Environmental Issues - Air pollution


Recently, the fresh air of the environment is getting polluted because of the mixing of smoke, carbon emission, and other harmful materials. Polluted air can caused health problems and death. Air pollution is one of the most important environmental issues which require to be solved by all of us to increase the awareness among the Malaysians about these issues. Pollutant may persist in the air only briefly or for several years. From regulatory perspective, air pollution is a substance that is or maybe present as concentration that exceed its safe concentration.

The air is not polluted if none of its constituent were out of compliance with an air quality standard. Regulatory agencies may refer to criteria pollutant, air toxic or hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) that have never been published standards that are intended to protect susceptible population or the general publics. There is evidence in the medical department that air pollution is damaging to health. Smoke from burning vegetation contains particle matter that is inhaled and transported into the lungs, causing respiratory problems that can cause to other health issues.

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This pollution give badly affects especially to children and older adults. Exposed children can develop respiratory infection, which can cause of death.


Open burning is a major source that caused air pollution in Malaysia.

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Open burning is a common thing that Malaysian done without any filter to reduce their waste. It gave excessive pollution due to the smoke that contained hazardous and toxic gasses. Other than that, open burning in Indonesia also cause air pollution in Malaysia. The fires destroyed over 12 million hectares of land and covered much of the country in thick smoke for weeks. The smoke even reached parts of Malaysia and Singapore with the most extreme level of pollutant that exceeds the Air Pollution Index (API) reached around September and October every year. The authorities need to take an action to reduce the air pollution that caused by open burning by prohibit open burning activities of the varies purpose such as the disposal of construction waste, the clearance of a site in preparation for construction work, disposal of tyres, burning straw after harvest season and many more.

Updated: May 19, 2021

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