Exploring the Immersive Relationship between Play and Games in the Digital Participatory Culture

Games the word for entertainment and fun is known for pleasing human feelings upon different situations. Games are known to be objects consisting of components, rules, an objective, and chance of winning or losing. Games is experiencing a chance of either good or bad luck, moreover, enabling mental satisfaction of the player based on different situations. Furthermore, the presence of Web 2.

0 is a gateway for rapid increased of games in society. The fact of participatory culture in this digital society are causes of Web 2.0 emergence enabling games play to be a “developing trend or attitude”.

Nevertheless, the playing of games based on the digital participatory culture raises the feeling of the player to believe in their contribution while playing alone or with connections of more players. In connection of playing games, it is argued that “ Play is older than culture”, claiming that even “animals have not waited for man to teach them their playing”. As a result this demonstrate the culture of play is not old, hence making games in the 21st participatory culture a play of enthusiasms or other feelings.

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This essay will examine the relationships between play and games demonstrating the game My Garbage Cat Wakes Me Up at 3AM Every Day functioning in connection of the digital participatory culture.

Firstly, the meaning of playing a game is an immersion into that enthusiastic atmosphere. Indeed, media platforms such as television, cinema centers, Facebook and other social platforms are themselves promoting gamification amongst the public in this visual communicative society.

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As a result, turning the attention of players towards game consciousness, moreover, making a core relationship between games and play in front the digital citizens. However, the question, of whether playing games is the cause that young generation are getting into depression and making illegal actions in society, is debatable.

Nevertheless, The Atlantic demonstrate the sudden change amongst youngsters environment claiming, “abrupt changes in teen behaviour patterns that she correlates with the rise of cell phone technology and social media- teens are moving independently.. , socializing more online than in person”. Indeed, the design of games is to enhance a fun atmosphere through interactivity and participation of collaborative functions. It should be noted that games in the digital era includes attractive design in order to increase interactivity and communicative form of virtual worlds. Multiplayer Online Games is the type of technology that includes the characteristics of “design of a fantastic atmosphere that favours the participant’s immersion, interactivity among participants through virtual world, and a story and script structured around challenges that develop critical thinking, teamwork and strategies for problem solving” .

Secondly, The Techno-Semiotic Approach discusses the Peirce’s system of categories that games can present as “a system of signs that resist the player by virtue of their secondness When they are interpreted in the process of playing, some of the ludic signs become more complex”. The game My Garbage Cat Wakes Me Up at 3AM Every Day demonstrates the concept of immersion as the central exploration while playing. In particular, this games present elements of focussing into actions and sounds. The importance of sound in this particular games, raise attention to player in order to acquire a sign of control in moving the cat in throwing objects downwards. As argued in above paragraph, games have a goal. Hence, the cat goal is to wake up the master by making noise. As a result, the presence of interactive movements and sounds causes the player to concentrate carefully in order to complete the required actions.

It is argued that, such game, My Garbage Cat Wakes Me Up At 3AM, interactive actions and sound effect “become mechanical or repetitive, requiring little attention, producing a more shallow form of connection”. It should be noted that little attention in games result in a suitable immersion in playing games as deep immersion in games caused disorders mentally. Nevertheless, to play games, visual presentation has a great importance and form part as a fundamental part in order to make it attractive. The play idea of play in games depends mostly the way it entertains the player. The relationship between play and games forms a major bond and visual screen is seen as an important factor.

The participatory culture, demonstrate large screen elements in recognition the player immersion in the virtual atmosphere. Furthermore, the appropriate use the full screen option in diverging the participant’s attention into the design and interactivity encourages the player to be subject of a good player. In addition, it is argued, “characters and elements on the screen must have distinctive traits that capture the players’ attention”  on shape, actions and colour. In particular, My Garbage Cat Wakes Me Up At 3AM Every Day demonstrate elements whereby the player have to make the cat behave in an odd way through different positions resulting use of different options like Z to make the cat make sound and X to crawl.

The role of players in games is based mostly on language presentation. Indeed, accessible language in describing how to play a game is fundamental in order to guide the player. It is argued that language texts on screen create a logical process of mindset, which encourages players to plan for hypotheses in order to achieve their goal of achievement. My Garbage Cat Wakes Me Up At 3AM Every Day demonstrate the interactive construction of stories within this game language since it include a good standard of grammatical structure guidelines before playing.

The integration of information in game is due to maintain a balance between visual and verbal guidelines provided by the game software while on playing mode. Nevertheless, text on screen presents a clear, concise and facilitation in understanding elements of the game. In particular, creative images on screen and texts enable players to carry out actions in order to bring a balance of coordination between the play and game, for example “commercial video games that correctly satisfy these guidelines are Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XII and Mass Effect 2”.

In conclusion, all play has a great meaning in game. The significant role of play is to function as part in immersing the player in mood of enthusiasms. Since psychologically games create emotions in players, the culture of games playing demonstrates a level of dominance in the digital participatory culture. The example presented, My Garbage Cat Wakes Me Up At 3AM Every Day shares the visual actions involve regarding the way it functions. Nevertheless, design, language and sounds remain a fundamental concept in games. The design creates interactivity, the sound make a mood depending on the game system and language as guidelines to play with an objective.

Indeed, the presence of Web 2.0 have enable technology customers to be much close with play and games. As a result, the rising ratio of gamers creates an active presence of online visual community rather than the traditional games without technology. In particular, media platforms cannot replace games enthusiasm, since media platforms like television, radio or social media platforms are promoting games themselves. Therefore, playing games is the functioning of emotions that are derived within the atmosphere; thus, games carry the function of play in order to achieve the supposed goal.

Updated: Jan 27, 2024
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Exploring the Immersive Relationship between Play and Games in the Digital Participatory Culture. (2024, Jan 27). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/exploring-the-immersive-relationship-between-play-and-games-in-the-digital-participatory-culture-essay

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