Following Orders In The Military

Following orders is instrumental to the health and wellbeing of being an individual and an organization. It is a very important skill to live a quality life and an equally important skill to be a part of and form a smooth functioning society. A soldier should always follow orders given by a non-commissioned officer (NCO) or officer appointed above you. If you decide to not listen to the orders given to you as a soldier the opportunities for achieving advancement can become severely limited.

NCOs mold us from civilians into soldiers. Sergeants enforce the rules, regulations, and policies. NCOs are responsible for carrying out the daily activities appointed to them. They are responsible for making sure that lower ranking soldiers follow orders given to them in a timely and respectful manner.

Non-commissioned officers or should I say Drill Sergeants start the molding process in basic combat training (BCT) and advanced individual training (AIT). If you decide to not listen to a noncommissioned officer that’s giving you orders it can cause a great deal of chaos and give rise to immense frustration in any given situation and environment .

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To be able to follow instructions the army way it is important to possess the ability to listen and pay attention carefully to the information that’s being given. With the help of Drill Sergeant they in stow in us discipline, respect, and the army way of living in you. They teach you everything you need to start of your army career from going to parade rest for a non-commissioned officer to the position of attention for an officer.

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Those two things you as a soldier will encounter almost every day throughout your army career and good structure and discipline with everything you do including drill and ceremony, basic marksmanship, and even combative. Orders are given to us and we are molded this way by drill sergeants to ensure that we do the right things and grow up to be great soldiers and future noncommissioned officers. Non-commissioned officers are firm believers in what they do and they are the back bone of the army.

Once in advanced induvial training (AIT) you will begin to go to the next phase of NCO leadership that will continue as you make it to a noncommissioned officer or officer yourself. Basic training was a I do we do experience, but advanced induvial training and beyond is now a you do, you know what right looks like so let’s apply it. Noncommissioned officers now open up more of their vast collection of knowledge of the regulation and policies of the army. Then they set the standard for the lower ranking so that they can uphold it. Although it’s not always them setting the standard often times they will challenge you to find, learn, adjust, and inform them and other soldiers of your finding. Not only you can benefit from this nut by being in the habit of following and listening to orders you can also obstruct others around you to do the same. Having you and your peers come more and more active and knowledgeable on army regulations. The ability to follow orders is important in many ways because it can make life much easier, simpler, and safer and it ensures that tasks are completed with efficiency and on time with no confusion.

The beginning of everyday noncommissioned officers and officers are given a list of things to do every day that needs to be done. Sad to say that we are the ones who would carry out the tasks as being appointed under them. Noncommissioned officers deal with soldiers on top of meetings and a number of other things especially if they have jobs like they do in our unit. Their day could get pretty busy pretty quick that why more times they task us out and trust us to do the things that they can’t get around to do. Noncommissioned officers are hardworking and they are tasked a lot but they can’t be in three places at one time so we have to help them out. Noncommissioned officers have a lot on their plate and we as their soldiers must be ready and fully prepared when they are. Following the orders of noncommissioned officers is to help keep a structured following work environment for all.

Not following the orders of a noncommissioned officer can lead to a bunch of chaos and certain punishments that I’m sure the noncommissioned officer does not want to give the soldier and punishments that the soldier does not want to receive. By failing to follow orders and perform them in a military manner you could get the following punishments: a warning, negative counseling, or you can even get recommended for an article 15 depending on the severity of the situation the soldier has put themselves in. The army recognizes that respect for authority is what maintains order and prevents the outbreak of chaos and therefore is willing to set an example for all those who might be tempted to oppose those appointed over them by administering these punishments.

Following orders is one of the utmost importance in the army. Obedience is what allows the military to operate the way they do and in an organized and effective manner that is important during difficult military situations. While an individual like myself can question the notion of obedience and listen to noncommissioned officers and the ones appointed above in the everyday work environment noncommissioned officers have their good reasoning on why they do the things that they do and react to certain situations the way they do. Listening to the orders of the ones appointed above you is important because that’s the army way and that’s how we keep the structure and allow the military to carry out everyday tasks with confidence. Soldiers can maintain a balance between their freedom, society’s expectations, and good military order. This does not mean that a soldier should just blindly follow any order. A soldier should always follow the order given to them by a noncommissioned officer unless it is anything illegal or something that can cause them harm or death.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Following Orders In The Military. (2020, Nov 14). Retrieved from

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