Follow your heart and make it your decision

Categories: The Road Not Taken

The greatest gift we have been given is our ability to choose. Everyone is a passenger in this life, who chose which roads to follow on the continuous pathway. Life is not a straight path with a single direction. Maybe the most perplexing road that we would encounter is a crossroad. All we have to do is to trust on ourselves, make the decision, and believe that we are going to choose the best option.

The poem “The Road Not Taken”, by Robert Frost, is a descriptive poem about a person who has to make a decision between two different directions.

Both roads diverged in a yellow wood. One road was fair and having perhaps the better claim, it was grassy and wanted wear. The other was less traveled by. He had to choose the right path to take throughout life, and this choice can affect him forever. The speaker of this poem is faced with the dilemma. He regrets that he can’t follow both roads, but he pauses for a long while to consider his choice, and he makes the best decision by taking the best road, the one that no one has chosen to take.

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He made a decision and there is no turning back. The traveler in the poem chooses a path to follow for the future, and he tries not to look back on the other direction that he left behind. “Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back” (14-15).

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He chooses “the one less traveled by” (19), and he is not going to return to where the roads diverge. He is able to make his own decisions and his own mistakes, and move forward accordingly by learning from them.

I can say that everyone can find themselves in this poem. As human being, we should have the strength and the knowledge to be able to make intelligent, reasonable decisions in our lives. We have to take all the time we need to do so because that decision can affect our entire life. The biggest decision that I have ever made till now was when I decided to leave Albania and continue my studying in America. In Albania it is difficult to find a job after you graduate; you have to know people that can help you or you have to pay to get a job. Yes, it was the best decision that I could make, but it has been difficult for me to be so far away from my family, my friends, and my relatives. It has been hard because here almost everything is different from my country, the way of living, the culture, the people, and the food. Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same. So I chose to move on, be hopeful and optimistic like everyone else has done in order to achieve their goals. Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions.

Updated: Feb 21, 2024
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Follow your heart and make it your decision. (2024, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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