Exaggeration as a literary device in portraying Florence Nightingale, by Lytton Strachey

Categories: Florence Nightingale

The Possessed Nightingale

The most popular version of Florence Nightingale can be perceived as a woman of great intentions who helped those who needed it. Lytton Strachey's perspective of this well-known story differs from most, instead of seeing a generous woman, Strachey sees a courageous and brave embodiment of an eagle. This peculiar point of view can be shown throughout his usage of imagery, syntax, language, tone, and diction.

Florence Nightingale is perceived as the powerful woman who founded modern day nursing, however, no one goes into depth about her struggles and obstacles she had to endure to do what she felt compelled to do.

Throughout the text, Stachey uses his imagery to show the reader how Florence felt throughout the duration of her lifetime. He goes on to say how she was “possessed” with this need to help people, however the people around her did not seem to support her or her dream. Strachey’s usage of imagery allows the audience to picture how Nightingale was feeling as she moved throughout her life facing many difficulties.

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The audience can see the vivid images Strachey seems to flow through his writing using very descriptive and detailed words.

Also, the language that is used in his writing is very metaphoric and symbolic using analogies that can show the reader a comparison to what he is saying to how Nightingale’s story is portrayed. This combined with the author’s tone can show Strachey’s total understanding of how Florence felt and how her life was.

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His tone is very tense and is engulfed with a lot of emotion however he still manages to pass off the idea that he admires her strength and motivation.

Another element that further moves Strachey’s writing is the syntax of both long and short sentences. His usage of long and detailed sentences helps the audience fully understand what is meant to be said whilst the short and blunt sentences go straight to the point. The way Strachey questions his own thoughts throughout the text can also show how he questions the story of Florence Nightingale. He also seems to answer his own questions as if he is trying to figure it out with the reader by his side.

Lastly, his diction can further show his true emotion to the story of Florence Nightingale as well as his own opinion. He uses his diction to improve his conviction into a meaningful piece of text. His usage of large emotional words like “possessed”, “agitations”, or even “devoured” to emphasize his different view of Florence Nightingale. As he explains her storyline, his unusual way of describing her need for helping others can further show his own conception of her story.

The usage of these different writing elements can take the story places and enhance the audience’s reading. Strachey’s conception of Florence Nightingale is completely different to most since everyone has a different perspective of different things. However using these specific writing elements can help the reader understand what he truly sees for himself.

Updated: Feb 17, 2024
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Exaggeration as a literary device in portraying Florence Nightingale, by Lytton Strachey. (2024, Feb 17). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/exaggeration-as-a-literary-device-in-portraying-florence-nightingale-by-lytton-strachey-essay

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