Explore Nature at its Best with Cuba Holiday Packages

Categories: ExploreNature

The first known sailor to drop anchor on this cyan isle was Christopher Columbus; was in 1492 who declared it “the most beautiful land human eyes have seen”. Cuba is an amazing holiday hotspot that literally takes your breath away with planned colonial architecture, sensuous salsa dancers, psychedelic Che Guevara murals, fascinating golden sand beaches, and timeless memories of Cuba. Plan holidays in the month of January to Maywhen the weather is relatively warm and explore nature like never before.

Ecotourism- explore nature

Well preserved ecosystems, variegated landscapes and a vast range of flora and fauna make Cuba an exceptional Caribbean destination for nature lovers.

Take eco friendly tour of the island with . Four per cent of the world’s land species live on the Cuban archipelago. It is home to some 6,700 species of native plants as well as 14,000 species of invertebrates and 650 vertebrates, including 350 bird species. Among Cuba’s countless gems are the world’s smallest frog and tiniest bird the bee hummingbird.

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Roaming through the country, visitors will find lush tropical forests, where rare orchids grow; dry mountainous areas, where prehistoric cacti still live; everglades populated by mangrove, manatee and flamingoes; wetlands harboring species important to biotechnology; and hummocks that guard fossilized plants such as the cork palm. The country also boasts more than 100 nature trails and hiking paths. Spelunking, bird-watching, nature photography and horseback riding are only a few of the activities awaiting nature lovers while booking .

Enjoy Water Sports

One of the Caribbean’s most enchanting sailing areas is Cuba.

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An archipelago in the Greater Antilles, Cuba lies at the mouth of the Gulf of Mexico. On Cuba’s coral reefs, divers and snorkelers can get close to vibrant underwater species, fabulous topography and unusual wrecks. Much treasure lies beneath the unpolluted waters of the Cuban archipelago, which offers through-water visibility of 30 to 40 metres waiting to be explored with . Home to more than 500 varieties of fish, crustaceans, sponges, mollusks and coral, Cuba’s ecosystem is one of the most treasured in the Caribbean. And the wrecks of several 17th- and 18th-century Spanish galleons carrying valuable cargo provide treasure-hunting of a different sort. One well preserved wreck that went down more than 100 years ago near Santiago de Cuba is the 6,800-ton El Cristobel Colon, once the pride of the Spanish navy. The wreck is also home to colourful underwater life that attracts tourists. Spectacular canyons and caves harbour natural treasures galore. You can see eye to eye with angelfish, squirrelfish, groupers and more. You can gaze in awe at tortoises, sharks, blue marlin and swordfish. Or visit coral gardens that rival any on earth. And take home memories to brag about during Cuba Holidays.

Enticing attractions

Numerous regal and relic sites of historical and cultural importance await visitors. To gain more insight into the city’s past visit the Santa Ifigenia Cemetery, Diego Velasquez House and the El Cobre Sanctuary. The thriving metropolis offers a handful of attractions and places to shop, shop for the finest cigars in the world, there are various places that offer a handsome amount of shopping experience with shop, dine and relax in this nature blessed country. The resorts and hotels within the island are inexpensive offering world class amiable facilities. Embark on a hedonistic holidaying experience to this enigmatical land and take back memories worth reminiscing.


Cuba is an enticing Caribbean island that allures visitors with its varied natural breathtaking attractions. Travelers lose their hearts as soon as they but their eyes to it. Book with Crystal Travel and embark on the journey of exploring nature like never before.


Updated: Dec 12, 2023
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Explore Nature at its Best with Cuba Holiday Packages. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/explore-nature-at-its-best-with-cuba-holiday-packages-new-essay

Explore Nature at its Best with Cuba Holiday Packages essay
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