Pearle Beach Resort and Spa will may have other customers of different nationalities apart from the ItaliansRecruitment and selection at the Hotel: In Pearle Beach Resort and Spa, the recruitment of Staff is realized by Human Resource Manager and the Food and Beverage Manager and the General Manager. The HR manager organizes interview, analysis work experience, qualification and behaviour of the candidate and analyse if the candidates is able to do the post given. The Food and Beverage manager and the General Manager identify the lacking post in the Hotel and create a labour condition. The Food and Beverage manager identify the qualification of the candidate and the General manager is the last who decided the recruitment.After the candidates drop out of the job title, they must take training to be able to make the job easier and focus quickly in the world of work. The staff should follow a specific program whereby they will be taught about the norms of procedures of the hotel and the department. The staff will never be alone until they adapt to the standards of the hotel and a supervisor supervises them and shows them what to do.Targets:The targets and objective are made for aligning the targets with the business needs of food and beverage department and general purpose. The goals are to provide high quality customer service, the most economic and decent; offer the best goods and services especially about the menu a la carte to customers through delivering food and beverage in adequate quantity and quality also providing the food in normal standard of the 3 stars. At the Pearle Beach Hotel, the owner and managers compare the hotel to the other 3 stars hotels to see what improvements and standards are to be achieved. Allocation of resources:As a definition, Allocation of resources is an economic theory that concerns the use of scarce resources and especially the factors of production to satisfy customer's needs. Documents of the guests are used to identify the numbers of employees as how many persons should work in one day and how many persons should recruit the Hotel. The Food and Beverage prepares the roster which is the agenda and the list of staff who work in turn the day and night shift.Training at Pearle Beach Resort and Spa:The training is very important in the organisation because it facilitates the working ability of the staff and boost the quality of service. In every hotel staffs are given training of using safety tools, food equipment, delivering the raised customer service, maintaining health and safety and hygiene conditions. At Pearle Beach Resort and Spa, the staffs receive training from the kitchen chef and the food and beverage manager. There are various types of workplace training interventions at the organizational level, job rotation, demonstration and coaching on several occasions. The main of the training is to ensure that staff can easily adjust to cook the required food, manage time wastage and accidents at work, while maintaining hotel standards and, above all, enhance their own performance.The employee performance and the underperformance managing:Staff must have the best customer service backgrounds because they must communicate and interact with customers, their ability to communicate must be flawless to satisfy customer expectations and also to have a greater understanding.Guests will be faithful to the hotel and will re-enter the restaurant if the staff is professional and friendly. Staff must have an attractive attitude and a positive mind set when confronted with negative reactions from the customer.Kitchen staff must be able to cook all day long and cook at high pressure and temperature. The ability to use high-performance kitchen utensils such as knives and other items are very important.If staff work well, the manager will need to make an assessment, to see if they are punctual in their schedule and professional in the work. It is more important to evaluate performance in terms of customer service expectations than to evaluate customers for unnecessary things.Staff performance can be judged against its service standard. The speed with which they serve, the technique of customer treatment. The way it satisfies the customer. The underperformance assessment of staff is regularly conducted at Pearle Beach Resort and Spa.1- Evaluation criteria, analyse and efficiency of operations evaluation, the factors affecting hygiene, health and safety and the impact of non-compliance with regulatory requirements:Efficiency of Food and Beverage Operations:Pearle Beach Resort and Spa's cuisine is conceived in such a way that the international standard in terms of marketing is well respected, and the different types of food, including dry, fresh and raw, are segregated in different and distinguished locations. In the main kitchen, is the chef's office, where you can discover individual dishes, seafood and rare foods to be found on the island. The kitchen is split into three workspaces, there is a space reserved for preparations, a space for cooking, and a space for service; as a result, there is enough space for each task. Before entering the kitchen, a small room is reserved at the corner of the restaurant to store cutlery, glasses and tablecloths.Factors affecting Hygiene, health and safety:Sometimes hair, rocks from seafood, are found in food, which affects food hygiene. The temperature in the kitchen must be kept as many people work in it, the kitchen is not bright enough, and the light bulbs are flashing and cause headaches for staff.Impact of non-compliance with regulatory requirements:The hotel is ISO accredited and respects all the rules and principles of a 3-star hotel. Each used product is marked with a label with the name of the product, the date of manufacture and the expiration date. If the hotel does not conform to the standards and regulations, it must comply with a penalty and the organization may even be prosecuted or may result in the closure of the organization.TASK2: Banquets and Functions:Banqueting is a service that brings a certain number of people. The menu, the form, the number of guests and the price are fixed and negotiated in advance between the caterer and the customer. This type of service can also be the subject of associated sales.It is a meal that can gather 15 to more people. During a banquet, guests are seated and consume a predefined menu. The most common type of service used in banquets is buffet and plate. The banquet and function are the specific events that must be planned and coordinated to ensure that problems will be addressed in the future. At Pearle Beach Resort and Spa, the wedding ceremony, the birthday party, the dinner cocktail is all banqueted. The various festivals in the calendar are celebrated in banquet. Banquet service depends on the host and the type of event taking place in the banquet.The banquet menu changes at each event, it is important to produce food and beverages that meet quality standards. All staff should be trained to follow standard procedures. Food and beverage planning are the first step in providing quality food and beverages that meet customer expectations.At Pearle Beach Resort and Spa, various types of banquets and receptions are available. Depending on the banquet and function, several types of menus and beverage lists are prepared. A la Carte is the type of menu used at Pearle Beach Hotel for the banquet and various functions. The banquet menu depends on the customers' budget because at the Pearle Beach restaurant level, the banquet is characterized by two types; there is self-service buffet and plated service.Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are the beverages, in which, beer, whisky, vodka, rum, cocktails are alcoholic drinks. Tea, coffee, virgin cocktail, fruit juices, do not contain alcohol. Conventional and practical methods of food production are followed at the hotel, saving time and providing fast service.Health and Safety:At Pearle Beach Resort and Spa, health and safety issues are the same for all occasions, including the cleaning, maintenance of the workplace, handling of equipment and tools.During an event, Pearle Beach doesn't care about cleanliness in the kitchen; as employees focus so much on the number of dishes used and meals.The kitchen does not always stay clean and bacteria can affect employees and even food. I also analysed that all kitchen utensils must be replaced because it can create work accidents.Staffing and supervision arrangement:The customer service expertise of Hotel Pearle Beach staff is significant, but on the one hand there are skills gaps, especially in terms of guest satisfaction. The staff members have an attractive personalities and good communication abilities, especially in the commercial area. Staff strives to grasp clients' questions even if clients do not always speak the same dialect. At Pearle Beach Resort and Spa in each event, staff are separated into two teams. One team cleans the dining area, sets up the table, prepares all the equipment and the other team remains at the client service level.Evaluation of the success of the eventThe evaluation of the event at Pearle Beach Resort and Spa is based on customer feedback and observations, guest satisfaction is evaluated, and claims are reviewed. The event organized must satisfy the customer's expectations. TASK3: Supervision of the purchase storage and storage of food and beverages:Purchasing standards and storage managements:Purchasing is the term used to refer to a company or organization that is attempting to purchase goods or services to accomplish its goals. During purchasing, the purchasing manager should know which products to choose and to buy; should also distinguish between quality and quantity, especially, the price of the products. The purchasing procedure at Pearle Beach Resort and Spa is very detailed; the Hotel buys the goods from the suppliers who are ordered by the kitchen service. Like any other Hotel, the most commonly used and consumed products on a daily basis are tea, milk, coffee, oil, ice cream, fresh cream, noodles, bread, sugar, salt, lemon, rice, but at Pearle Beach spices are the products which are consume most in the daily life of the hotel. The purchase of the meat must be controlled by a quality inspector. Seafood and fish should be purchased fresh, at the last minute to sharpen their fresh flavours and make them tastier in the mouth.The purchasing of beverages is from the bar, the bar Supervisor list everything they need and report to the Food and Beverage Manager who give the purchasing request to the store. Pearle beach already has a supplier of beverages, whether alcoholic or non-alcoholic. When buying drinks, it is necessary to check if the bucket is broken, if the label is good, if it is leaking or even already open. First, the chef de cuisine gives the list of goods to be purchased, then the purchasing manager checks the list and sends it to the supplier. The supplier then delivers the goods to the hotel, which is required to issue delivery notes and receipts to the purchasing department for each purchase.Before the products are used by the kitchen, they must first be put in the store for a final inspection and classified in order of use.The powdered goods are placed in the same places, especially the spices because of the smell. Dry food can be purchased in large quantities because it can be stored for long periods of time. Fruits and vegetables must be selected by a specialist because these products are almost the basis of a kitchen and the purchase must be made on a weekly basis; vegetables should be fresh and fruit should be chosen seasonally to meet customers' requirements.About the storage and the purchasing of sparkline wine and wine, it is a specific situation because at Pearle Beach Resort and Spa these 2 things are very important. The Sparkline wine is one of the welcoming guests in DCL room. The Hotel calls this Amenities guest.Actually, the wine appreciates temperatures between 11 and 15 degrees; unfortunately, Pearle Beach doesn't have wine cellar however the Hotel decided to have a room with a mild temperature to preserve the wine.Efficiency of purchasing and storage:At the hotel, the stock of goods and drinks is recorded in the logbook and in the system on the computer. The goods are removed from the storage area and stored in the kitchen or bar. The hotel always maintains a maximum stock of non-perishable goods to avoid unexpected events.Procedures for issuing actions at Pearle Beach Resort and Spa the stock did not leave the depot until the manager's requisition booklet was available.

Updated: Jun 05, 2020
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Food and Beverage supervision essay
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