Ernesto Guevara: A Hero or A Murderer

Categories: History


Ernesto "Che" Guevara is a figure who has left an indelible mark on history, evoking both admiration and controversy. Hailing from Argentina, Guevara became a symbol of revolutionary struggle and a champion of the oppressed. His life and actions have sparked debates about his true legacy – whether he should be celebrated as a hero of the downtrodden or condemned as a murderer who disregarded human rights. This essay aims to delve into the complex persona of Ernesto Guevara, examining his contributions to social change, his role in revolutions, and the ethical implications of his actions.

The Heroic Narrative:

Guevara's journey towards becoming a revolutionary icon began with his medical studies, which led him to explore the impoverished regions of Latin America. Witnessing the stark inequality and injustice faced by the marginalized populations deeply impacted him, igniting a desire to fight for their rights. His famous motorcycle journey across South America further exposed him to the struggles of the continent's people, shaping his perception of the systemic injustices prevalent in the region (Anderson, 1997).

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During the Cuban Revolution, Guevara played a pivotal role alongside Fidel Castro in overthrowing the corrupt Batista regime. His expertise in guerrilla warfare and his determination to bring about social change earned him respect among the Cuban people and revolutionaries worldwide. Guevara's contributions to healthcare and education reforms in Cuba are also notable, reflecting his commitment to improving the lives of the disenfranchised (Harvey, 2008).

The Dark Side:

However, Guevara's legacy is not without its darker aspects. His involvement in revolutionary movements extended to other countries as well, including the Congo and Bolivia.

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In these contexts, accusations of brutality and disregard for human rights emerged. Guevara's famous quote, "I feel a great hatred for the North American enemy," underscores his militant stance against the United States, raising questions about his commitment to peaceful coexistence (Guevara, 1964).

The execution of suspected informants and perceived enemies, particularly during his time in Cuba, is a stain on Guevara's record. The execution of Eutimio Guerra, a peasant accused of being a spy, remains a controversial episode, with critics arguing that it reveals a ruthless side to his character (Bonné, 2010). This ruthless streak challenges the heroic narrative surrounding Guevara, raising concerns about the morality of his actions.

The Ethical Dilemma:

The debate over whether Guevara should be celebrated as a hero or condemned as a murderer hinges on the ethical implications of his actions. While he undeniably fought against oppressive regimes and advocated for the rights of the marginalized, his methods often involved violence and disregard for due process. The tension between his ideals and his actions prompts a reflection on the ethics of revolutionary tactics.

Guevara's belief in armed struggle as a means to achieve justice can be contrasted with nonviolent methods championed by figures like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. These contrasting approaches highlight the ongoing ethical debate surrounding the acceptable limits of resistance in the face of oppression (Gaventa, 1980). The question emerges: Can a person who resorts to violence in pursuit of justice still be considered a hero?


Ernesto Guevara's legacy remains deeply polarizing, encapsulating both the heroic narrative of a revolutionary icon and the darker reality of his actions. His commitment to social justice and the rights of the oppressed is undeniable, but the means he employed to achieve these ends are subject to scrutiny. Guevara's legacy prompts us to confront complex questions about the ethics of resistance, the limits of violence, and the nature of heroism itself.

As we evaluate Guevara's life and actions, it is crucial to engage with multiple perspectives and sources that shed light on his motivations, methods, and the historical contexts in which he operated. The complexity of Guevara's legacy challenges us to grapple with the inherent tensions between ideals and actions, and to recognize that history is rarely a simple narrative of heroes or villains, but a complex interplay of both.

Updated: Aug 16, 2023
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Ernesto Guevara: A Hero or A Murderer essay
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