Enjoy the Zanzibar Holiday Packages in the majestic city

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Zanzibar is an unspoilt paradise which a mesmerizing heaven on earth and an eye candy for vacation planners. It is an archipelago made up of Zanzibar and Pemba Islands, and several islets. This city is located in the Indian Ocean, and is known as Unguja locally and Zanzibar as internationally. A mesmerised vacation in Zanzibar can be characterised as beautifully laid sandy beaches with fringing coral reefs, and the magic of historic Stone Town which is said to be the only functioning ancient town in East Africa.

This enthralling city is much more than just being a beach holiday. It includes a diverse archipelago which is waiting to be divulged, with a far-fetched history, regal cultural heritage and the oldest functioning Swahili city in the world complementing a variety of pristine beaches and stunning coral reefs. Water activities thrive with diving, fishing and yachting at a top notch level.

Palace Museum

Take and visit the Illuminating lifestyle of the Sultan legacy in Zanzibar, the Palace Museum.

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It was originally called the Sultan’s Palace and later became the official residence of the Al Busid dynasty in 1911. The sprawling white building is situated on the harbour road with breathtaking sea panoramas. It is the most recent of the Sultans’ palaces and was occupied till the revolution in 1964. The Palace Museum houses a numerous of the Sultans’ elaborate furniture and possessions as well as a room dedicated to the life of Sultan Sayyid Said’s daughter, Princess Salme. Renowned for her manuscript called ‘Memoirs of an Arabian Princess’, this significant autobiography is the only written account of what life was like for Arab women of the Royal court in the 1800s.

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One can thus spend a lavish holiday venturing into the past taking Cheap Zanzibar Holidays.

Northern Beaches

Sea, sun and sand lovers can book with and enjoy the many superb white sand beaches, warm tranquil waters and picturesque villages around framed along the bustling town life, particularly along the northern east coast. Tourists can find many dhows with curved sails drift along close to shore and fisherman offer their fresh catches of the day to the simple seaside restaurants. Take and mesmerise the all offered by this enthralling city. From the miles of pristine beaches dotted with pockets of guesthouses to the most popular locations, particularly with the younger crowd. One can enjoy everything from scrumptious authentic food to lavish venture around the city environs or trying out water sports at the beaches.

Jozani Chwaka Bay Conservation Area

One can head to the largest conservation area in Zanzibar the Jozani Chwaka Bay Conservation Area which is renowned for its hairy ape residents and the Red Columbus Monkey. Due to large-scale cultivation, firewood collection, harvesting building materials and charcoal and lime making, Zanzibar’s forests have been largely depleted, making the Jozani Chwaka Bay conservation area a significant natural landscape which is a must visit if you have booked with Zanzibar Holidays. Nature lovers can walk through the 100 different towering tree species and be in awe at the rich variety of birdlife and other small wildlife that inhabit the cool woodland area.


This enthralling city is an unspoilt paradise, offering a magnificent cityscape, landscape and a heavenly ambiance. Visit Crystal Travel to experience some of the most amazing beaches and stunning coral reefs attracting many travellers from around the world.

DAN is an experienced content writer for business development at Zanzibar Holiday Packages. For more information on Zanzibar and visit :http://www.crystaltravel.co.uk/zanzibar-holiday-packages.aspx

Updated: Jun 05, 2020

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Enjoy the Zanzibar Holiday Packages in the majestic city essay
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