The Art of Letting Go in Doris Lessing's "Flight"


Doris Lessing's short story, "Flight," explores the profound emotional journey of an elderly man grappling with the inevitability of releasing his granddaughter into adulthood as she embarks on marriage. Written in an omniscient third-person perspective, the narrative unfolds, providing readers with insight into the minds of all characters, thereby facilitating a nuanced understanding of their emotions and attitudes. This omniscient narrative style elevates the reader's comprehension of the intricate dynamics at play in the story.

A Window into Characters' Inner Worlds

The story delves not only into the sentiments of the old man but also into the experiences of other characters.

The patriarch, despite his outwardly gruff demeanor, harbors a profound reluctance to let go of his youngest granddaughter. Beneath the surface, his grumpiness conceals the pain he feels as he witnesses her transition into adulthood, particularly with her boyfriend, Steve. The descriptive narrative provides a window into the complex emotions coursing through the old man, offering readers a more profound understanding of his inner world.

Moreover, the narrative casts a spotlight on the granddaughter's mother, who, in contrast, welcomes her daughter's impending marriage with joy.

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This shift in focus enables readers to appreciate the diversity of perspectives within the familial context. The omniscient viewpoint positions readers as quasi-omniscient observers, granting them insight into the conflicts and emotions that each character grapples with. This, in turn, enriches the narrative by presenting a mosaic of viewpoints that contribute to the overarching theme of learning to let go.

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The Characters' Perspectives and the Unveiling Theme

The omniscient narrative style plays a pivotal role in unveiling the story's main theme—learning to let go. By delving into the characters' perspectives, readers can discern the intricacies of their emotions and decipher the underlying theme. Initially, the narrative immerses readers in the old man's position, elucidating his deep-seated reluctance to accept his granddaughter's maturity. Despite recognizing that she is no longer the little girl he once knew, he grapples with the looming reality of her starting a family. His feelings of loneliness and hopelessness underscore his fear that life will irreversibly change after her marriage.

Conversely, the young girl's mother perceives the situation differently, viewing her daughter's marriage as a positive step toward establishing a good home. The daughter herself, amidst the familial tensions, believes that her love for her grandfather will remain unwavering, regardless of her marital status. As these distinct viewpoints unfold, a more comprehensive understanding of the overarching theme emerges. The narrative subtly weaves a tapestry of emotions and perspectives, urging readers to contemplate the complexities of familial bonds and the inevitable process of letting go.

Symbols and Metaphors: The Pigeons and the Journey

Lessing employs symbolism to convey the old man's struggle with letting go, notably through his interactions with pigeons. The pigeons serve as a metaphor for his granddaughter, symbolizing his reluctance to release her into the world. The old man's actions mirror this symbolism—he pretends to release his favorite pigeon, only to retract it hastily, stating, "Now you stay there." This symbolic act mirrors his reluctance to release his beloved granddaughter as she attempts to 'fly away' into the next phase of her life.

The narrative's climax unfolds when the old man, finally coming to terms with the inevitable, releases his favorite pigeon from its cage, allowing it to soar freely. This poignant moment symbolizes his acceptance of his granddaughter's impending journey into adulthood. The pigeon's flight becomes a metaphor for the young woman taking her first steps into the real world, and the act itself signifies the old man's mastery of the art of letting go.


In conclusion, Doris Lessing's "Flight" intricately navigates the emotional landscape of an elderly man confronted with the challenge of letting go of his granddaughter. The omniscient narrative style provides a panoramic view of the characters' inner worlds, unraveling the complexities of their emotions and perspectives. Through this lens, readers gain insight into the theme of learning to let go, a theme that resonates through the contrasting viewpoints of the characters.

The symbolic use of pigeons adds depth to the narrative, serving as a poignant metaphor for the old man's struggle. As the story concludes with the release of the favorite pigeon, readers witness the culmination of the protagonist's emotional journey—an acceptance of the inevitability of change and a poignant realization of the beauty inherent in letting go. Doris Lessing's "Flight" stands as a testament to the timeless struggle of individuals, families, and generations as they navigate the delicate balance between holding on and gracefully embracing the passage of time.

Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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The Art of Letting Go in Doris Lessing's "Flight" essay
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