Fatherhood: Nurturing, Sacrifices, and the Role of Expectant Fathers

Categories: Parenting

Fatherhood to me is someone who is a caretaker, who is leading their child into greatness, teaching them the things that they need to succeed in life. A father is willing to protect and provide for their family not just financially and physically but also mentally and emotionally as well.

I had the pleasure of sitting down with three amazing fathers who share with me their emotional rollercoaster of fatherhood. One father share with me how excited he was becoming a dad for the very first time, he said, " I completely underestimated the amount of joy being a day would bring to me".

He expresses his thoughts as a first time parent how it's easy to get caught up in the midst of things.

First time father often hear about what they stand to lose once they become a parent. No More date nights and staying up late with the guys at the bar, ono more frequent restaurant visit or buying expensive things that nourish the quest for fulfillment.

As a first time father he was very overwhelmed at first but he began to realize that his wife needed him the most for emotional support.

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He become involved by going with her to her doctor's appointment, rubbing her feet and cooking when she became very tired to stand on her feet. Involvement during pregnancy are very important to development.

In chapter 1 of the book "A topical approach to Life-Span Development", it explains that " development is the pattern of movement or change that begins at conception and continues through the human lifespan.

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Meaning development began very early during pregnancy, so it's important for the mother to feel her best throughout the pregnancy, her frame of mind can affect the fetus whether she's happy, sad or fill with joy.

When my son father become a parent for the first he said it was an amazing experience the love he felt about another human being he never felt before. Nine months of planning, anxiety, and excitement during labor and delivery. The next thing he knew he was holding a beautiful, mini human being that he helped create. He felt like there's nothing in the world that could ruin a perfect moment.

The next father I sat down with was already a father of a 2 years old little boy. He was expecting his second child, and he was very nervous and exhilarated at once. He had mixed emotions because this time he and his wife was expecting a little girl, something they've dreamt of having.

Their son was now tho years old so this was a perfect time for them to welcome another child into their growing family. When his wife was going experiencing morning sickness, weight gain, backaches and food carving he also was feeling it as well. He said " I was eating more to keep her company", "when she got sick, I got sick. It was as if he was the one carrying their baby.

He explained to me that this pregnancy was totaling different from their first child. His wife was going through a lot of different emotions. "It's a pretty frightening thing". He acknowledged, "and it has a domino effect when the issue is not discussed with your partner.

Then everybody's threatened by it. My poor wife felt she was no longer sexually appealing to me. In fact nothing could have been further from the truth. It's just that there were so many new feelings". Dr.sue Rosenberg zalk, a psychologist and hunter college professor who has counseled and interviewed many such men, said some are surprised by their bodily changes and mood swings during the pregnancy.

Conflicting feelings of anxiety, depression, flation, ambivalence envy are not atypical. "But" she said, "because so little attention and support are given to the expectant father it sits on their feelings, and frequently they come out in ways that are self-destructive or destructive to the marriage".

There is not a clear cut way to raise to raise a child as a father, but society has seemed to diminish the importance of being one. The number of single parent households are at a record high and the mother is often stuck with the children receiving little is any child support from the father. Fathering is more than a job, it is a life long commitment which many males have lost sight of.

For me, luckily I got the opportunity to love my dad. Having a father is honestly a blessing. Some people lose their father to either old age, separation of their parents, or other reason. Without my father, I wouldn't become the woman that I am tod.

I have made plenty of mistakes that I still regret till this day but that does not change the love that my father has for me. One fact that everyone can agree on is that children are the future . we as a society must sheltered these children so that they can aspire to live a healthier quality lives than their parents did and the previous generation.

Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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Fatherhood: Nurturing, Sacrifices, and the Role of Expectant Fathers. (2019, Dec 11). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/fatherhood-interview-essay

Fatherhood: Nurturing, Sacrifices, and the Role of Expectant Fathers essay
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