English- letter from Romeo to Lord Montague/to Father

Categories: English Language

Dear Father,

I apologize for all that I have done. I haven't told you everything that has been going on and I should have done. I'm sorry. I have a robe of guilt hanging over my shoulders, which I would like to get rid of, and I would like to take this opportunity to explain everything, as this will be my last chance.

I have fallen in love. However it isn't Rosaline's heart I sought out for, for so long. It is Juliet Capulet.

I know that our families are fighting over my doubted love for Rosaline, and I apologize for all the trouble I have caused over that.

I loved Juliet from the moment I saw her.

My friends and I decided to go to the Capulet's ball, the one that was held a few days ago, on the eve of our last brawl. I know that that was wrong enough, let alone meeting sweet Juliet there. I took the sin from her lips, when she was supposed to be seeing the noble Count Paris.

She didn't mind so I thought that I wasn't doing any wrong.

She looked so beautiful that I couldn't possible leave without saying good-bye.

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I climbed their orchard walls in a desperate attempt to see her and waited just hiding in the bushes near to her balcony. I was surprised to hear her calling my name, to which I answered, obviously. We embraced on the balcony and decided there and then to get married. We were too caught up in our love for each other to wait a while.

I don't regret what I did one bit I just wish that you were there to see how happy she made me when I was near to her.

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I left to go and pay a visit to Friar Lawrence's cell to work out the arrangements that would be needed. Later that morning, Juliet and I were married by Friar Lawrence. I was even happier knowing that I was bound to her, I couldn't tell you. The longer this went on the harder it became for me to tell you. I hope that you understand.

After Mercutio died and my anger made me murder Tybalt, I loved Juliet more that ever before. The only reason that I didn't want to fight Tybalt in the first place was because I felt bound to him. As him being the cousin of my wife, I loved him as a friend and didn't want to fight as enemies' any longer. Tybalt and Mercutio didn't know that any of this because the only people that we allowed to know and needed to know were, the holy Friar Lawrence and my Juliet's nurse. They are both good people, so don't harm them in any way or blame them for what has been going on when I am gone. Gone, yes father, I have to go. There is no place without Verona's walls, but there is no world without Juliet. Now that she I s dead I must follow her because of the vows that we made between us. I hope you understand the true love that has bonded us. I will not die a painful death, as I know that will grieve you. I will take some poison to quench me of my thirst for Juliet and help me return to her. I love Juliet and will die for her.

When I am gone, Friar Lawrence isn't to be harmed or blamed in any way. He did what God said was right. Friar Lawrence was a good, holy and trustworthy man. He didn't tell you because none of you asked; this means that he wasn't untrustworthy or dishonest. He understood our love and respected it. We all thought that our love would bring both of the families together. I hope that the love I had for Juliet will be passed on to you so you may use it to love Juliet's family, the Capulets. You have been so wrapped up in revenge for the Capulets; you have neglected to see the truth.

So many timed I have nearly let it slip, but I was afraid that you wouldn't understand and listen to the whole story. I have been waiting for the right moment, and I thought that this was it. Now that you have listened, I thank you for you time.

Please take heed of what I have said and don't neglect my advise.

I won't be seeing you again but I apologize for everything. Hiding everything, committing murder and getting banished. At least now I will rest in peace with that robe of guilt lifted form my shoulders.

Please give my regards to dear mother and tell her not to worry. I have done what

I think is best and I have followed my heart.

Say sorry to all of my friends for not telling them the whole story.

My apologizes


  • http://shakespeare.mit.edu/romeo_juliet/full.html
  • https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_in_text_citations_the_basics.html
Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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English- letter from Romeo to Lord Montague/to Father. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/english-letter-from-romeo-to-lord-montague-to-father-essay

English- letter from Romeo to Lord Montague/to Father essay
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