Exposing Humanity's Dark Side: A Character Study of 'The Lottery'


Shirley Jackson's short story, "The Lottery," has remained a thought-provoking and controversial piece of literature since its publication in 1948. It is a tale that captivates readers with its shocking twist and the unnerving portrayal of a seemingly ordinary town's ritualistic lottery. While the story's shocking conclusion often takes center stage in discussions, a closer examination of the characters within the narrative reveals a profound exploration of human nature, conformity, and the dark side of society.

In this essay, we will delve into a character analysis of "The Lottery" to uncover the intricacies of the individuals populating this eerie town and how their actions and beliefs contribute to the overarching themes of the story.

Introduction to Characters

The characters in "The Lottery" form the heart of the story, shaping its progression and the reader's emotional engagement. At first glance, the townspeople appear ordinary, yet their actions reveal deeper layers of character and motive. The primary characters we will analyze include Tessie Hutchinson, the townspeople as a collective character, and the role of various literary devices in character development.

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Shirley Jackson masterfully uses both direct and indirect characterization to bring her characters to life. For instance, the description of Tessie Hutchinson as a cheerful and ordinary housewife initially lulls the reader into a sense of normalcy, only to shock them with her later actions. Similarly, the author employs symbolism to represent character traits, such as the black box symbolizing tradition and the villagers' willingness to blindly follow it. These characters and literary elements work in concert to craft a narrative that is both unsettling and thought-provoking.

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Tessie Hutchinson: A Closer Look

Tessie Hutchinson, initially presented as an average member of the community, undergoes a significant transformation in the course of the story. Her character is instrumental in driving the plot and highlighting the story's themes. Tessie's character traits, motivations, and evolution throughout the narrative are central to our analysis.

At the outset, Tessie appears carefree and jovial as she joins her fellow villagers in the lottery. Her seemingly casual attitude towards the event sets her apart, but as the narrative unfolds, it becomes clear that her cheerful demeanor masks deep-seated fear and desperation. Tessie's motivation to protect herself and her family becomes evident when she protests the lottery's outcome, imploring the crowd to give her husband another chance. This pivotal moment in the story illustrates the stark contrast between her initial portrayal and her true character.

Tessie Hutchinson: A Closer Look (Continued)

As we delve deeper into Tessie Hutchinson's character, we uncover the complexity of her role in the story. While she initially adheres to the town's tradition and participates in the lottery without question, her transformation during the drawing reflects a deeper layer of her character. When her family is chosen, Tessie's desperate plea for another chance brings to light the innate human instinct for self-preservation.

Furthermore, Tessie's character serves as a catalyst for the story's climax, as her protest against the lottery's outcome intensifies the tension among the villagers. This tension ultimately culminates in the shocking climax of the narrative, where she becomes the victim of the ritualistic stoning. Tessie Hutchinson's character, therefore, represents the stark contrast between conformity and individuality, and how societal pressure can lead individuals to act against their own values and instincts.

The Villagers: A Collective Character

While Tessie Hutchinson stands out as an individual character, the townspeople collectively form a character of their own within the narrative. Their actions, interactions, and dynamics are instrumental in shaping the story's themes and message. Analyzing the villagers as a collective character provides valuable insights into the dangers of conformity and the darker aspects of human nature.

Throughout the story, the villagers' willingness to participate in the annual lottery without question highlights the power of tradition and societal norms. They follow the ritual blindly, even when it involves a gruesome outcome, symbolizing how communities can become complicit in cruelty when conformity is prized above all else. The dynamics among the villagers, including their casual conversations and exchanges, create a chilling contrast with the impending violence, emphasizing the story's theme of the banality of evil.

The villagers collectively symbolize the broader issues of conformity and the dangers of thoughtless obedience to tradition. Their character serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of unquestioning adherence to societal norms, even when those norms are morally questionable.

Old Man Warner: The Voice of Tradition

Old Man Warner, a prominent character in "The Lottery," stands as the embodiment of tradition and conservatism in the story. His character plays a pivotal role in highlighting the tension between the old ways and the potential for change within the community. By closely examining his character traits, beliefs, and thematic significance, we gain a deeper understanding of the story's commentary on the preservation of harmful traditions.

Old Man Warner is characterized as a staunch defender of the lottery and the longstanding traditions of the town. He dismisses the idea of discontinuing the lottery, vehemently clinging to the belief that it ensures a good harvest. His unwavering commitment to the ritual reveals a deep fear of change and a reluctance to question the status quo.

Furthermore, Old Man Warner's character serves as a symbol of generational divide within the community. He represents the older generation's attachment to the past and their resistance to progress or reevaluation of customs. In contrast, the younger generation, as seen in Tessie Hutchinson's children, appears more open to questioning the lottery's necessity.

Thematic significance arises from Old Man Warner's character as he underscores the story's overarching message about the perpetuation of harmful traditions. His steadfast commitment to the lottery, despite its devastating consequences, underscores the dangers of blindly adhering to customs that are no longer relevant or justifiable in contemporary society. His character reinforces the idea that clinging to tradition without critical examination can lead to dire consequences.


In conclusion, "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson is a chilling exploration of human nature, conformity, and the insidious effects of tradition. Through a close analysis of characters like Tessie Hutchinson, the villagers as a collective character, and Old Man Warner, we uncover the multifaceted aspects of their personalities, motivations, and thematic significance.

The characters in the story reveal the dark underbelly of societal norms and the human tendency to conform, even when it leads to morally reprehensible actions. They serve as a cautionary tale about the dangers of blind obedience to tradition and the potential for cruelty when individuals prioritize conformity over their own values and instincts.

Shirley Jackson's masterful use of characters and their development within the narrative leaves readers with a profound and lasting impression. "The Lottery" remains a timeless piece of literature that continues to provoke thought and discussion about the human condition and the choices we make in the face of tradition and societal pressure.


Updated: Dec 18, 2023
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Exposing Humanity's Dark Side: A Character Study of 'The Lottery'. (2023, Dec 18). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/exposing-humanitys-dark-side-a-character-study-of-the-lottery-essay

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